⚔️ 5 ⚔️New Ally

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Looking for Soren most of the night was proving to be fruitless, to the point that they had to release the dragons since they had grown tired. Enya was already starting to worry, what if something very terrible happened to him? What if the drake riders found him and dragged him back to the pit with an even less friendly dragon that wouldn't hesitate to kill him? Or what if he crossed paths with Claudia and she did something horrible to him? What if-

"Hey careful!" She hears Kasef yell before feeling his hand grab the back of her surcoat and yank her backwards. "You nearly walked into a tree just now!"

"S-sorry, I was just...you know...him?"

"Worried sick about your idiot?"

Enya nods in confirmation as she starts nervously playing with her hands. Ancients, she would kill to have at least a piece of cloth with a nice sharp needle and thread just to distract herself right now, that would ease her anxious mind.

"Look, he should be fine, this is Soren we're talking about." Kasef assures her as he gently grabs her hands to keep her from fidgeting. "He's gonna be fine when we find him, I promise."

"And what if he's not? What if he's hurt or something worse?" Enya asks as tears are starting to come to her eyes and she tries to wipe them away. "Aaravos threatened to hurt my husband, I can't lose him and I still don't understand what he meant that I have something precious of his in-"

No, no he could not mean that, could he? But that would explain her morning sickness and some of her peculiar mood swings that happened from time to time, along with the fatigue.

"Kasef, what were Reyna's symptoms when she was expecting Utu in the early stages?" She asks and Kasef blinks in surprise.

"What brought this on?"

"Just tell me!"

"Well she was tired a lot, threw up in the mornings, at some point she even didn't eat vegetables because they tasted weird and the smell made her sick to her stomach, and this was when she was two months along. Why?"

"I think...nevermind, let's keep looking for Soren. I'll explain later."

Kasef gave her a confused and concerned look, but said nothing as they continued their search. After what felt like hours of searching, Enya was beginning to lose hope and now worried something bad did happen to her husband like Aaravos promised would happen. Was this her fault? Should she have left with Cici and Utu back to Katolis? So many worries and questions were swimming around in her head and she was now thinking it was a bad idea to even come to Xadia in the first place. What if something now happened to her friends like in her dream from two years ago but worse?

"What the- there he is!" Enya is snapped out of her thoughts and looks over to see Kasef pointing somewhere. "That damn idiot! What's he doing so far out here?!"

"S-soren?" Enya asks as she followed her friend to find her husband sitting on a log by himself looking at a glowing butterfly that was on his fingers. "Soren!"

Her husband looks up and turns, his eyes widening in surprise. "Enya!" He exclaims as he jumped to his feet.

"A mhuirnín!" She yells as she rushes forward to tackle him in a hug. "Don't do that again, you really had me worried! I got scared something awful happened to you!"

"I'm sorry, I should have woken you and Kasef up but I was in a rush to catch up with her."

"Her?" Enya peeks over her husband's shoulder to see Claudia laid against a tree, thick vines wrapped around her arms and chest to keep them tied in place and sporting a very annoyed frown on her face. Her eyes widen in surprise when she sees Enya, before looking away. "Wait how-"

"It doesn't matter, she's tied up and can't do us any harm for now. Plus her bag full of spell stuff got lost when I was chasing her, so we're safe for now." Soren says with a dismissive wave before hugging his wife again. "I'm so glad you and Kasef are okay A mhuirnín. Also I got separated from Squeaky so...we can't take her home."

"It's for the best A mhuirnín, she's a wild dragon and was held in captivity for too long. I'm sure she's happy that you helped her and won't forget you." Enya assures him before kissing his cheek. "Besides, you do have another dragon who needs your attention anyways."

"You dumbass!" Kasef yells as he grabbed Soren and shook him. "Do you even know how much you made your wife cry?! She was worried sick!"

"So were you, don't deny it!" Enya retorts. "A mhuirnín, you gave the both of us a good scare, though I think Kasef was more worried because I wouldn't stop crying so much while we were looking."

"Aww, our big grumpy ex-crown prince really does care." Soren teases and Kasef looks away embarrassed. "Look at him, he's blushing! Reyna owes me money!"

