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Jackson had rushed home after he told his family he was leaving, hearing the hushed whispers of his gossiping aunts who seemed satisfied with the drama they had received, his hands played against the steering wheel as he pressed on the accelerator, his eyes flashing to his mirrors and the cars in front of him. He had no idea she would turn up, just when he was about to give in, something else ruined it. He fucked things up further. He punched his steering wheel in anger, his eyes watering as he did, he swerved car after car racing to get back home. To get back to her. And he arrived in record time, his heart thundering so loud as he looked out to see if his car was there. It wasn't. He quickly shut the engine off, ripping his seatbelt off in one swift movement before slamming the door shut so loudly he was sure the neighbours heard it. He ran up the steps to the door, fiddling with the keys as he shoved it in unlocking the door and running in. "Irene?" He called in desperation, looking around the house for her. She wasn't here. He panicked rushing to her room, and opening cupboard after cupboard. His heart receiving some form of relief to see that her belongings where still here. He sat down on her bed, his head now in his hands as he sobbed. He couldn't lose her. He knew he had been selfish up till now and she didn't deserve it. He thought things were going well, but he noticed. He noticed the way she would keep everything to a minimum. She would do her duty but not overstep. And it hurt him more. He was responsible for this damage and he didn't know how to undo it. He wanted to be better for her. Yet just when he made her smile he also made her cry. And now Jin had been added back to the mix, fucking everything up ten times more than it already was. He hated this. He hated himself. He looked up, his eyes catching the photo of them by her bed. And he realised just how much she had been torturing herself. For him. He looked at them. A facade of happiness to the world. And at that point to her. He closed his eyes, a silent vow to stand by his words, the words he knew she no longer had any belief in, but he would fix this. For her. For them. He placed the picture down on her bed, standing up and heading to his room.  Hours later he looked at the clock. 4 AM. He sighed turning to the cooler side of the bed, his tears trailing down to his pillow as he waited for a sound to calm his tormented heart. It never came.


Irene drove aimlessly for an hour, her heart aching to the point she felt sick. Her tears constantly blurring her vision, as she swerved again narrowly missing a car. She had nearly been in about six accidents with her restless driving, the honking of the horns falling deaf to her ears as she continued her journey to nowhere. She hated Jackson. She hated him. She hated life. Just when things were finally getting back on track, just when she was thinking about opening her heart to him, life reminded her why she was better of alone. She cursed, she screamed, she cried. Her heart battered beyond repair as she replayed the way he looked at her, the way he seemed to beg her to hold on just for a moment to let him explain. To let him fix this. But he couldn't. He wouldn't be able to and she hated him for it. She hated the fact that she was in love with a man who was with another. She hated that she had no control over herself when it came to him. Her eyes closed for a split second, the anger returning as she saw him and her. She didn't know what was worse, seeing another in his arms or the fact that she still hadn't seen his lovers face. She wanted to, she needed to...to tell herself that she wasn't what was wrong, to ease the hurt that followed her all the time. She heard a horn blare from behind her as she continued unbothered. This was getting more toxic by the second. But what had she expected? For them to play happy family all of a sudden like the past three months hadn't happened. Her brain laughed bitterly cutting that fantasy into snippets. She swore louder her heart pounding so hard that she found it hard to breathe, she pulled up, her eyes closing and resting against the headrest, her hands gripping the steering wheel to the point her knuckles turned white. 'Not again.' Her brain chimed, as her breaths became more irregular, she gulped down her cries, her body becoming more exhausted by the second, a trial of sweat falling down her forehead as she slammed on her armrest to open the windows, inhaling the air for her lungs, as she calmed herself down. Managing just that she continued to drive, reaching the hospital. She walked past Bogum and Suelgi who had been laughing about something on his phone, the two pausing to watch her, walking like the dead into the doctors lounge, the smiles on their faces falling as they watched. Irene opened a cupboard, taking a blanket before collapsing to the couch, huddled in it for warmth and comfort. Suelgi opened the door, the lights off, her eyes setting on Irene's shaking form, her face dropping more as she walked in. "Irene?" She asked moving forward. "What's happened?" She tried. "I'm fine Suel..." she said, signalling that she wanted to be left alone. Suelgi tensed, hearing it in her voice, she nodded whispering a small okay as she retreated out of the room, telling all other doctors to stay out of the room. Her eyes flickering to the door in concern.


