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Jackson ducked into the house in most inconspicuous way he could. By pretending to be on Jin's side. He wore the face mask that was handed to him, laughing at how easy this was. He strolled in, nodding to the chief as the others waited for jin, holding the chief hostage. Jin loosened his tie walking in. "Best believe you are causing a hell of a lot of shit old man. I had to ditch my date to come and give you this gift." Jackson rolled his eyes, his hands clenching into fists as Jin took out his gun, trailing it on the neck of the chief. Jackson remained focused pushing the thoughts of his wife out of his mind as he continued to watch the scene, finally getting the message from the boys that they were in position. He allowed Jin his time to make his stupid speech, his eyes rolling every five seconds at the shit that was coming out of his mouth. He fired, the bullet hitting a vase, as Jackson's eyes flashed to his chief who seemed to brace himself. Jackson moved quickly and swiftly grabbing his wrist firing the gun up at the chandelier that hung over them, he tackled Jin to the floor, as the boys swiftly entered disarming Jin's men and untying the chief before taking him to safety. Jackson felt Jin kick him in the shin, before trying to dislocate his shoulder. Jackson was faster however, quickly freeing his arm and swinging punch after punch. Jin rolled over grabbing a knife, swinging so violently that you could hear it cut the air. Jackson ducked and swerved his hands out in defence waiting for the opportunity as to when Jin would expose him so that Jackson could disarm him. He caught his wrist again, shoving him back and twisting his hand so that Jin was forced to drop the knife. He swung back, his leg going out in round house kick to get Jin off his feet. He reached back for his gun pointing at Jin who laughed sadistically. Jackson felt his body tense, his boys now becoming surrounded as Jackson looked around, hearing Jin's menacing laughter ringing out. "Wow Wang. Didn't think you had in it you." Jackson kicked him in the ribs earning a groan. "Go on. Kill me." He seethed. "End it right here Wang because you won't get the opportunity again." Jackson looked at him, his mind flashing back to a time when they were friends, when instead of holding a gun to each other, they took bullets for one another. A time where they had each other's back, instead of trying to back stab each other. Jackson let out a roar of anger, directing the gun, besides Jin whose eyes widened up at him. Jackson dropped the gun, taking out the restraints. Jin attempted to escape Jackson turning him over roughly and handcuffing him. He handed him over to one of his old training partners V who smiled at him. "We finally did it Bro." He said , Jackson smiled back at him. "Yeah finally." V pushed Jin to one of his team members who nodded at Jackson in acknowledgment holding Jin in place. V shook his hand. "Till next time brother." Jackson smiled again as V pulled him for a hug. "We have to thank that wife of yours. She beautiful." Jackson laughed, "yeah, stay away." V chuckled holding his hands up in mock surrender as Jackson smirked at him, turning to the van, to see a drowsy Irene holding his blazer tightly, for warmth. He smiled up at her, her eyes awakening, as he leaned into the van. "Thank you irene." He said, her eyes taking in the brightest smile he offered her since their wedding. She nodded not quite comprehending the situation. She offered him a small smile as his hands brushed into her hair, their eyes locked as he did. Mark stood watching a smile on his face, that soon dropped. A loud resounding shot heard. Mark stood straight from his leaning position, Jackson pulling Irene to his chest in attempts to shield her from what he thought was an attack. He turned watching a car speed away his eyes widening as he moved away from Irene. They heard incoherent shouts as Jackson, Mark and Irene pushed forth. V lying on the floor, blood oozing out from his chest. Jackson crouched down on his knees, shaking him in attempts to get a response out of him. He cursed as he looked at Irene who handed his blazer to Mark, crouching besides her husband. "Irene come on save him, he's loosing too much blood." She moved to check for a pulse, her features visibly paling as she turned to Jackson gulping. "He's gone Jackson." She said, her eyes holding pain at the sight of his tears and unconcealed plight. "No!" He shouted. Irene wincing slightly as she watched her husband. "Jack..." she breathed standing on her knees. She pulled him into her embrace, his head resting on her chest, his body shuddering as he broke down. The others in similar states as Irene's hands played with curls trying to calm his sobs. She felt his arms wrap around her waist holding her closer, her own wrapping around him. Her previous anger flushed out of her system, as she held him closer. She kissed the top of his forehead, her own eyes watering as she moved forward to close the soldiers eyes that were still open. Jackson clung to her, as he gripped V's shoulder his hands coated in his blood. She looked up to see everyone else on their knees breaking in a similar way that caused her heart to thump and ache in pain. She cursed herself for not being able to do anything. For not being able to take away their pain, and save this man, who looked so warm and giving. She hated that she couldn't ease the pain of her husband. She saw a ambulance pull up to take his body, the paramedics trying to remove the body. Jackson sprung out of her arms fighting to hold onto V. She pulled him back as he tried to break away from her, his cries becoming more painful to her ears as she signalled them to take V. Jackson sobbed. Another amazing soldier lost. Another brother that Jackson had to let go off. His sadness erupted into anger, as he felt Irene hold him tight, his anger dissolving before it had a chance to properly explode. "I got you." She whispered, and he believed her. He let her near. He felt her play with his hair waiting patiently for him to calm down, her arm cradling his head, his hand grasping onto it softly as he settled. It took awhile but she succeed in calming his burnt heart. He pushed himself out of her arms, the numb look in his eyes making her shudder as he stood. She watched him walk away, her heart quenching with worry but deciding to let him be alone. She turned to her other boys, opening her arms as they ran to her breaking down as she held them in a group hug, offering silent condolences. She didn't notice Jackson turn back to watch her, his heart smiling at the sight. He watched her for a minute before walking away. He had lost V. And they had lost Jin to the point of no redemption. War had been declared.


