It Takes Three to Fall In Love

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Prompt 6! This is my first time writing a three way relationship so this oneshot might be a bit crappy. I'm not used to jiggling between three characters in love so please spare me while I learn to deal with this xD. If you guys love more from this ship, do tell me. I had fun writing this. 

Shu heard the sound of clutter the moment he entered his apartment. He tilted his head, curious, walking over to the living room to decipher the sound. Surely enough, it was Free and Lui, both of them were in the adjoined kitchenette bickering over something.

The three of them had been together for over a year but their relationship was not something out of storybooks. They lived apart most of the time, Free in Spain training in BC Sol, Shu handling Raging Bulls as Lui often resided in his private islands doing god knows what. They did talk with each other everyday, but as they reached their one year anniversary, the three of them decided they should take a break and have some time together. Since then, they have been staying over with each other in Spain, America and Lui's island, even constantly visiting Japan. It was not easy, but Shu knew one day the three of them will settle down. Live that whole daydream of a house behind a picket fence.

He blinked, snapping back to focus when Free yelped. The two of them were so engrossed in their work that they didn't notice the albino peering by the living room. "Wait, is this how it is supposed to go?" The blonde was asking, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

Lui sighed, rubbing his temples. He was wearing the dark blue 'kiss the chef' apron Free insisted on buying the last time they went shopping. Shu didn't know how Free convinced the White Tyrant to wear it. He loathed the thing. "Listen here you little shit, you're the one who told me you knew the recipe. Should I put this in or not?"

Free squinted at the label of the small jar Lui was holding, "I mean, using Honey wouldn't do anything weird, right?"

"I don't know. You tell me. It's your mom's recipe."

Oh, Shu thought, tilting his head. This must be the famous cookie recipe Free kept talking about.

"Repeat the ingredients," Lui said, pointing the spatula at Free. The blonde nodded.

"Ok. Butter, eggs, vanilla, salt, some kind of a soda-"

"Baking soda," Lui cut him off, shooting the blonde a glare. "What else?"

"Chocolate chips, raw honey and," He frowned, "Vinegar?"

Lui slapped his own forehead.

Shu chuckled, unable to hold it in. The two whipped their heads towards the male standing by the sofas. "Shu!" Free bemoaned, "When did you come?"

"A couple of minutes ago," He answered , walking over to the kitchen counter. He peered over it to see a scatter of ingredients and bottles. "You guys making cookies?" He said, motioning Lui to come closer.

Lui raised his brow, "If you're trying to kiss me, I'm going to murder you."

Free snorted, leaning in and pressing a kiss on his cheek. "But your apron says kiss the chef."

Lui groaned, swatting Free away as he leaned closer to Shu beside the grumbling. The albino chuckled, pressing his lips against his smooth skin. "And I hate this thing."

"He's lying," Free dramatically whispered before opening his arms. "And where's mine?"

"Your apron is plain blue, so I won't kiss you," Shu answered, "And don't use vinegar."

Free pouted, "But ma'am."

Shu reached over and pinched his cheek before leaning onto a welcome home kiss. "You two sort this out, I'm gonna shower."

"Can I join you?" Free called out as he walked towards the door of their main bedroom.

"No thanks, you horny devil."

Free yelled something back which was muffled when Shu closed the door behind him. He stepped out of his clothes and walked over to their shared bathroom, eager to feel the warmth of the water. He turned the shower on and leaned back against the cold tiles. The water trickled down his body, the exhaustion of day's work slowly ebbing away. Shu rubbed his face, letting out a relaxed sigh. They had been organising small tournaments the past few days to hone the skill of the newly recruited members. The work was exhausting.

After the shower he put on a clean t-shirt he borrowed (stole) from Free and a pair of black shorts. When he walked back to the kitchen, Free was sitting on one of the counter-top chairs, staring at Lui with great intent. Lui was alone, completing the task at hand on his own.

"What happened?" Shu asked, sliding to the seat beside Free. The blonde tugged at his shirt.

"And I wondered what happened to this thing."

Shu ignored his comment, "Why are you sitting here and my Lui doing all the work?"

"Our Lui," Free grinned, "I decided to give him emotional support by sitting here. Aren't I awesome?"

"I kicked him out. He'd been trying to add vinegar to this shit for the past few minutes."

"But mom did add it."

"I texted your mother, and she said NO. Also told me not to listen to you." He flipped his screen to them where there was a message from Free's mom; the recipe. "I know what to do now."

Shu shook his head, amused. He patted Free's shoulder as his face screamed nothing but betrayal. "There, there, baby. It's okay. It's okay."

"I hate you!"

Shu leaned against him, dropping his head to his shoulder. "No, you don't."

Free didn't bother to hide his smile as he kissed his hair, nuzzling his face against his damp locks. "Damn right I don't"

"Anyway," Shu drew away from him, sitting upright on the chair. "What's the occasion?"

Lui pulled out a tray from the top drawer and placed it on the tiled counter. He placed the bowl with the batter next to it. "There's no occasion, snowflake," he said, moving his gaze to Shu's. But Shu's eyes were fixated on the batter. He pressed his lips to a thin line and looked up at Lui with a hopeful look. The one that Free and Lui both found irresistible.


Lui held his gaze. His shoulders sagged, "One scoop from your finger, that's all I'm giving."

"Thank you sir!" he said in a singsong voice helping himself to a scoop from his finger. He closed his eyes, sighing with content, "Ah, this is going to taste like heaven."

"What about me?" Free asked, pointing at himself. "This is a democratic household."

"I will add vinegar to yours."

