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The rescuer was the classic story book hero in height and build, and for what he had in muscle he did not lack in brain. He  spoke more than one syllable at a time, he grunted, socialized, and tended the mission with dedication, offering more orders when needed to the six members of his team. He smelt of sharp cologne that oozed confidence, his figure lean and muscular as he continued the job. Everyone just called him Big Boss, the respect always present as they addressed him. The Americans were bothered by him, he was the best without a shed of doubt, the competition brewing as they moved forward together divided, he spoke perfect English, the Americans taken back slightly at how perfect this captain was. He could see the jealousy pouring from their eyes, but chose not to acknowledge it. Mark slapped an arm around his shoulder "They hate you soooo much." He said breaking into hits of laughter as he suppressed a smirk. He signalled mark to quieten down as they proceeded forth. Out of nowhere bullets started to dance around them, their formation scattered, as they dove away from each other. He  being the first to recover shouted out incoherently to his team who knew exactly what he meant. Covering him, they fired bullets towards the opposition creating a path for him to go down as he reached the hut, his boys following in moments later. His eyes met up into the enemy's eyes. Brown hazel meeting blue as Jackson whipped of his helmet throwing it to the side along with his gun. His eyes never moving away from the target, who rushed to take a hit at him. The two engaging in hand to hand combat, like two flames dancing around each other. This wasn't an ordinary battle. It was strategic. The man stepped forward, fist lunging forward as Jackson caught it in his right hand, twisting it backwards and kicking his knee causing him to buckle to the floor, he slammed him down, punching his face as he stood away for a second for the man to recover. Taking out a knife he ran at Jackson who had anticipated the attack from a mile away. He grabbed his wrist that contained the knife clicking it in such away that forced him to drop the knife, the man quickly grabbing a gun pointing it at Jackson as the boys aimed theirs at him for their leader. Jackson raised his hands signalling his team to lower theirs as he kept his eyes trained to the enemy, he grabbed the gun in a swift movement aiming it at the man "Is this really how you want it?" He asked, his voice husky and firm as he looked into his eyes, threatening the man to take a step forward to see the consequences. Foolishly he did...a gun sounding moments later with blood splattering to the floor. Jackson dropped the gun turning around whilst holding his ear piece "Mission a success." The boys cheered around him, wrapping an arm around him and each other as they walked past the Americans who looked annoyed, Jackson nodded at the leader of the squadron before being pushed away by the boys. Out of nowhere a gunshot was heard, the boys spinning around as Jinyoung fell to the floor, slumping on Jackson who caught him. "You idiot why did you take the bullet!" He screamed as Jinyoung smiled. "We need to get to a hospital now! Where's the closest?" Orders were fired out by Jackson as an ambulance arrived moments later. He hopped in with Mark the other boys stating for them to go while they go brief the chief on what had happened. Jackson nodded, his focus turning to Jinyoung. "Stay with me man." His hand resting at the wound site to apply as much pressure as possible, his hands coated in one of his best friends blood. He looked at Mark who wore a similar expression of worry, as he held Jackson's shoulder in comfort.

In about twenty minutes, with Jackson swearing at the driver to hurry up, they reached Seoul city hospital, they helped move Jinyoung out pushing him forward as a young girl came forth, the paramedic talking to her as she nodded, moving through the doors the boys running with them, the young girl going by the name Yeri, turned to one of the nurses "Page Dr Bae." She nodded as she pulled Jinyoung into theatre room number 1, telling the boys to wait outside. Jackson paced back and forth, waiting, his heart on his sleeve as Mark, stood next to him equally tensed. Irene ran down the corridor, past the doors tying up her face mask, her eyes locking with Jackson's as she ran into the theatre room. His eyes remained locked to her form watching as she took charge of the situation, thankful that there was someone who knew what they were doing. He watched in confusion as her eyes widened looking to the door to him and Mark, before quickly averting her eyes and working on Jinyoung to stabilises his heartbeat that was failing dramatically. He stood closer to the door, watching her latex clad hands work wonders as she worked promptly fishing out the bullet in matters of seconds, the relief reflected in her eyes as she moved to close his wound up. She watched as the oxygen levels returned to where they should be, his heart steadying as she looked at the other doctors in the room, he watched her dish out orders, ripping away the gloves, and taking a pen out to scribble something down on the board. She seemed to ask something as the nurse signalled to the boys outside, she looked at them, nodding as she took off the protective glasses she wore and began removing her face mask. She walked backwards giving the last of the orders as he watched her chuck the mask into the bin, landing first time as the others cheered at her, laughing she swung around meeting Mark and Jackson. Jackson stood astonished at her beauty. Her short frame and slender body were like of a Victoria secret model. Alluringly, she would blink her eyes from time to time, allowing her eyelashes to flutter like the wings of a butterfly. My god, her eyes were simply spellbinding he thought.Her eyes was a rapturous shade of cerulean green and brown much more appealing then his own  hazel-auburn rondured sphere he thought. Her eyes held a coruscate gleam that enhanced their beauty. Her ears  were concealed by dark caramel coloured waves, enhanced her face. He felt his heart skip a beat, as he turned to Mark, confused at the smile he wore, even more confused to see the same smile on her face, as Mark pulled her into a hug. Her laughter captivating him as he felt himself uncharacteristically smile. He watched as they parted. "Gosh Irene...it's been years." She laughed again "it has." She replied simply as he smiled "Am I supposed to salute you?" Jackson's face dropped again into confusion, as she slapped Mark. "I left the military, there's no need." He watched her eyes drop as his own widened, so this was the captain he had heard about, he heard the rumours, everyone did. But he never paid them much attention too focused on himself and his work. "We miss you." He heard Mark say, Jackson watched her draw a painful smile "I miss you guys too, but hey this is my life now...welcome." She said sarcastically spreading her arms around before continuing "I must say I wasn't expecting to see one of you guys on a stretcher in need of medical attention." Mark laughed "What can I say we are full of surprises." She laughed. "You got lucky..." she said addressing both of them now, looking at Jackson and nodding in acknowledgment of his presence as he recuperated the action. "The bullet didn't hit anything vital, everything is pretty much in tact thankfully, more than anything he just needs rest, it was an easy extraction, and so it should be an easy recovery." They nodded as Jackson finally found his voice "Thanks for letting us know." He said nodding at her, watching her smile. "Ahhh you guys don't know each other...Irene this is Our captain Jackson-" "IRENE!" She heard, her focus turning away from the handsome man she had just begun to scan over. "What." She yelled back "Mass shooting, ten minutes out, about twenty casualties..." she sighed, face palming, turning to Jackson "it's nice to meet you, I'm sorry to cut this short, but duty calls, I'll be back to check on him and I'll give you guys a better update once he's awake. Okay?" They watched as she smiled at them "IRENE!" She heard again, rolling her eyes at the boys, she turned "Five minutes out!" "I get it I'm coming shut up!" She yelled back. "Sorry." She said softly, Jackson, captured by the softness of her voice watched as she ran down the hall, his eyes locked to her form. "She's beautiful right?" Mark said wriggling his eye brows as Jackson slapped him hard, "Shut up." He said back, his eyes watching as her form disappeared from his sight.


Authors note:
Hope you are having an amazing week, and I hope you enjoy this one, let me know what you think in the comment devotion below, I look forward to hearing back. Lots of love and best wishes to you all.

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