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Irene, Wendy, Seulgi, Joy and Yeri reached the joint hut they would be sharing, taking out their belongings and arranging them accordingly. They noticed the way her eyes seemed to drop more with being here, they tried cracking their usual jokes yet nothing seemed to effect her. "I'm going for a walk I'll be back." She didn't wait for a response quickly walking out into the army camp, her feet carrying her wherever they wished to be taken. Irene's arms crossed over her form. He was here. Jackson was here. Her husband was here, and she didn't know how to take it. Yes she had missed him, but she wasn't prepared to speak to him after their one sided fight, her plan of avoiding going straight down the drain as she sighed. She heard the laughter of children not far, her wanting to be near. She stood watching them play, despite the dirtiness of their clothes and the apparent signs of malnutrition. They seemed unburdened with the likes of life but she could see the small signs of it taking a toll on them. She continued to watch with a small smile on her face which quickly dropped when she noticed that the young child had taken a piece of metal to eat. Her eyes widened as she shouted for them to stop, without realising or caring about the fence, she quickly climbed over, taking the piece of metal and chucking it to the side. "This is bad for you...don't eat it." She tried to explain. She fished in her pocket taking out a bar of chocolate and handing it to the younger boy. She was then swarmed by kids who asked for more. Her eyes softened knowing she had no more. "You shouldn't give them anything if you don't have enough for everyone." She heard a voice boom. Her head turned slightly to catch Jackson's form striding towards her and the kids. She lowered her gaze. "That fence is there for a reason Irene. It says do not cross." She rolled her eyes as he called the children over. "Bambam is cooking a big meal with Mark...go join them." He patted ones head as they ran screaming in delight, a smile forming on his features as he turned his attention back to his wife. "Irene-" she turned back climbing back over the fence with ease, her pace gradually picking up speed as he ran behind her grabbing her wrist to pull her to a stop. "What are you doing here?" She shoved at his chest slightly. "Work." She simply responded her feet carrying her forward. "Stop!" He shouted causing her to halt. "You've stepped on a mine." "What no I have not." "Will you just listen to me." He walked forward assessing it. "Jackson..." she called out as he stood from his crouched position. "Disarm it or something." "I can't this isn't a Korean mine." She punched his shoulder. "Useless , what do you know how to do?" She rolled her eyes. "Calm down Irene. Relax. There's one thing I can do, I swap my foot for yours." Her eyes widened. "But then-" he cut her off with one look, manoeuvring his foot to step on it, his hands touching her elbows as they both fell down backwards, Jackson meeting the floor with Irene on top. She clung to him tightly waiting for the mine to go off. A minute passed, feeling Jackson's arms wrapping around her waist tightly she looked up seeing the smirk. She pushed herself up. "You liar." She seethed as he sat up with her still in his lap. He winked at her as she punched him over and over again. "God I've missed you irene." He whispered holding her in place as she tried to move. "Let go of me!" She shouted, attempting to get out of his grasps. He held on tighter, her punches against his chest getting weaker as her head fell to his shoulder. He pulled her closer. No words were spoken as he silently comforted her, they parted creating a small distance, Jackson's eyes flickering to her lips as he leaned in, her eyes widened, feeling his connect with hers. He pulled back. "Sorry Irene I shouldn't have-" she moved forward her hand tangling with his hair as she reconnected their lips, devouring him hungrily as his hands rested on her lower back. They parted moments later, Jackson smiling up at her noticing the subtle red blush the caked her cheeks. His smile dropped in the next instance seeing the regret in her eyes. She forced herself up as he looked at her. "I need to go." She said. He grabbed her wrist again. "Okay. But please don't cross this fence again unless someone preferably me is with you." She turned to him. "This wasn't here when I was in charge." Her eyes widened as she bit her lip at the information she had just let slip. Her eyes flashed up to his knowing he had caught it yet before he could ask anything she walked off ignoring the calls that followed. She face palmed. She had to be more careful with the information she was letting slip. Jackson looked on after her, his eyes trying to process her words, a hundred and one questions running through his mind. It's time he got the answers from someone he knew would tell him.