Mark had taken her home, opening the door to see him sitting on the floor, leaning against the sofa, she saw pictures chucked around carelessly on the floor. She closed the door softly, taking of her shoes and walking towards him, she had changed out of the dress into some comfortable clothes, she took a deep breath dropping the bag that held the dress to the floor by her shoes. She took steps further, her feet carrying her to the broken soul in front of her. The need to heal. She sat besides him, no words spoken. She looked at him, his cap hiding his eyes from her view, her eyes trained on him, her eyes catching the tear that rolled down his chiselled face. Her hand reached forward wiping it away. He turned to her, as she offered him a sad smile. She shuffled forward, her head now leading on his shoulder, her hand intertwining with his. No words spoken. Just silent comfort., he closed his eyes, his cheek now resting on her head as she squeezed his hand, the peace that he was desperate to find, being found through her presence. They didn't move from that spot the rest of the night, staying together. For the first time since they had gotten married.


Friday came around quicker than anticipated. Irene had made sure to message Jackson everyday of the week to make sure he was okay. Every hour his phone would bleep with a message that warmed his heart. He knew how hard it was for her to carry her phone on her during her shifts yet she still did for him. To make sure that he didn't feel alone.

He fixed his uniform before grabbing his keys and phone preparing himself for V's funeral. He looked in the mirror taking a deep breath, turning to see Irene, in a business black dress, a long coat covering her frame, and her hair left out. She wore no makeup besides minimal eye liner and mascara. She looked at him. "Your not going to work?" He asked. She shook her head giving him a small smile. "I took the day off. Come on I'll drive." She grabbed the keys of him opening the car as he climbed into the passenger seat in silence, she drove off, at a reasonable speed, her eyes watching the road with utmost concentration, Jackson finally finding his voice. "Irene you don't have to do this." She turned to flash him a look. "I know...I just don't want you to be alone." She responded. She grabbed his hand, eyes glued to the road as he interlocked their fingers kissing the back of her hand. "Thank you." He whispered hoarsely. She offered him another smile.

An hour later they arrived at the funeral home, the boys and other soldiers present, some which recognised her, bowing in respect to her presence. She watched Jackson put on the peaked cap his hand finding hers as they stood besides his team. She heard the sharp intake of breath he took, her hand squeezing his as she focused on him. Her heart contracting at the emotions he continued to try and suppress. They all saluted the coffin, Irene choosing to bow her head in respect as she looked towards the family, her eyes widening to see an old friend. Her and Jackson moved towards the family to pay their respects, V's family talking to Jackson who hugged him tightly. At one point they were also his family and seeing them in so much pain hurt more. Irene moved along the line. "Noona?" She heard turning Eun Jin. She smiled at the younger girl she had trained. "Hey..." she whispered, Jackson turning as did the remainder of the family "Noona..." she called again. Irene's eyes softened extending her arms out as the younger girl crashed into her arms, the family now realising who it was "Irene?" She looked towards them with a small smile and a nod as she continued to comfort the youngest member of their family. She wiped away her tears lovingly as she walked up to V's mother and father offering her comfort to them too. "Kuya Jackson...how do you know irene Noona?" Jackson looked at Irene "Shes my wife." The family looked shocked yet somewhat happy. V's mother Stroking his cheek lovingly. "Your in good hands." She said to Jackson, as the couple offered the last of their condolences before moving. "You know them?" Jackson questioned. "I trained Eun Jin..." Jackson nodded in understanding his hand finding hers again. "Thank you for being here." She smiled again.

