The Plan

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Emily pov

" a couple times a day these guy moving in vehicle shipments into Ksi for something called scanning major security all over." Dad explained to autobots looking up at each of them individually.." So our best shot at getting in is a classified research entrance, I'm gonna drive in with Bee Tomorrow morning." He Finshed earning a small approving nod from Optimus. I looked around at the other bots and saw that they too approved of the plan " Cupcake what do you plan on doing." Dad asked now with everyone's attention on my shoulders " I'm going to sneak in and see if I can find out anything about the others." I explained looking over a Optimus who wore a shocked expression.

" Aaaaaaaaaaand how do you plan on doing that exactly." Dad asked leaning forward " I'm go with you and Bee tomorrow and once we get inside I'll go my own way-" That's too dangerous Optimus finally spoke, standing up straight and looking down at me " I know it's dangerous, but I want to help. I know you want to know what's happened to the other Autobots Optimus, there's no shame in hiding it.They do too, and I'm not going to sit around and do nothing." I told him gesturing around to the others bots and my voice probably sounded more authoritative then I meant to be.

An awkward silence fell across the church, as both Optimus and I started up at each other in somewhat of a starting contest neither of us would back down. I know he was trying to keep me safe,but in a situation like this, being around giant alien robots 24/7, it was a bit difficult. A small Sigh left him in defeat as he turned his gaze away, before his optics eventually wandered back to my form. " Very well, but I want you to be In contact with either one of other bots, or myself at all time." He ordered with a nod of my head I agreed

Behind me, I heard Hound chuckled breathless " Yep, just like Ratchet." He mumble before dismissing himself and walking over to the other side of the church, with Drift and bumblebee following Crosshairs shook his head in disbelief " Remind me to never get on her bad side." He whisper to dad who in return responsed with " Don't worry I'm be on her bad side before."

That night, I sat beside Dad as he made himself a drink with the protein powder that Shane and Tessa had stolen. He offered me one, and I gladly took one, since I hadn't had much to drink all day with a small smile in thanks I took a long gulp of the substance and sighed happily feeling a little less thrirstier them before. " Agh hum, excuse me, no smooching in front of me." Dad suddenly snapped causing my gaze to drift over to Tessa and Shane who were cuddle each other " You're so square, who even says smoothing." Tessa snapped walk away with Shane I took another sip of my drink "See, no respect it's just impossible sometimes." Dad whined " Yeah, I want through that with Bumblebee." Optimus chimed a small giggles escaped my lips " What's? So funny." Dad asked looking over at me " Out all the Autobots Bumblebee some ages as me." I asked looking up at Optimes with small awkward wince He nodded. In confirmation and let out a low hum " Indeed, closer to early adulthood though." He responded

" Don't worry, my crazy days are over." I told him I heard Optimus chuckle from behind me small smile appear on my face " Hey Prime! Come here a sec would ya." Crosshair called waving his servo as gesture for the said bot to fellow with shake of his helm Optimus gave us nodded then waking over to bots

" and Optimus hun." Dad teased nudging me gently a bright blush crept onto my cheeks as I turned to face him " W-what are you talking about?"" You know what I'm talking about. The two of you have been getting close lately and not in a friend way." Dad started " Dad nothing's going on between us." I mumble into my hands only causing him laugh " Seriously? From what I saw this afternoon there's no way prime would let someone win an argument like that, and there's no way he would stand down so easily." Dad trailed off looking at me with small

" See later Dad." I walked outside the church doors lay my back on the stone wall Maybe dad was right I was falling in love with Autobot leader

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