Wild West Justice Finds A Home In WWE.

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I stood in the ring as the crowd chanted, 'Hangin Judge, Hangin Judge.' Over and over making me smile and the pitiful excuse standing across from me named Dominik Mysterio who I was certain started to rethink his choice of words. Dad always said, 'Choose your words carefully, you never know who or what they will provoke.'
I basked in the adoration of the crowd as they were so happy that I was going to be the one to silence Dominik once and for all.
I approached the corner and was handed a mic, I took one look around and held it to my lips, "It's so good to be back in Chicago, Illinois." I said making the crowd cheer louder. "Now as I recall, somebody said nobody could scare him. Well, I'm your worst nightmare. I will not feel any guilt whatsoever to go through Mami if necessary to get to your scrawny ass." Dominik swallowed hard as I looked at Rhea. "This is your first, last, and only warning, Mami. Get in my way. There'll be a double hanging. Guaranteed. So you, Mami, can leave now." To everyone's surprise. She left the ring, leaving Dominik by his lonesome. "Before you try to speak, choose your words very carefully. Mami isn't out here for you to hide behind." He stayed quiet. "First smart thing you've done in a long time." I put on a pair of glasses, pulled out a list of offenses, and started reading them off. When I finished reading them, I put the list back in my pocket, took off the glasses, and returned them to my inside jacket pocket of the duster trench coat. "How do you plead?" I asked. He didn't say anything so I unclipped the twenty-foot bullwhip and unfurled it. "I'll ask again and if I get no response again. I'll take it as a guilty plea and pass judgment. What's say all of you?" I asked the crowd and got cheers in response. "So for the last time, how do you plead?" Again I got no response. "Alright, guilty. This court finds you guilty as hell of the aforementioned offenses. So I have decided, you will get twenty lashes, twelve for the offenses, three for being a yellow-bellied coward, whose only claim to fame is hiding behind the other members of Judgment Day, but more importantly behind Rhea. Instead of growing a pair and facing people on his own, the last five, just because you are an embarrassment to your name, your team, your Mami, but most of all, you are an embarrassment to this business, I'm surprised anyone would even consider marrying a piece of shit like you." He got angry. "Ooh, struck a nerve did I? Then maybe the next time Rhea touches the subject of family, with other wrestlers. Maybe coward Dom should tell Mami to shut her mouth. Instead of being Mami's whipping boy. Then again. As long as Mami's willing to let you suck on her tits. You'll never stand up to her. This means you should look for another occupation to pay the bills and put food on the table. Because at Wrestlemania. Your Mami won't have you in her corner. You will be too busy dealing with me in a good old-fashioned Last Man Standing match. But. If I win, you're gone. No more coddling from Mami or sucking on her tits. No more palling around with Priest or Balor. Just you on the unemployment line." The crowd screamed its approval. "Now, we have business to take care of, boy." I said referring to the present punishment. I started rolling the bullwhip back and forth with flicks of my wrist. He shook his head like he had a choice in the matter, "No time to grow a spine now." I said as lashed his chest which caused him to turn around in pain and caused his shirt to have a long tear in the front of it, I continued to doll out the punishment, and when I got up to eight, the crowd started counting along with the lashes. I stopped at 18, Dom was crouched, his back was a road map of pain, I coiled the 20-foot bullwhip up and clipped it to my belt loop, then held the mic to my lips. "I'm going to cut you a break, son. And I don't do that very often. So consider yourself lucky I didn't do the last two. I would have made those a lot more painful than the others. And as a further show of how magnanimous I can be. I strongly suggest you take a month or two off after our Last Man Standing match. And think long and hard about returning to WWE. Because if you do the same shit you did up until the Last Man Standing match. I'll hang you. I'm not even close to joking. I'm dead serious, boy." I dropped the mic, pulled the noose from my left wrist, and held it in front of him, 'Learn from this and this Saturday. Or this will be your future.' I stepped through the ropes with my hand holding my hat, replaced the noose on my left wrist, descended the steel steps, got on my motorcycle, started it, and headed to the back.

