The Valentine's Gift 🎁

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Well I'm glad I'm catching up with the other one also :D

After all it's my fault for disappearing suddenly... I've no excuse. Still alive in the hospital bed that's enough I guess :')

Here a week (if I don't lose my count I guess) ago I read this incredible OneShot and it absolutely touched my heart 💓

So here it is! 💖💘🎶🌃

Originally written by ChooChooMan

Book- The Valentine's Gift

Short Description -

Valt has made his way to New York as a surprise trip for his boyfriend Shu. But he has difficulty in finding the perfect gift, either worrying whether it's going to too classical or corny.

Valt is feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of finding the perfect gift, but with the help of Fubuki and Lain, he comes up with an idea to take Shu to a fairy tale-themed ball.


Valt discovers that the most challenging aspect of a new relationship is gift-giving.

There are so many things that might have significance behind them, and they don't have to be expensive to be meaningful.

Even spending time with Shu was a treat in and of itself, given how far apart the two teenagers are locationally.

Valt would not have believed it if you told an eleven-year-old version of yourself that his childhood friend was going to move to New York and then later become his boyfriend.

He used to gag at the prospect of a relationship because don't all young boys do that? But of course he was blown away by Shu's charm.

Even after two months, the butterflies lingered in Valt's stomach like a frantic primary school love affair.

And now he was flying to America to surprise Shu for Valentine's Day, but he had no idea what to get his boyfriend.

"Let me tell you, Fubuki, I may have known Shu since kindergarten, but that does not mean I am a mind reader; the distance doesn't help."

Valt's low voice became restless, and he could see the alluring shimmer of the lights that glassed over New York City.

As he brought the device back up to his ear, the phone in his hand continued to babble.

He listened to what Fubuki had to say, but his voice was becoming increasingly lost in the background noise.

It was as though his brain didn't want to pause or slow down for a second. Fubuki was having a conversation about school and work, but neither of these topics attracted Valt's attention.

Suddenly, there was a pause. "Hey Valt, are you alright?" Fubuki questioned, but the sound of his voice continued to echo in Valt's head, and he was unable to fully tune into the rest of the conversation.

"Valt, can you hear me?" Fubuki queried, but Valt felt his throat twist like a stranglehold, and whatever words were coming to him sat there like dirty laundry.

He was committed to giving Shu the coolest present he could think of. But Valt felt like a stranger after all these years, despite the fact that he had known shu his entire life, and what if Shu didn't like anything he brought him? What would happen to him?

It was the worst type of imposter syndrome, and it was the reason he was talking to Fubuki, but the words still weren't coming out.

"Hey, Valt," Fubuki's voice finally cut into Valt's head. "You are doing great. I know coming here is already going to be a surprise to him. You really need to take this one step at a time, just breathe, okay?"

Despite himself, Valt felt a tired smile strain at the muscles of his face; the late hours of the night were finally draining the life out of him.

"Thank you, Fubuki." He exhaled, relief filled his system, and the cushioned airport seat surrounding him gripped him as if it were a soothing hug, assuring him that everything would be alright. He was going to be alright.

"I guess I'll better go now. I'll meet you at the airport shortly, and I'll text you as soon as I arrive, okay?" Valt mumbled faintly before hanging up, the phone now in his lap.

He felt as weightless as air, and the notion of going to Shu and surprising him was no longer an overwhelming prospect to him.

Take it one step at a time he repeats to himself, his heart thundered loudly in his chest.

"God this is silly, but a good kind of silly." How very true that statement was.


Valt did not know how to deal with both Fubuki and Lain; he loved Shu's students, he really did, but how in the heck was he supposed to choose a meaningful gift if the two of them turned everything into a competition every five seconds?

He just watched them scurry around each other and press every single item that made noise in the children's toy section, which alerted every parent within a five-mile radius.

The children loved it of course but the parents drove dirty looks that could have curdled milk.

"All right, gentlemen," he began, taking Fubuki and Lain by the shoulders, "I think it's time to actually focus on why we came here."

The two immediately snap out of it and offer Valt an ashamed expression that borders on being more than a look.

"I've been trying to focus on finding a good gift for Shu, but you two aren't helping. The shopping part is stressful enough, and you two almost got us kicked out of the best shop in this mall."

Valt's tone was patient but you could see that a chasm was starting to form on his forehead, one that would become deep if the two continued playing with the musical toys.

It's only then that Fubuki looks down at his feet and Lain returns to his previous expressionless self.

Unsurprisingly, Lain was the first to break the silence, "Do you have any idea what you want to get him?"

The youngest teen asked with what Valt assumed was a hopeful tone, but Valt shook his head, saying that any ideas that he had during the last 24 hours he had deemed too cheesy.

When Valt arrived at the hotel, the first thing he did was look at the different types of flowers and what they meant.

Alstroemeria symbolised romance; tulips were a good bet for friendship; gladiolus depicted love between friends; etc.

They all seemed to have their own distinct meaning and something unique about them. He knew flowers were the classic staple of Valentine's Day along with chocolates.

