Life is it perfect

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                         Emily pov

"Emily wake up." Annoyed vocie that been with me half my life " Tessa five minutes." Yelled at her she laugh " Be Down stair." Tessa started her way my life is it be good my mother died griving birth to me my father rise me to be strong woman want to collage lean how to be truck and cars just like my dad but sadly are farm is for sell

" Food done." Tessa shout

" Coming." I Pulled the shreet off getting in my everyday outfit on made my way to the stairs saw Tessa making pancake " Dad still in the barn." I asked

Tessa nodded her head " Yeah he still her there." I'm going to check on him." Walk into barn " Dad where are you at." I yelled

" Over here Emily." Heard Daddy shout under the car " What up cupcake." Dad slip out

" Well You been out here all night dad better get you something eat." I say hold my hand out

" Well better get going Tessa mad." Dad said with laugh

" You final come." Tessa shouted at us I sat my down getting my pancake

"So Dad what you doing today." Tessa started a versation " Well me and Lucas going see truck." Dad answered her

" Great me do something." I say with smile " Dad you know we can't afford that." Tessa angry said " Tessa if you get  truck in shape we can put it in your collage fund." I spoke

"Still thick about it before you buy it." Tessa said

Beep Beep Beep  " That most be Lucas." I spoke Dad and me made are way outside " Hey Beauful." Lucas called me " Say that again punch you the face." I spoke with laugh

" Cupcake will you fix that car well I'm away." Dad said grive him nodded

" Come on." Lucas shout

" See you later." Dad said kiss my forehead

Walk over to the barn slip under the hood fixing few thing then certainly
" Put it over there." Dad yelled " Guess new truck here." I said with biggest smile

Open the barn door see old 18 wheeler broken down bad " Dad this the truck." I spoke

" Yep win he get this baby running get send your sister to collage." Dad cheered

" Dad!" Tessa yelled " Really dad what where you thinking this truck ready to Died." Tessa grumbled

" Oh come on Tessa few mouths this truck be brand new." I say

" That going be long time." Tessa storm away

" Come on dad let get started." I said getting my tools ready for the job

" Cupcake let get go." Dad spoke

" This going ok day."

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