"Wait, that is prince Kasef?" Claudia asks from her spot. "Last I checked, he was a fire monster."

"Well he's not anymore, and he's one of my best buds now." Soren says as he slung an arm around the older man. "We really bonded when he returned to Katolis. Right?"

"You got mad when you were losing a chess game against me." Kasef scoffed, but Enya could see a small smile on his lips. "Anyways, what are we doing with her? Taking her back to the others?"

"I...I'm not sure. I thought I could talk her out of this mad idea of freeing Arseavos-"

"It's Aaravos! Get it right!" Claudia yells in frustration. "And no amount of convincing is going to change my mind. I already told you, elves looked down on us for being weak and this is a way to show them otherwise!"

"Hey hey, as someone who spent over two years among elves, many don't look down on humans for that." Kasef retorts with a frown. "My girlfriend doesn't look down on me for that, neither do her dads or her sibling, or the rest of the elves in that village. Even her aunt who didn't like me at first treats me with more respect now."

"I mean, you live with a pretty chill village of Skywings, others probably wouldn't be as nice." Enya points out. "Like those earth elves we met earlier today, a bunch of assholes."

"I stand by what I say." Claudia says with a huff. "And why am I nor surprised that you and my brother got together? And don't deny it, you're being way too affectionate to still be friends and you keep calling each other...whatever that is."

"A mhuirnín, it means darling." Soren corrects her as he releases Kasef to pull Enya into a protective hug. "And why would it even be a surprise? I told you that I was in love with her after I was unparalyzed, you even tried to help me figure out how to tell her!"

"Yeah and you wrote the most cringy poem despite my protests!"

"Yeah well look where it got me!"

"It led to you spilling your heart out to me in song and suffering weird hallucinations from consuming a truth spewing mushroom." Enya states bluntly and Soren looks at her in horror. "What?"

"You said we'd never tell anyone about that! We agreed that my first official confession would be when I confessed to you a few minutes before the battle!"

"Wow, I'm not surprised about this either." Claudia mutters loudly. "Ugh forget it, I'm not talking anymore and you're not changing my mind."

"Claudes!" Soren tries to protest before he feels Enya grab his shoulder to stop him.

"A mhuirnín, leave her be. She's giving you the silent treatment, she's better at holding that than I am." His wife says as she then takes his hand to lead him to the log he had been seated earlier.

"Well if we're not doing anything right now, I'm going to sleep." Kasef says with a yawn before walking over to the tree where Claudia was laying against to sit down and lean against it. "Wake me up to change positions in an hour or two."

"Sure thing." Enya says with a nod as she and Soren sit down and she leans against him. "Ancients I am so tired."

"We've been up most of the night with very little sleep. I can't blame you." Soren agrees with a yawn before taking her hand to link their fingers together. "But you've been tired since before, even after I postponed your daily crownguard workout. When we get back home after this mess is fixed, I'm taking you straight to Anya to have you looked at."

"Actually, I think I know why I've been feeling so unwell." Enya says and gives his hand a small squeeze. "I think...I think I'm pregnant."

Pure silence from Soren. Enya sits up to see her husband staring at her with wide eyes before looking at her flat belly and right back to her face again.

"Are...are you sure?" He asks slowly. "Like...absolutely sure?"

"Fatigue, morning sickness, I haven't seen the mood swings yet and some of the other symptoms, but that checks out." Kasef says with a shrug from his resting spot. "I mean I could be wrong and it's something else, but that's how Reyna was when she was pregnant with Utu, and boy was that a nightmare to deal with for a while."

"So...I actually might be a dad, we're gonna be parents?" Soren asks.

"I said I think I am pregnant. Plus, Aaravos did mention I'm carrying something precious of yours in me." Enya says with a nod, her free hand going to her stomach. "So what else could that mean?"

Soren immediately stands up, pulling Enya with him before pulling her into a tight hug and burying his face into her shoulder.

"A mhuirnín, are you okay?" Enya asks when she hears her husband sniffle before he lifts his head to look at her with tears brimming in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"I'm gonna be...a dad? I'm actually gonna be a dad? Like, to an actual human baby?"

