Chapter 1

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this book stars roboknightprime and @Rogue_Divsion plz in joy 

Mammal's pov (me) 

I grab my rilfe gun called M16A4  as prime grabbed his sniper called CS LR4 as rogue grabbed his gun called CZ3A1 a cople of troopers pass us as I got ready as I said lets go team as we walked into a armed car as we got into it as prime drove it where our  mission was at to take out a leader of the treast. 

later as we got to where we needed to be as we walked into a building as we got onto off the highest top of the roof top as prime grab his sniper and want down onto his chest as I did as did rogue too. do you see the leader prime? I said as prime nodded at me, then take the shot I said as prime did as prime said got him Mammal said prime, great work prime said rogue, lets get out of here now I said as we felt the building moving as we looked down to see a tank drive into the bluing. HOLD ONTO SOMETHING!! i said, we hold onto anything to hold on as the bluing fell down. 

Later on as prime and rogue was in a firefight tougher as I got up as I grab my rifle gun as ran up to prime and rogue as i opened fired to as we where running out of ammo for our weapons as I said WE HAVE TO MAKE A RUN FOR IT NOW! I said as we ran to our armed car as a tank shot it blowing it up as we where now in big trouble. then we saw our troopers join into the fight as they save us, need any help troopers? said a SGT, yeah you saved us said prime, thanks said rogue, thanks for the back up I said, you guys go back to base take it easy said the SGT, well do sir , lets go I said as we got back to our base.   

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