Chapter 2

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Cody's POV:

Dang. Kailey is hot. She also is an athlete so that means she's not such a girly girl. Perfect. The rest of the group goes around and introduces themselves then we raise out glasses in a toast. "To pretty colors and high definitions." Donny says and everyone cheers. I see Kailey laughing and smile as well. This is going to be a long summer.

Kailey's POV:

After the toast we all sit down and talk and drink from our glasses. Then we separate into groups. Most everyone goes off while Cody and I stay on the couches. "So Kailey, do you have any family back in Texas?" He asks me.

"Um, yeah. I have three sisters, Hailey, Christine, and Tristan, and my parents live about an hour and a half away from me. What about you?" I ask. " Yeah, a brother and a sister, Paulie and Angelina. What sports do you play, you mentions you played quite a few?" He asks.

"Well, I play basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, I run track and cross country, and I do gymnastics." I tell him. "Wow, I played professional soccer." He tells me. "Wow. Maybe we can play together sometime." I say. He smiles and nods. Then Amber, Pow Pow, Devin, and Joey call a house meeting.

Let's put it this way. They think that if we all stayed together though out this competition then we would have a better chance of staying in the game. Uh, no. I might want to make an alliance with some of these people, but I haven't met the others. Oh well. I'll just lie and go along.

So now I'm in the No Fear group. I'll most likely end up changing alliances by the end of the week. Especially when Hailey comes in. That's when all the guys take their shirts off and start working out on the ground. I smile at Cody's six pack. Dang. They gave up on that real quick.

Later all the girls are in the fire room talking. Pow Pow then comes in and starts talking. "I could tell, walking in, that these were going to be strong women. Your energy is very like, 'I know what I want', and that's awesome." She says. "A girl needs to win this year." Amber says.

Next thing you know we are starting an all girls alliance. Oh well, another alliance I have to keep up with. "I even named the final five El Cinco." Pow Pow says. Great, just great. Girls trying to work together. Amber and I decide to change so I quickly change into a work out outfit (pic above).

We're all in the kitchen eating when we hear Julie. "Houseguests. I need everybody in the living room." She says. We all run to the living room. We all take seats. I'm in between Cody and Frankie. "How's everyone doing?" She asks us. "GREAT!" We screams, clapping.

"Good. I suggest you enjoy your time in there." She says. "K." Frankie says beside me. "Cause I can promise you, that the house is going to be very crowded, very soon." She says. Everyone gets a shocked look on their face.

Julie had explained to Hailey and I that after the fifth week if we weren't evicted or revealed then we would get to go into the game together and play at the same time, I'm super excited and hope that we can make it. 

"But before that happens, I have some good news for you. One of you, sitting here right now, will become the first Head of Household this summer." She says. We all cheer. "As you know, the Head of Household get's his or her own private suite." She says. Ok, now I'm excited.

"They also have the responsibility of nominating two houseguests for eviction, and they are completely safe." She says. I'm really smiling now. "Well you can scratch that last part." She says. My smile drops immediately. "What?" I ask. Everyone is saying it now.

"I don't like this twist at all." Amber says. "As I told you, this is the most twisted summer ever. So first time in the history of the game, just because you are Head of Household, doesn't mean you're safe." Julie says. Everyone gasps. This isn't good. "See you soon houseguests." Julie says. Oh brother.

Diary Room:

"Oh come on Julie. Why?"


Everyone is freaking out now. Ok, so Hailey and I aren't the only twist this summer. "Ok, so seven others are coming in." Cody says. "No, didn't you hear Julie before we came in here, there is going to be a special 17th and 18th player this year." Nicole says.

"Well one of us will already be HoH when they get here." Frankie says. We then all go our separate ways. I go off with Nicole. "Where are you from?" I ask her. "A small town named Ubly." She tells me. "Really? I know the small town life. I grew up in one named Gonzales and went to school in Shiner." I say.

"Cool. At least I'm not the only one that comes from a small town here." She says. We continue to talk.

Diary Room:

"Oh my gosh, Nicole is so sweet and I'd also maybe want to start an alliance in the future."