They left an hour later. "Shall we eat somewhere?" She asked watching him smile after days. "Always thinking about food." "Of course I need to survive." She watched him laugh, her heart beating quicker glad to see the pain dimming in his eyes. "Come on I know a really good place not far." "Fine let's go." He said. Ten minutes later they were seated in a low-key restaurant that had a beautiful serene vibe to it. She greeted the owner who eyed Jackson up. "Boyfriend?" He asked, Jackson watched as Irene laughed, holding her had up to show her ring. "Husband actually." She said "You got married congratulations Bae." Irene continued to laugh. "It's Wang now." She said smirking, not noticing the look in Jackson's face as he heard her say those words. "Irene Wang...actually has a nice ring to it." The owner said shaking hands with Jackson who offered him a smile. "It's on the house Irene go sit down." "Thanks man." She said walking of Jackson following her as she ordered for them both, Jackson's eyes remaining locked to her form. "You know him?" "Is that jealousy husband?" She said with a smirk. He remained silent, "He's an old friend. I trained with him, we were on the same team and like me he chose to leave the army and set this up." He nodded looking around. They sat in silence Jackson looking at her. "Thank you." "Jack-" "No let me say this irene, I know your going to say that I've said this a million times already but I'm truly thankful. You put your life on the line for me, you haven't left my side since when I haven't done anything to deserve it." He looked at her. "I wanted to do it..." she said giving him a smile before continuing. "It's okay, you don't have to thank me. I told you, friends right? I'm just doing what I should do. You don't have to thank me for that." "How can you be so kind?" She shrugged her shoulders. "In a world where we can be anything, be kind...is what my mother told me, and I live by it for her. The values she installed in me aren't going to be compromised just because she's no longer here. I want her to be proud whilst watching me..." she trailed off, Jackson's eyes brimming as he held her hand again, their food coming moments later. He watched the excitement in her eyes, his heart aching less and less by the second. She looked up at him, signalling him to eat. She waited for him to eat. "Aren't you going to start?" He asked. "I want to see your reaction." He shook his head laughing, bringing the food to his mouth. He moaned in delight. "It's good right?" She said as he nodded in disbelief, she laughed eating herself, the two easing into something beautiful not forced, both their heart healing with this new found companionship and understanding. She smiled up at him as they continued to talk and laugh about the most random topics they could think off, finally feeling a moment of carefreeness that seemed hard to come by. His phone rang, breaking their moment of peace, he looked at the ID, answering quickly. "Salute." She heard him say, her eyes widening. She knew, she knew what this meant. She had heard it one to many times, she stood up going to speak to the owner in order to give him a moment of privacy and time to prepare her heart for what she already predicted. "Yes sir...yes I understand...he's been tracked to jeju-do...yes sir I'm aware of the army base camp there...yes sir..........okay sir.....yes....salute." The call ended, Jackson walking up to Irene who waited by the door, he interlocked their hands walking out. "You need to go right?" She said, hearing him sigh, he turned back to her. "Yeah." He whispered. She attempted to smile. "When will you be home?" "Nine months..." her eyes widened. "Oh." She said. Their eyes locked. She offered him another smile. "When do you leave?" "Now." She heard the horn, the boys dipping their heads out the car waving to her as Jackson turned to her. She gulped. She always hated goodbyes, the uncertainty of whether she would see that person again. Her eye watered slightly as he stepped forward. "Stay safe." She whispered. Her eyes closing as he cupped her cheek, his forehead resting against hers. "I'll be fine. You look after your health please." He said to her. "I'll be fine." She repeated. Her eyes opened into his. He leaned forward, his lips greeting hers ironically in their goodbye, he moved away seconds later leaving her guessing if that had really happened or whether it was a fragment of her mind. He kissed her forehead. "I'll come back to you." He said, his hand releasing hers as he took a step backwards. "See you around Mrs Wang." She laughed through the tears that began to pour out from her eyes. "See you around Captain." She called out his smile setting in his features as she waved at him. He turned around sprinting to the car, his smile falling, as he turned to see her watch him leave. He saw the tears she wiped, turning away. His eyes closing as the boys remained silent besides him.


Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoy this one. Let me know what your thoughts are in the comment section below. Lots of love and best wishes to you all. Stay safe xx

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