He thought about making something handmade, but considering that he put the last kitchen he used in flames, it probably wasn't the best idea.

"You know, the best people that give gifts always have something with another layer of meaning behind it, but it can be really subtle. You could make a card game where it gets you two to talk about lighthearted topics, or how about a memory jar where you put some of the best times that have happened between you two?"

Fubuki tries, and Valt takes a second to mull over what the blonde had suggested.

The ideas were both sweet, and Valt was aware that Shu was always sentimental about what they did together.

Especially now that they were both nearing adulthood, taking the time to reflect on everything had to mean something.

And now that the two of them lived on opposite sides of the world, time spent together was more important than ever, so why not have fun with it?

"I have an idea," Valt decided to say, "but I want this to be planned out a little bit. I was thinking that it could be a surprise for the evening. You know the restaurant we drove past where it had all the fairy lights?" Fubuki and Lain both nod their heads and look at each other.

There is a twinkle in the younger teen's eyes that Valt takes as permission to proceed.

"I know Shu is really into fairytales. I need you to force him to dress up as a prince; there's a Valentine's Day ball function, as I read when we passed by. You guys can come along too, it would make it more convincing! Besides, it's about the memories we make, right?"

Fubuki and Lain exchange glances; there is an air of approval for Valt's idea, and a flicker of pride comes to Valt's eyes.

By the way the two looked and smirked cheekily, the blue-haired boy knew right at that moment that he had their approval.


"Ken, I have no idea how to put on a corset; I brought two because you know I had to! They looked so pretty, and the shop assistant gave me a discount, but I don't know how tight to make it."

Ken snorted in amusement as he watched his friend clumsily attempt to adjust the ribbon that hung on the corset's chest.

The sound of Valt's voice was muffled by how much he kept on persistently tugging at the ribbon and trying to tie it, but to no avail.

Both Daigo and Honcho were on the video call too, but they were discussing the importance of different ice cream flavours and insulting each other as good friends do.

"Do not over tighten your corset unless you want a terrible case of constricting your breathing Valt, tip number one," Came Ken's voice of reason as he still watched Valt struggle, "Your corsets size should be tight but don't make it too tight cause that's dangerous, also watch out for back pain Valt if you do have it too loose and not to mention that you need to make sure that you don't wear it for an excessive amount of time."

"How does that help?" Valt protested as he looked up at Ken.

"Well you don't want to end up hurting yourself?"

"Ugh, this thing is so uncomfortable! It's like a straight jacket!" Valt complains loudly, and then after all that he finally managed to get the strings the corset was connected to tight enough to properly accentuate his bust.

The blue-haired teen let out a sigh of relief as he stepped back and admired his handy work, Honcho and Daigo had finished their lighthearted argument and gave their friend a small clap.

"Very, nice you most certainly have a princely presence." Daigo congratulated his friend.

The corset itself was red and pink which stuck to the valentine's theme, there were small hearts on a layer of lace that was transparent over the top of the normal one and the detailing was done in gold thread.

The edges of the corset on the sides had two tied bows on either side that were all gold too.

"You know I never thought I would be seeing you in a corset buddy, but wow you look great!" Honcho complimented, Valt did a little spin to show off his whole outfit.

"I'm more impressed that Valt knows how to style something." Ken stated.

"Ah...I did pretty well for myself right Ken?" Valt retorted to the older teen, his voice was teasing but it did make Ken laugh a little.

"Yes Valt you are rocking it!" Ken says, "Now go get your prince, I bet Shu is going to be a blushing mess by the time you get back."

The teens laughed as they all agreed about that statement they knew that Shu was very easy to get flustered, especially if Valt was involved there was nothing that made him flustered faster.

Except that time when they washed their clothes, Shu's normally salmon pink button up shirt came out with patches of purple and he had to wear it to an important conference because he packed no spare shirts.

"Thanks, but I still don't know how to dance. Shu is going to think I'm a joke."

"Nonsense, you'll do fine. Just follow the music and have fun. Remember, it's not about being perfect, it's about making memories," Ken reminded him.

"How far are you from the event?" Daigo asks, and Valt checks his phone for the location.

"I'm about 10 minutes away," Valt replies, and he could feel his nerves starting to get the better of him.

He takes a deep breath and reminds himself that this was for Shu and that he was doing this because he loves him.

It may not be a memory jar like Fubuki originally suggested but Valt was sure that this would be a moment that Shu would never forget.

He was determined to make this night magical and memorable for the both of them.

"Does Shu know you are in New York?" Honcho asks, breaking Valt's thoughts.

"No, I wanted to surprise him. I've been planning this for weeks, and I can't wait to see his face when he sees me." Valt responds with excitement in his voice, "I just hope everything goes smoothly."

"Don't worry, you'll do great," Ken reassures him, "We'll be cheering you on from here."

"Thanks, guys." Valt says with a smile, "Wish me luck."

"Good luck, Valt!" Daigo and Honcho chorus, and Ken gives him a virtual thumbs up.