The following morning, Jackson woke to the sound of a door opening, his drowsy eyes shaking awake as he ran down the stairs nearly tripping several times. His hair disheveled as he raked a hand through it. His eyes instantly meeting hers. He gulped, her body wearing a boys hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans. He felt his heart crack for a second, as he took a step forward, his hand raising as a mean to express himself, his hand clenching into a fist as she walked past him. His eyes widening. "Irene." He called. "What." She snapped. He was taken back by the resentment but he knew he deserved it. "Are you okay? You didn't come home last night...I was worried." "Oh wow, so you spent a night the way I do...congratulations." She smiled  sarcastically, her eyes rolling as she fished in her bag. "Irene.." he attempted again, his hand moving forward to rest on her shoulder. She moved before he had the chance. "Why didn't you come home?" He whispered. "Because I didn't want to see you." She spat back, her eyes watering again much to her annoyance. Silence rung out as she continued to rummage through her bag, before slamming it to the floor. She rubbed her temples turning to him and shoving his chest. "You have the audacity to ask me if I'm okay? No I'm not fucking okay." "If this is about Jin. I'm working on it. I won't let him touch you." "You think I'm bothered by that. I couldn't give two shits if he fucking kills me what's hurting me is the constant humiliation that you continue to put me through. I've let you have your fun Jackson. I've continued to let you be with whoever the hell she is and yet you can't seem to give me an ounce of respect in return. Was this why you came back home? Did you plan this? To make sure that I still know my place. Well I know Jackson I'm aware but I've just lost my entire face in front of your entire family and other clients that I have worked hard to get for your family." "I didn't know she was going to come. I hadn't spoken to her." She laughed. "Great." She said, turning back to him. "Well learn to control your whore then." She said before walking away. He gripped her wrist. "Just listen to me." She shoved him back. "No you listen to me. I'm allowed to be hurt. You've been hurting me none stop and the happiness I've worked hard for and finally found, I'm not letting you ruin it." She walked away successfully this time slamming her door closed, the impact ringing out in the house, as he rubbed his temples, his hand gripping a glass tightly until it smashed in his hands, he closed his eyes picking up the shards of glass, hearing her come back down the stairs. He paused keeping his back to her, her eyes looking in confusion. She walked in front of him her eyes seeing the glass and blood. "God Jackson." She said, leading him to a chair, she grabbed the kitchen towel, applying pressure to it, as she opened the kitchen cabinet for a first aid kit. He watched her as she worked, her hands applying pressure to his to restrict the blood flow. She stood above him, removing his cap and softening down his hair. "Your not feeling light headed?" He shook his head watching as she concentrated on his wound. She felt his intense stare, her cheeks colouring slightly as she moved the towel to inspect the wound, blood still pouring out from the wound. "What the hell happened?" She asked. "I broke a glass..." their eyes locked. As she took a deep breath, "God your loosing so much blood." Her voice cracked slightly, her gaze remaining lowered as she worked. "I'm okay." He said in attempts to reassure her. He watched her gulp, sitting in the chair next to him and moving forward, her hands reapplying pressure to the wound. Her eyes sauntering up to his, their eyes remaining locked, no words spoken. Five minutes past, Irene breaking away relieved to see that the blood flow had stopped, she placed some antiseptic on it, noticing him wince at the contact. She blew on the wound slightly before bandaging it properly. She moved away, taking the kit and cloth with her. She knelt down carefully picking up the shards of glass, he knelt down as well, as she pushed him back, "Sit back down. I've got it." She watched him walk back, crouching to pick up the large pieces before vacuuming the remains up. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear walking back up to him. "Your not feeling light headed yeah?" He shook his head as she nodded turning away. He rushed out the chair hugging her from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder. "I'm sorry." He said. She closed her eyes, allowing herself the moment of contact before ripping away from him. "I don't forgive you." She whispered back, walking away.


Authors note:
Heyyyyyyyyy. Hope you like this one. Let me know what you think in the comment section below. Lots of love and best wishes to you all, stay safe xx

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