"Unless I'm having an elf, then yes."

"This...this is great! A mhuirnín we're going to be parents!" Soren then scooped Enya up, earning a startled yelp from her as he spun her around. "I'm gonna be a dad! You're gonna be a mom!"

"Whoa whoa, we do not know if she is pregnant or not!" Kasef yells, jumping to his feet and running over them to grab Soren to stop him from spinning. "And if she is, don't do that."

"Party pooper." Soren mutters before turning to his wife with a cheerful smile. "Oh this is incredible! One more member to our little family! Oh I can't wait to tell the others!"

"Assuming we get to them soon, we don't know where they are." Enya points out. "And Kasef is right, we don't really know-"

"You have the symptoms, an all too powerful being literally told us even if it was a bit cryptic, it can't be a coincidence. And if you still have doubts, we could find some friendly elves and ask one of their medics to check."

"Fine, but after we reunite with the others and figure out what to do with your sister." Kasef says with an annoyed sigh. "And if Enya is right about her suspicions, send her home."

Enya rolls her eyes as the older man went back to his original spot to sleep, grumbling to himself before she sat back down on the log with Soren, resting her head on his shoulder. "So...you excited?"

"Of course! We're bringing a whole human into this very dangerous world!" Soren says with a nervous laugh before his shoulder sagged. "Okay I lied, I'm very scared. Excited, but scared and for many reasons."

"I am too, but we're going to do fine." Enya assures him as she took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "This is going to be nothing like raising a baby dragon or a dog, though this did remind me of something you said two years ago."

"And that was..."

"How you wanted to adopt a baby dragon to raise it like our practice kid, which surprisingly we ended up doing a few months later. Though raising Tart is going to be nothing compared to raising a human baby, we'll still have some help - from my dad and maybe your mom."

"Oh boy, she is going to flip." Soren groans. "And maybe come to Katolis despite her duties for this."

"If this baby is going to be anything like you, I certainly will need her help." Enya teases as she pinched her husband's cheek. "But in all seriousness, as scared as I am, I just want you to know that I think you're going to be a great father."

"And I think you're going to be a better mom." Soren says with a smile before yawning and kissing his wife's cheek. "Its late, we all need sleep after our little misadventure in that pit. Come on, we can rest against the log, and you can use this to cusion your head."

"A mhuirnín, you don't have to." Enya says as he is removing his red tunic to fold and lay on the ground.

"Yes I do, and you won't have dirt in your hair when you wake up. Come on, I'll be sitting next to you to keep watch."

Enya chuckles as she moves to lay down on the ground, resting her head on the folded tunic as Soren sits down next to her and rested a hand on her head. She turns so she's curled up against him, smiling softly to her self before drifting off into sleep.


When Enya had awoke, the sun was shining brightly through the trees and she could hear Soren breathing softly near her, indicating he was asleep. With a yawn, she sat up and stretched her arms before getting to her feet and glanced over at the tree. Kasef was asleep, no surprise but he was stirring too, and Claudia surprisingly was still there and wide awake. Concerned, she turns to her husband and nudged him gently with her foot.

"A mhuirnín, wake up." She says loudly, startling Soren awake as Kasef yawns loudly. "She's still here."

"Okay, weird." Soren says as he rubbed his eyes and snatched his tunic off the floor to shake it out and start to slip it on. "Why didn't you try to escape?"

Claudia looks at them wordlessly before looking upwards and smiling. Confused, the three look up in time to see some sort of creature with large sparkling butterfly wings drop down from above with a loud screech and land on the ground. They yell in alarm, Enya and Soren reaching for their blades as Kasef grabbed a large stone from the ground and prepared to fling it when large vines suddenly shoot up and wrap around their wrists, necks and legs. The three are then forced to drop their weapons as they are yanked to the ground ontot heir knees as they struggle before their assailant appears.

It was a boy who looked around their age, his skin a weird stone that had glowing cracks all over his body as he approached them. Enya could only guess he was an Earthblood elf, the only elf who comes to mind who could do this sort of magic. He waved his hand, freeing Claudia from her bindings and allowing her to stand up and walk over to the elf before kissing him on the cheek.