Valt takes one more deep breath before he exits the video call, making sure to lock up the hotel room before leaving. Now he can really feel it, he puts one shaky hand to his chest.

He can feel his heart racing with anticipation, an uncertain smile pulls at the features of his face but he knows that the reward at the end of the night will be worth it all.

He would do this one hundred times over if it meant he would spend it with Shu.

As he approaches the venue, he can hear the music from outside, and he can see the lights flashing.

He takes one more deep breath before he enters the building and makes his way towards the dance floor.

The room is filled with couples, all dressed in their finest attire, Valt couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, he scans the room for any signs of Shu, Fubuki or Lain.

"Valt?" A very familiar voice called, they sound so close it's almost as if he had just run into them.

Valt turns around to see Shu giving him the most surprised look he's ever seen him wear, then the Aoi notices Fubuki out of the corner of his eye and a giant smile appears on the blonde's face.

He gives Fubuki a wave, before looking back at Shu with an expression that he can't quite describe, but it's enough to see Shu completely melt.

"You look dazzling, my prince, you can even say you swept me off my feet."

Valt gives Shu a hearty laugh, "Care for a dance?" He requests, the albino take a couple moments to notice Valt's outstretched gloved hand.

His face turned a scarlet red that Valt couldn't help but grin at, this was the only time he felt at home in this world and this moment felt right.

Shu just looked at him and Valt saw him hesitate. It wasn't long before he smiled and nodded, Valt then took a step towards him before he guided Shu towards the dance floor, the two of them making their way to the music.

"I still can't believe you're here." Shu murmurs, gently. Valt spins him around falling into a timely rhythm; both of them fit perfectly together.

Valt puts his left hand on Shu's back and he feels his skin fluttering under his touch, Valt can tell he's nervous.

The pace of the dance was slow and drawn out, and the lights glowed framing the two of them in a bubble of radiance.

"You know, as strange as it is to admit this, I want to dance here in this moment forever... but it doesn't last forever does it?" Shu says, Valt pulls in closer until the two are almost touching; they can feel the heat of their bodies practically bouncing off of each other.

"Then we'll make it last, we'll dance and dance until the soles of our feet are ready to fall off."

Valt answers and starts spinning around the dance floor with the most grace he could conjure up, their eyes locked as their fingers intertwine.

The tempo picked up and Valt could hear the music playing a little faster as Shu moves closer to him and they start moving faster, Valt could feel his own pulse quickening, he could feel his chest tighten, the beat was so fast it left him breathless and he could feel the air around them a flowing breeze.

They were holding each other so tight, if one of them let go the other would fall into the dance floor and that wasn't going to happen, he wasn't ready to let Shu go.

As the song ends, they both break apart, gasping for air, their faces red with exertion.

The crowd around them claps, and they both turn to see the audience giving them a standing ovation.

Valt feels his face redden and Shu also appears to be like a deer caught in the headlights.

But he notices how happy Shu's crimson eyes look, he notes this in the back of his mind. The two of them together take a bow, basking in the audience's reaction.

"I love you," Shu whispers, and Valt's heart swells at the sudden declaration, while the two had only been together for a couple months.

It was the first time Valt had ever heard those words uttered out of his boyfriend's mouth.

"I love you too, happy Valentine's day Shu." Valt answers, his voice cracking with emotion. Valt takes Shu's hand, leading him off the dance floor.

They make their way to the table, where Lain and Fubuki are waiting for them with wide grins on their faces.

"That was amazing!" Fubuki exclaims, "You two make such a beautiful couple!"

"Thanks, Fubuki," Shu says, smiling, "But it wouldn't have been possible without Valt."

"I agree," Lain pauses, "You two were good." Valt feels his face heat up again, but he's grateful for the praise.

He looks at Shu, and their eyes meet, gazing at each other with adoration and Valt can feel himself falling in love all again as those angelic red eyes draw him in.

Shu reaches out and touches Valt's cheek, the teen feels his breath hitch in his throat and the world stops as Shu pulls him in for a kiss.

It was unexpected and out of the blue, but no less fulfilling. The rest of the night passes by in a blur of laughter, music, and dance.

Valt and Shu spend the rest of the evening wrapped in each other's arms, unable to stop the silly grins that seem to be permanently etched on their faces.

This Valentine's day was going to be one to remember.


(ChooChooMan:) I hope that everyone enjoyed this piece lol, this took quite a long while to write quite a long while to write and I am not known to ship stuff but I thought I would try this out because I have been promising myself that I would do this for quite a long time.

I was nervous about posting but yeah! Also plane first scene is unrealistic please don't do what Valt did!

The frequency that comes from cell phones on a plane could really screw up the autopilot systems of the plane causing it to either crash or have a very rough landing.

It would also really interfere with the pilot's ability to contact the ground and could cause a crash.

There's a lot of reasons why you don't want to be using a cell phone on a plane. Hehe-

TD: I am feeling so BLESSED REALLY 😭🥺💕💖

(Edited by Me :D)


That's for all. See you soon 👍 and Happy Belated Valentine's Day ❤️✨💙💖💘🎶🌹💐

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