Bayley was waiting in the parking lot as I parked my chopper, turned off the engine, got off the bike, put the noose in the right saddlebag, the whip with it, and smiled when I saw her. "Hey, Pam." She ran into my arm.
"You're here. Finally." She grinned as she kissed me.
"You thought I would disappoint my better half since Junior High?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Ohh, I'm so happy to see you." She grinned.
"Happy to see you, too, P." I smiled as I kissed her neck. "So what's got my girl pacing the parking lot?"
"I was just waiting for you." She replied with a smirk. "We have some catching up to do."
"That we do, P. That we do." I grinned.
Our reunion was short-lived as Hunter stormed up to me and nearly blew his top.
"What the hell were you thinking? You can't whip someone on live television." He blustered.
I just looked at him and said, "He's been needing it for weeks now. Of course, Adam likes to people please and not punish anyone. So I have to!" I yelled back.
"Are you volunteering to be the interim GM of Raw?" He asked.
"No. It's time for my annual charity work. Of course, I am. But I expect to be paid as a wrestler." I told him.
"You got it. As you were signed as a wrestler anyway." Hunter grinned as we shook hands and he walked away.
Pam grinned as she hugged me from behind, "Well, I got a surprise for you at the hotel."
"Really?" I asked as she nodded.
"I'll go get packed and meet you at your bike." She said as she kissed me before walking away. I smiled as I waited at my bike for Bayley to come out to me. She soon came out to my chopper and tied her go bag to the back of it. Slid behind me after finding a spare helmet in the left saddlebag. She made sure it was secure before wrapping her arms around my waist from behind. I started the motorcycle and we headed to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel. Pam took off the helmet, put it in the left saddlebag, and untied her go-bag from the backrest. I followed her to her room and was so excited about what she had for a surprise for me. I followed her into her room and she smiled as she yelled, "Ariel, I'm back and I brought a surprise for you!"
"Okay, mom." An eighteen-year-old girl came into the room, she looked like a mini Pam and the moment she saw me, she froze. "Be right..." She stopped talking and looked at me. She had Pam's looks, and hair but with my Hazel eyes.
"Ariel Mercedes Martinez, meet your father Daniel Isaac Boyce. Dan, meet your daughter." Pam grinned. I slowly approached Ariel. Then looked at Pam. "Two months after you moved. I found out I was pregnant. And I wanted to tell you so many times. But I was so worried about what your reaction would be. So I kept her from you. And for that I'm sorry. To both of you."
I wasn't angry with Pam for not telling me about our little girl. But Ariel was angry at me. And to be honest, I didn't blame her. I wasn't there for the first eighteen years of her life. And she punctuated her anger as she punched me as hard as she could. Knocking a tooth out. I just rubbed the right side of my jaw, as she started chewing me out, "Why didn't you try to get in touch with mom after high school, or even when she made a name for herself in NXT or WWE?"
"I don't have an excuse to give. Although it would be easy to invent one. But as you're mom knows I don't make excuses. I don't even pretend to do so. You're right, I should have tried harder to connect with her after high school. Or when she made a name for herself in NXT and WWE. But I didn't. And I'm not one to do this often. But I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being there when you were born, you took your first steps, first word, everything. I wish I could turn back the clock and fix things. But I can't. But I'm here now. And I'm hoping that in time. You can forgive me for everything." Ariel folded her arms and scoffed at me. I just looked at Pam and said plainly, "I better go. See you in the morning." Pam kissed me before I left the room.

As I headed to my room. Pam had some choice words for Ariel, "Young lady, don't you know how lucky you are? You have a dad who's alive and is interested in getting to know you now that he knows about you, and wants to spend time with you. You know some kids would give anything for even a quarter of that. Now if you're gonna be angry at someone. Be angry at me. I didn't tell him about you, I was responsible for him not being there for the first eighteen years of you're life. I recommend you change your stance on him." Pam started to cry as she went into the bedroom, leaving Ariel in the living room of the hotel room.
She gave Ariel a lot to think about.

As for me, I just slid into bed and just fell asleep.

But Ariel couldn't sleep. So she came up with an idea.

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