"Thanks baby!" She cooed before slinging the elf's arm over her shoulder. "I didn't know you could control plants."

"Nah, its not like that, I've got a very good relationship with plants. If i need something, I can depend on them." The elf says before looking at the three humans. "So...who'se this?"

"Oh don't worry about them." Claudia assures him before looking around worried. "Where's dad?"

"Right behind me." The elf says as he turns to point to a figure walking towards them. Out of the corner of her eye, Enya could see Soren looking panicked as the figure got closer and she felt her blood boil. No, he should have been dead, he was dead!

"No...no no!" Soren yells when the familiar figure walks into the light, looking not too pleased with the sight of them.

"You should have stayed dead!" Enya snarls as she tries to move to be closer to her husband as he is hyperventilating. "Soren! Soren deep breaths! Deep calming breaths!"

"Of course you had to be here too." Viren mutters before his eyes fell on Kasef, who was struggling against his bonds that kept pulling him closer to the ground. "Now this is a surprise, last I saw you, you were not human."

"And last I heard, you were not alive!" Kasef snaps back.

"Uh...so it looks like you three know lord Viren." The elf says looking between them and Viren nervously. "Under bad circumstances. Claudia, none of them hurt you, did they?"

"As if!" Enya exclaims and glares at the three of them. "Look just let us go, and I promise not to kick all your as- AAH!"

The weird being with sparkling butterfly wings jumped right on her and screeched right in her face before sniffing her stomach and jumping off.

"Great winds what is that?!" Kasef exclaims in horror as the creature circles him and sniffed his hair before tugging at his braid. "Hey let go!"

"Sir Sparklepuff! Back!" Claudia scolds as the odd creature leapt back to the group.

"Now what do we do with them?" The Earthblood elf asks, looking at the three nervously.

"Kill them, they've seen too much." Viren responds coldly.

"N-no! Please don't just let them go!" Soren yells in panic as he tries to move in attempt to shield Enya. "Please don't hurt them!"

"Yeah killing them is a bad idea dad, plus...she's pregnant." Claudia says pointing to Enya. "And apparently in a relationship with Soren."

"Uh, perhaps...we don't kill them?" The elf suggests. "I mean we could use them to help us out or something. Plus, it'd be kind of rude to do that. So, back on our way to the great earth archdragon himself?"

Shit, of course they're looking for Rex too. Enya thought in panic as more vines begin to wrap around her wrists and forcing them to be tied together behind her back before the other vines release her. She fell forward, but a foot quickly shot out to stop her face from hitting the ground.

"Come on, up you go." Claudia says as Enya feels her ex-best friend yank her up onto her feet. "Now no funny business, you saw how poorly that went last time you were my prisoner. Be glad we're not going through with my dad's suggestion of getting rid of you guys so horridly."

"As if I should be glad about anything you do!" Enya spat angrily. "You know that once Aaravos is freed, even if you're his loyal servant and did everything he asked, he's going to toss you away once you're of no use to him. Just like your dad did to your own brother."

"Hey I'm not the one who chose the wrong side, and Aaravos won't do that to us, we're too important." Claudia retorts before shoving her forward. "Now get moving."

As they were walking, Enya learned that the weird butterfly gremlin looking creature was called Sir Sparklepuff and that the Earthbllod elf was named Terry, apparently in a relationship with Claudia, Guess Soren wasn't the only one to find love after the events of the Storm Spire. Terry seemed nice, keeping in step behind her and chatting loudly to them while Viren trailed behind.

"...and so I won her over with a basket of baked goods, and that was before we even started dating!" Terry laughs loudly as he walked ahead, turning to walk backwards so he was looking at Soren and Enya. "So how did you two meet anyways?"

"She hit him over the head with a wooden sword." Kasef responds bluntly. "Do you ever shut up? You sound like a flock of chattering Innean chickens."

"Wow, rude bloke isn't he?" Terry asks with a small frown before looking to Enya. "Do you need to rest? You look exhausted."

She didn't even feel exhausted right now, just enraged. Enya simply lifts her head and stuck her tongue out at the elf.