"Houseguests, I need everyone to put on their swimsuits and head to the back yard for the first HoH competition of the summer." Julie says. We all scream and head to the storage room where our outfits are. We quickly change into a sports bra and spandex for the girls and colorful shorts for the boys.

I'm in black. Yay! We walk outside to the backyard and it's like we're at the beach. There is a log and we are instructed to all get on. I'm standing on the end, next to Pow Pow. "Hello houseguests." Julie says over a speaker. "Hi Julie!" We yell. "And welcome to your first HoH competition." She says. We cheer. There are ropes and handles dropped down to us so we grab on.

"To kick off the summer, we thought we'd take you to the beach. This competition is called, 'Go Fly a Kite', and here's how it works. Each houseguest will hold onto their kite while balancing on the rotating  beam. Fall of or let go of your handle and your sandcastle will be crushed." She says.

Oh brother. "The last houseguest standing will become the first HoH of the summer. Does everyone understand?" She asks. "Yes." We reply. "Excellent. Because the summer fun and this competition begins now." She says. The beam rotates and we walk, this is going to be easy.

"Paola is down. This first houseguest to fall in this competition." Julie says when Pow Pow falls. Then Joey falls. "And joey is down, the second houseguest to fall in this competition. It's looking pretty sunny out there, I think you need a little sunscreen." Julie says.

At this sunscreen is poured down on us. Then Nicole falls. "Nicole is down, our third houseguest o fall in this competition." Julie says. "Hey, good job Nicole." I tell her. "Ad then there were six." She says. Amber and I are the only girls left. Donny almost falls, but catches himself.

Then the beam stops then changes direction. Oh great, make it harder why don't you. Then Donny falls. "And Donny's down." Then Devin is down. "And Devin is down. It's down to Devin, Amber, Kailey, and Cody." Julie announces. "We got this you guys." I tell them. Then Cody falls. "And Cody is down."

Oh brother. Then Amber lets go of the bar and falls. Now it's just Frankie and me. "Let's go Kailey!" Joey is yelling. They are all cheering me on. "Do you want this?" I whisper to Frankie. "Yes." "Will I be safe if I let you have it?" I ask. "Of course." He tells me.

I see a puddle of sunscreen and intentionally step in it. I slip and fly off the beam. "And Frankie is the first Head of Household of the summer." Julie announces. The girls come up to me. "You did great." they all tell me. I then go over to hug Frankie. "Good job." I say.

"Thanks." He says, and I know what he means by it. Then Cody comes up and hugs me. "Great job cupcake." He says. "Cupcake?" I ask. "Yeah, that's my nickname for you." He tells me. I smile at this and then I can still feel sparks and butterflies.

We all grab a towel and walk back into the house. Then Frankie calls a quick meeting. "Guys, guys, if something happens, do you guys promise to have my back?" He asks us. "Of course." I say. I feel like I can trust him a lot. Everyone else gives similar replies. Then Julie calls us to the living room.

We all take seats and Frankie sits in an orange chair. "Frankie, again, congratulations today on your big win." Julie says. "Thank you." He says. "Soon, you will be nominating two houseguests for eviction. But not quite yet. As you know, our motto is, 'expect the unexpected.'" She says.

I already am in on one twist, how could there be more? "And I have some important information for you. A second group of eight houseguests will be joining you in the house. And one person from that group, will also become Head of Household." My eyes widen.

"That's right, there will be two HoHs. But by the end of the week only one HoH will be standing. Also, someone that is, or is going to be in the house has a secret, a very important one at that. It will be one of the most important twist of the summer." She says.

I try to make them think I'm just now hearing this. "I'll leave you with that. Goodnight houseguests." She finishes before the tv cuts off. Everyone groans at the little information. I get up. "I have to think." I say.

Then I go to the bathroom and take a shower. This sunscreen is awful. After my shower I change into long black pants and a black tank top. I throw my hair in a messy bun and walk into the room Amber, Joey, and I are in. Once the lights go out, I'm out like a light.

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