[The Lonesome Wolf]-Free De La Hoya

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I don't remember who my parents were. I didn't even try to find who they were.

They asked if I felt sad. Well, I couldn't grieve for something I don't remember; And that was the reason I didn't try to find the truth. 

I was afraid.

Afraid because if I come to know the bitter truth I have been hiding from...

...It's impossible to hide the emotions.

One year, Two years, Three years. And ultimately, It was Five years. During my five years in the Orphanage, I was grown Seven-years-old. I remember everything from when I was three till now.

However, I don't remember the first two years of my life.

Well, uh, maybe a child can't remember something who is that young.

So basically, I remember everything from my childhood. My name, the place I am staying at, the people who took care of me. 

Except for one thing. 

My parents. My home. Or should I say, my 'actual' home?

The question is, why I don't remember? It's simple. I have never seen them once in my life. The very first thing I remember is talking with the big sister who used to take care of us. 

She told me that she found me lying on the bed of the orphanage, and that's how I was here in this orphanage.

Uh, do they think kids don't understand human language or do I look like a fool?

Of course, it was just to avoid that question. Not like I was ever excited whenever that question was raised. Don't people know that these questions are prohibited to ask in an orphanage?

I was like this from the start. Way too mature for my age. That makes me so different that kids used to call me inhuman. Those kids were used to getting scolded by the caretakers but I don't see anything wrong in their statement.

They were stating what they saw and I was indeed abnormal. Staying in the corner, excluded from the crowd.

Indeed I was born to be lonely. Loneliness was just my personality from the start. 

I used to eat and sleep most of the time. While the kids were playing, I prefer to sleep. If someone asked me to play, I refused the offer and sleep instead.

Why do I sleep so much?
Because I love it.

But I will not refuse the fact that the orphanage was kind of fun too. From kids of seven months to seventeen years; everyone lives together. The oldest one there was a big brother who was seventeen years old and was soon going to turn eighteen. 

When the kids turned eighteen in the orphanage and if no one adopts them, the orphanage gives them freedom and it was on them if they want to leave or not. That big brother didn't leave and instead, helped the people there.

He also apologizes in our stead and switches on the television at night for us to watch without anyone knowing it. 

No matter how much I try to run from that ominous feeling that clutches my heart but seeing that big brother, I always had one thought: What if I will end up like him? 

He always smiled and said that he is lucky to have no parents and is free to do anything. He was a horrible liar. I should have told him that. I could see his grief through that hollow eyes of his. 

In the end, he suddenly disappeared. The workers didn't mention anything, but he probably left the orphanage. He knows he has to make a future for himself. 

Time passed gradually. Some of us get adopted, some didn't and new children kept coming. When I was seven, that was the time I first met her. 

The daughter of the owner of the greatest blading academy in Spain; BC Sol. The strong figure used to have a smile and usually visited the orphanage, Kristina Kuroda. Albeit I know nothing about her and I was pretty sure she never saw me, somehow, she used to wave at me and try talking to me.

And soon enough, even she came to know that I was not approachable. I thought she would leave me but...You know, that's not the Kris I know.

"Wanna be friends?" I stared at her hand and then glanced at her smiling face. 

"Uh, do we do handshakes when we become friends?" I asked. She blinked dumbfoundedly and then started laughing. 

Why did she laugh? I don't know. I asked a genuine question, to be honest.

After that, I and Kristina used to talk. And the fact that she was my first and only friend, at that time, she was the one I talked with the most. and eventually, she introduced me to beyblading. 

As her father was the owner of a great academy, It was obvious she loved beyblading so much. It started as a game but I never knew it would become a great part of my life. 

 "Free?" It was the time of sunset and we just finished our battle. 

"Hm?" I replied, waiting for her question.

"Do you want to be a blader when you grow up?" She asked with a bright smile. "There are many bladers in the world. District level, State level, and finally, the Nationals."

"Nationals must be exciting," I muttered when she laughed. "What?"