"Wow that's just rude." Claudia comments before looking behind the group where Viren was. "Hey dad, you need a break? You look ready to collapse!"

"I...I could use one." They hear viren respond. "Just for a few minutes, and then we keep going."

"Alright then! Break time everyone!" Claudia announces cheerfully and turns to the three humans. "Now no funny business, we're resting for now."

"A mhuirnín, you okay?" Soren asks Enya softly as he moves to stand close to her. "You do look tired."

"I'm fine." Enya mutters. "And...about to do something stupid."

"What- ENYA!"

Enya forces herself to fall forward and lands on her side, praying her trick would work. She did something like this once before during one of her many escapes with Corvus before either Soren or Claudia caught her, and since Claudia didn't have her snake chain bracelet she couldn't catch her this time. But the elf could, so she had to incapacitate him. She heard Terry gasp loudly before hearing him kneel next to her before he came into her line of sight.

"Claudia she doesn't look too good!" He yells, his hands hovering over her. "Uh what do I do?"

"Water...please. My hand hurt." She manages to say with a groan. Sorry kid, but I have to do this.

"Okay hold still, I'm gonna just loosen these up a bit." Terry says as he hovered his hand over the vines to loosen them. The second Enya felt them loosen around her arms and wrists, her fist immediately shot up, socking the teen right in the jaw and knocking him down.

"Terry!" Claudia yells as Enya jumps to her feet.

"A mhuirnín run!" Soren yells and she didn't need to be told twice.

Enya wasn't sure how far she managed to get, but it unfortunately wasn't as far as she hoped. As she was trying to get over a fallen tree, she felt something coil around her left her ankle, yank her to the ground and drag her back as she tried digging her nails into the dirt and grabbing something to get ahold of.

"That wasn't very nice, that really hurt!" She hears Terry yell and turns to see him approaching. "Look I'm sorry, but we can't risk this and we're in a bit of a time crunch too!"

"No you're not!" Enya yells as her hands grab a large root and dug her hands in to get a grip, trying to ignore the pain in her ankle as she feels the vines trying to yank her back.

"You know, for a pregnant woman, you certainly have a lot of energy to fight!"

"I'm not even that far!" He was getting close, oh ancients what could she do?!

"Fair, but I can't just let you go running off into the woods after this, it'd be better if you-"

With a loud scream, Enya released her hold on the dirt and lets the vines yank her back towards the elf, yanking the small knife out of it's sheath on her glove and plunged it into his leg as hard as she could. Terry let out a yell of pain as he released the vines around her ankles, giving Enya time to jump to her feet and run in another direction. She couldn't hear him behind her anymore, but that didn't mean she shouldn't stop running.

Oh my ancients I actually did that and it actually worked?! She thought in panic as she continued to run, leaping over bushes and hurling herself over fallen logs before she actually stopped to catch her breath. Where was she anyways?

Enya gave a tired sigh of relief as she slumped to the ground and leaned back against a large mossy boulder. Her hand was hurting from punching Terry, but it wasn't like she broke anything so it was fine saved for the scraped skin and the ache. She was safe, for now. But...they weren't. She feels a wave of guilt wash over her, realizing she didn't do anything to save her friend or her husband, leaving them alone with the two people who they should never be left alone with.

Ancients I am so stupid! I couldn't even get them away to safety! She thinks bitterly as she smacked her forehead, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes. Her hands are shaking uncontrollably as she sobs before sinking to the floor and buried her face in her hands. She escaped, but what about Soren and Kasef? They were still trapped and no chance of escaping like she had. This was a mistake, and a huge one! Now Kasef is at risk of possibly getting turned back into a fire monster and Soren too, or worse! What am I going to tell the others when I find them, assuming I can even find them!

Unless the four were wandering the Drakewood and Uncharted Forest looking for them, they most likely were still looking for the secret entrance into Umber Tor that could only be accessed by humans and elves. Whatever the case, she just hoped they were doing the latter and not wasting time looking for them since Claudia was doing the same thing. She should look for them, but where could she even start?

As she was crying and trying to think of what to do, Enya hears the sound of someone approaching and panicked. She had no weapons, those were in Claudia's possession now, so she immediately grabbed a large rock from the ground and jumped to her feet, prepared to fight off whoever the assailant was.