Jackson headed back to base, past his team and the doctors, his eyes catching sights of Irene as he continued his journey to the chief. He knocked on the door softly entering and closing the door softly behind him. "Ahhh Jackson what can I do for you my boy." He smiled at the elderly man. "I need you to tell me everything on Irene Bae." He gulped, he knew he should wait for her to tell him, but he couldn't. He needed answers and he needed them now. Jackson looked back up at the older man who seemed to have this sense of instant recognition of the name, a deep sigh being let out as he stood, fishing through some files and handing a photo to Jackson.

His eyes widened seeing Irene in full uniform, her hair falling past her shoulders and eyes numb as they stared back at him. He held the photo tightly in his grasps as his chief sat down. "Irene was an amazing soldier. She progressed through the ranks faster than anyone I had every known. She was deadly, I'm sure you have heard the rumours regarding how she trained people and the way in which she kept herself. Everything is true. She was completely ruthless to everyone but she was the harshest with herself. She was the most capable soldier I have ever met, her mission success rate was always 100%, nothing remained undone with her. She would tie up lose ends and get to the bottom of things faster than anyone. Until one mission went wrong. She lost 12 men because of one wrong order and it messed with her. Everything she had done seemed to have caught up with her and the burden she was adamant to carry alone become too heavy. Her reputation remained as one of the best but instead she took solo missions. She forced everyone away from her and it messed with her completely. Mission after mission she would come back battered, bleeding and bruised, sometimes to the point we thought she was using this as an excuse for suicide. She was then compromised. Irene had a boyfriend in the corps but he was mentally unstable; I'm not sure about the extent of the abuse she faced but it was apparent. She made sure to stay true to herself and the army until the manipulation became too much, she somewhat succumbed to it, that's what we believed at the time. The angel becoming dark. But she had everyone fooled. It was all a plan to take down her boyfriend and his followers and she did successfully. She managed to do it single handily and she returned back to  army duty the next day. I caught her looking around at her fellow soldiers, this proud yet numb look on her features as she did. I stood next to her in silence as she handed me her resignation letter with three words that were devoid of any emotions. 'I've had enough.' The next day she left, she left leaving a bigger whole then she had realised. People who would turn to her couldn't. People who sought her for opinions and management couldn't. She left for herself and over the years I blamed her for it. Saying she wasn't strong enough but she was. She was stronger then us all. Irene Bae was a fighter in the truest sense. She was and is a warrior." Jackson's eyes watched his seniors water. "But why are you asking Jackson?" "She's here under the medical team..." he paused watching the chiefs eyes widen as he nodded. "And she's my wife." He watched his chiefs eyes widen further a small smile gracing his features as he laid back. "Wow. Two of South Korea's finest. The ultimate power couple." He chuckled, Jackson following as the chief leaned forward. "Treat her right Jackson. Her battle scars are far deeper than what meets the eye and what I've told you isn't even half of it." Jackson nodded handing the photo back to him. He shook his head. "Keep it Jackson." Jackson looked down at the photo, his eyes meeting the chiefs as he saluted him, leaving.

Irene's eyes caught sight of him as he walked past them all her eyes highlighting the concern that she was adamant she wouldn't allow to show, she saw that cemented look in his face, one of determination. His eyes caught hers as he watched her stare back at him, he walked away from them all, his feet carrying him to the training area to blow of some steam, her picture safely pocketed as he pulled his uniform off, his muscles now shining in the light. His punches becoming harder on the bag hanging in front of him. Irene watching from the side lines contemplating if she should go to him before deciding against turning to go start the work that she was supposed to be doing.


Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoy this one, I've given you some insight into Irene's past but there's still a lot of details that haven't been shared. What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear back from you guys...lots of love and best wishes to you all. Stay safe xx

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