"Nationals, huh? But you know, it's just the beginning." She said. "The real deal is where you fight the best out of the best, The Internationals." She said and then asked me with her confident smile, "Do you want to go there?"

What would have happened if she never asked me that? What if I had never met her? What would be my future if I was adopted during those seven years? All I know is that the present I am living in would have never existed if any of that happened.

That dream became my reason for hard work and to be grateful for this life. This was a boring life. Life of an orphan and nothing else. It was a common and unwanted story no one will ever know. So I give it my all, just for the aim; the Internationals. 

The district tournament. In my very first tournament, I was able to go to the finals. I even defeated my opponent and make it to nationals but something feel off. 

If that much power is needed to defeat a district-level opponent, then what about nationals? It's not gonna be the same. The competition is much stronger in the Nationals. 

I acted like a machine and trained harder and harder. So much so that I could defeat my opponent in the blink of an eye. 

And then, the Nationals came. By the rough training, it was a piece of cake to make it to the finals. What was my age?  

Trusting on my memories, I was ten years old. The power, the feeling that you can make it to the top. It was an unknown but overwhelming feeling. However, this was not the end. 

For the first time, I found someone as strong as me. Has the same goal as me, and has enough courage to stand proudly in front of his opponent, no matter who they are. That kind of guy he was, The prodigy and the White tyrant, Lui Shirasagijo. 

Guess I wasn't the one claiming the title of 'youngest blading prodigy' because it was already taken by this guy. And for him, this was his 'Internationals'. Winning the nationals of japan at age of barely seven. 

He was a bit of a psychopath and was crazy but each and every time we meet each other at the finals. Pitiful of him, I won every time. And after those years of rivalry, I finally came to the peak.

The Internationals. 

I will be straight from here. I won the International and became the World champion. The title I have chased after. Becoming 'Undefeated'. There was nothing like a 'second chance' or 'loss'.

A loss is a loss and a win is a win.

But, what now?

From this moment, the path I craved for become nothing. And again, it turned out like before. No one to match you, what was the point of being undefeatable? 

Yeah, there was no one. No one was as powerful as the no. 1 Free de la Hoya. Or maybe that was what I thought.

"It doesn't matter whether you lose or win. It's about having fun!"


"You had Valt Aoi on your squad, right? Why would you just abandon them like that?"

I really...

"Free. It looks like I'll be the one to crush you, once and for all."

Why this guy too...



"Hey, Free let's-NO! WHY SILAS IS HERE?!"

From when...

"BC Sol is such a nice team, isn't, Free?"

Just when it all becomes so noisy?


The cold breeze brushed past his face as he stared at the falling leaves. It was a clear indication of winter. 

"Yawn~ eh? It's over?" he looked behind at the green-haired yawning, stretching his arms and glancing at Free with boring eyes. "You need to develop the plot before telling your story to someone else again," he said. "But never tell it to me ever again."

Free smiled before turning his gaze. "Is that so? I will keep it in mind next time."

"Shut up. There's no next time." Silas hissed before standing beside the blonde. He looked down from the balcony and saw a bluenette clapping while the boy beside him was doing stunts. While the third one shouts at them. Silas paused.

"Wait, what's that idiot doing here? Wasn't he babysitting some kids?" 

"He's on a vacation," Free replied as Silas groaned. He sighed and looked at Free.

"I don't sympathize with you or whatever, but you know that you are not undefeatable." he paused before continuing, "But maybe we are."

Free was surprised by the unexpected remark of the latter and stared at him before smiling. Silas coughed before pulling something from his pocket. "And this,"

Free took the box wrapped in a golden wrapper and stared at Silas. "W-what? I-it's the whole team not only me,"

As Free opened the box, a warm smile appeared on his face. "Did staying with the team really changed you?"

"I said it's not me!" The green-haired male shouted and kept speaking and shouting at the blonde.


Free touched the locket with the logo of BC Sol.

Yeah, maybe


It's better noisy than lonely.


Lmao, I am really dead, yknow. But these idiots are bringing me back to life. I really miss them T_T

I will try my best to survive :')

Again, Happy birthday Free~

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