"Oh! It's you again, hello!" Enya lowered the rock she held as the person who greeted her emerged from the foliage to reveal themselves as the human girl from earlier with the fake horns. "I wasn't expecting to see you here in the Drakewood again!"

"You nearly scared the shit out of me!" Enya exclaims as she dropped the rock as the girl approached. "I almost stoned you just now!"

"Well, a good thing you didn't!" The girl says with a nervous chuckle before looking around. "Umm, why are you alone? I thought you escaped with your husband and friend, where are they?"

Oh that did it. The tears that Enya thought she had stopped were now falling down her face as she started to cry, falling to her knees and weeping loudly.

"H-hey don't cry!" The girl says hastily as Enya sobs. "It's gonna be okay!"

"No its not! My husband and my friend are now prisoners to my not dead anymore father-in-law, my ex-best friend, some elf that's her boyfriend and this weird gremlin looking monster!"

"Umm, maybe we can help them escape? Do you know where they are going?"

Enya could barely get a word out as she sobbed. Damn this child really was making her emotional right now. She heard the girl getting down to sit next to her before feeling herself get pulled into a tight hug as she continued to cry. It felt like hours had passed before she felt herself stop crying, the girl never once releasing her from the hug.

"You feel better?" She asks and Enya nods, trying to wipe her tear and snot stained face with her sleeve. "Man you really got emotional there."

"You can thank my unexpected pregnancy for that." Enya mutters as she is released from the hug. "Anceints help me that was embarrassing."

"Nothing embarrassing about it, my mom's friend was just as emotional when she was pregnant with her daughter." The girl assures her with a smile. "Its normal to get quite emotional like that with a baby. Also what are you even doing all the way out here getting into trouble if you're pregnant?"

"Would you believe me if I told you I barely found out recently? And that the one who told me was some elf who was trying to rile me and my friends up from some distant magical prison we could only see through a magic mirror?"

The look of pure confusion on the girl's face was pretty funny, but she must have seen the serious face Enya was making. "Oh you're serious? And you're here in Xadia for that?"

Enya nods. "My friends and I came out here to check something, and now we found out the world is in danger, and if we don't stop my husband's sister, her boyfriend and her father in time, we're doomed."

"So you three got separated from your other companions?"

"Unfortunetly, though it was so we could save a dragon we saw getting hurt. And then, well, you know the rest."

"Yeah sorry about that." The girl says with an embarrassed laugh before fiddling witht he strap of her bag. "Umm, I'm Sigfrid by the way. I'm guessing you're Enya?"

"Wait, how did you know?" Enya asks, now starting to feel a bit uneasy before the girl looks at her in panic.

"Y-your friends yelled it when I dropped the rope for them to use! I swear! I think they thought I was you, and I kinda figured that was your name unless you have another human comanion around with that name."

Enya's shoulders slumped as she let out a sigh of relief. "Okay that makes sense. So, Sigfrid, what are you even doing out here and pretending to be an elf?"

"Would you believe me if I told you that I'm just trying to lay low?" Sigfrid asks jokingly. "But in all seriousness, I'm just hiding out here for my safety but I don't know when I'm supposed to go back."

"Someone sent you here and never told you when to return? What idiot thinks that a brilliant plan, you could have died out here!"

Sigfrid frowns. "My mom's friend who is also like a mom to me. Also she trained and prepped me to know how to survive in the wild, so I'm fine after two years."

"Well that's good at least, at least you didn't end up like my husband when we were trying to survive out here two years ago."

"What happened to him?"

"He ate a mushroom that made him loopy, wouldn't stop stumbling around and singing like he just downed a whole barrel of strong Del Barian alchohol."

"Oh my." Sigfrid says covering her mouth in horror. "Uh, so are we gonna do it? Save your husband and friend from the people you ran from? Unless you wanna stay in the Drakewood and risk getting caught by the big elf who's been suspicious of me."

"You mean the red haired asshole who I fought with? I think the other elves called him Warlon? Soren beat him with a gourd." Enya says and Sigfrid giggles a bit. "And I even beat his ass later when we were escaping!"

"Yeah, judging by the fact that you aren't back in the Pit...or worse. So, team up and save your friends?"

Enya gets to her feet, also helping Sigfrid up as well. "I suppose that's my only choice, as well as going back the way I came."

"We can track back the way you came, my mom's friend taught me how to do that, and maybe we can even track your friend and husband if we find where you were last at before finding me. We'll just have to be careful."

"Yeah we should, and knowing Claudia, it's not gonna be easy."


"She did this to you? While your skin was made of stone?" Soren overhears Claudia say as she is tending to her boyfriend. Earlier the elf had ran off after Enya after she managed to uppercut punch him while he foolishly trying to loosen her bindings, only to return several minutes later limping with a bloody knife in hand that Soren recognized as the one he gave to his wife as a gift. He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride when Terry explained that Enya had managed to stab him in the leg when he caught her and ran off, now glad to know the knife was put to use. Of course Claudia wasn't too happy about it, and for the first time in his life she looked very angry about something involving Enya.

"I'd say that's somewhat impressive but now we're going to be slowed down." Viren says and looks over at him and Kasef. "Perhaps if one of them carries Terry we could arrive at Rex Igneous' place sooner."

"What are we, pack mules?" Kasef asks with a frown.

"You'd at least be useful."

"And you aren't?"

"Hey watch your mouth." Claudia warns with a frown before opening her bag and pulling some ingredients out. "Baby, I'm gonna heal this up as best as I can, okay? I don't have too many healing ingredients here so I'm gonna do my best."

"As long as I'm not walking around bleeding out of my leg, any sort of healing is fine." Terry assures her with a bright smile.

"Aww, you always know what to say to make me feel better." Claudia cooed before giving her boyfriend a kids on the cheek and Soren gagged. "Oh come on, you've kissed before, why are you so grossed out by it?"

"Because you're my sister and it's the appropriate response as a big brother." Soren responds and stuck his tongue out. "Also can you get this gremlin thing away from me? It's creeping me out."

"His name is Sir Sparklepuff, and he can do whatever he wants." Claudia retorts as the odd butterfly creature is trying to touch Soren's hair. "Also baby, can you give these two some stronger vines to hold them? I don't trust them to not run off like a certain someone."

Soren yelped as large thicker vines shoot out of the ground and quickly wrap around his arms so his bindings are now up to his elbow and some even wrap around his ankles. Great, now it was going to be difficult to escape now.

"There we go! Now even the bigger guy can't escape!" Terry says cheerfully as his stone skin reverts back to normal. "Maybe I should have done this earlier."

"Probably, but it's fine." Claudia says as she places something on his leg. "Now hold still, I'm gonna close the wound and hopefully it won't scar."

"How long until we should start walking again?" Viren asks. "Since we are still on a less than thirty day time limit?"

Time limit? Soren glances at Kasef in confusion, who simply shrugs.

"Don't worry dad, we can start moving once I am sure he's not in pain after I healed him." Claudia says as she finished the healing spell and helped her boyfriend to his feet. "Can you walk Terry? If not I can have Kasef carry you."

"I don't feel any pain so I'm all good!" Terry says as he moves his leg. "So no need for that! Also, shouldn't we be looking for that Enya girl? If she ran off, she might be a problem."

"We'll deal with her later, we have to do this before the thirty day time limit is over. Now come on boys, the earth dragon awaits!"

That mention of the thirty day time limit, why did Viren have a thirty day time limit?

"The others better get to him before we do." Soren mutters to Kasef as the others are grabbing bags. "And...that Enya finds them, or finds somewhere else to be safe."

"I'm sure she will, I'm pretty sure she can survive out here on her own." His friend tries to assure him. "Who knows, maybe if she's lucky she'll make a new elf friend."

"Yeah I know she can survive out here, but...she's...what if something-"

"Come on friends! We have to get moving!" Terry shouts cheerfully as he pushed them forward. "You can chat while walking, right?"

Please Enya, please do the right thing and either get out of here or find a way to warn our friends. Soren silently pleads as he trudges behind Claudia and the Sparklepuff creature. And be safe.

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