"Have mercy," Free yelped, launching himself forward and stealing some of the batter. Lui lunged forward, swatting at his hand. The blonde laughed, pushing backwards. The chair he was seated on rattled and the next moment he was falling sideways towards Shu. The albino yelped and held onto Free's shirt as they both tumbled to the floor with a loud crash.

"Ow!" Shu groaned, rubbing sorely at the side of his stomach where Free's elbow connected with a few moments ago.

"Are you two alive?" Lui asked. He had momentarily stopped making the cookies and was standing a few feet away from them, looking at his two boyfriends who were a heap on the floor.

Free relaxed on his place on top of Shu. His head resting on his chest. "I'm comfortable here."

Shu patted his blonde locks, silently thanking the thick carpets on the floor that always broke their fall whenever they tumbled like dominoes. That was a good investment. "We're alive and kicking." He called out, "But take this giant man out of my body."

Lui shrugged, "I have cookies to bake." He turned around and walked to the kitchen.

"You can't feed cookies to a corpse!" Shu screamed after him, not bothering to move despite his complaints. Free groaned, pulling himself up as he sat on the floor.

"First, rude. Second, I think the batter tastes better without vinegar."

Shu mimicked his actions, sitting in front of him with a grin. "I know, Free. You don't put vinegar when you're baking cookies."

"What about something like oyster sauce?"

"Never let this man inside the kitchen."

Shu chuckled at Lui's remark. The two just sat on the floor listening to the clink of the trey as it was put into the oven. Free tilted his head, "Are you tired, baby?"

The albino shrugged, "A little, why? Do I look that bad?"

Free motioned him to come closer, "C'mere, let me give you a massage."

"Fifteen minutes in there and we're ready to go." Lui walked over to them and flopped on the floor like it was the most normal place all of them could be sitting. This was one of the things Shu adored about the three of them. These small moments, the inside jokes and quirks all three of them had. Free ran his long palms across his shoulder, Shu sighed in comfort, leaning forward.

Lui watched the two of them, sitting cross legged in front of them. "How's work?"

"Same thing," Shu smiled, "We had tournaments again today and some paperwork."

"You work too hard," Free commented. His knuckles tracing circles along his back applying just the right pressure. Shu moaned softly.

"I think I'm going to fall asleep," He yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"If you fall asleep now, Free's going to eat all your cookies."

"That was my plan all along and all done!" He chirped, kissing Shu's neck like he always did after finishing his back massage. Shu leaned back against his chest as the blonde wrapped his arms around him, placing his head on the crook of his neck. Shu opened his arms and beckoned Lui into their hug.

"There's still time for the cookies to prepare."

Lui raised his brow in return but didn't reject the offer. Shu found himself squeezed between his two boyfriends. He closed his eyes, sinking into the warmth of their strong hold when the sound of lips crashing made him crack one eye open. Sure enough, engulfing in a hug wasn't enough for those two. Free had one of his arms around Shu, the other on Lui's shoulder to keep him steady. Lui had both his on Free's each shoulder as he kissed back to match the passion of the blonde.

They were kissing right there over his head. He sighed, "I'm feeling lonely."

Free chuckled, his lips still hovering close to Lui's. "You're literally in the middle of us. You can't feel lonely."

"Facts," Lui murmured, placing one last peck on the blonde's lips before drawing away to look at the pouting teenager.

Lui leaned in, about to steal his lips when a noise beep snapped them out of their love bubble. "Shit," Lui cursed, as he dashed towards the kitchen. The other two followed close behind just in time to watch Lui taking out the steaming tray and placing it on the tile. He took off the gloves as the aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the air.

Shu's mouth watered, "This smells so good."

"My mom would be proud." Free was standing behind Lui, peering over his shoulder to look at the golden brown delicacies, curls of steam escaping them. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, "I've gotta snap a pic."

"Give credits to Lui!" Shu called out, creeping behind the two. He was more interested in cookies. He probed at one of them, drawing his fingers away quickly. "I want one."

"Calm down," Lui said, "Let them be for a damn second."

Shu flopped on the floor again, but this time he was in the kitchen staring up at the steaming tray of freshly baked cookies that were just fingertip reach but so far away. "I can hear your dramatic monologue from over here," Free called out, laughing. He was scrolling through his messages, leaning against the kitchen counter.

Traitor, Shu thought. Just a couple of minutes ago he was eager to have one of them just as he was.

Lui crouched in front of him and pinched his nose, "Don't make that face."

"I'm not making faces."

"Yes you are."

Shu opened his mouth to hit him back with a smart comeback and a small squeal interrupted them. "Hot, hot, hot," Free yelped, tossing the cookie from one hand to the other before taking a bite. He had used their distraction to help himself with the first cookie. He looked at them, staring at him from the floor. He shrugged, "What? Someone gotta try fir-ow!"

Free blinked, looking at his arm and back at Shu who was holding his cookie. "Y-you bit me?"

Shu raised his brow, "Yep." he helped himself to the cookie. "This is so good!"

"Lui, he bit me!"

Lui was calmly placing the cookies on a plate ignoring his boyfriends squabbling in the background. Shu giggled, almost choking. He hacked, coughing. "Shit," Free laughed, reaching out to help him. He patted his back, "C'mon, bunny, don't die on us. And that's for biting me, you feral chi-mmpf."

Shu shoved the rest of the cookie in his big mouth, gulping down the glass of water Lui handed him. "You two," Lui said, pointing at the two. Free was still chewing the cookie, surprised by the sudden treat shoved upon his mouth. "Out of the kitchen, now."

Shu gasped, offended. He never thought there would be a day he was kicked out of his own kitchen. But here they were. "I'll bring the cookies to the living room. I'm not in the mood to help moving bodies today."

Soon, they were in the living room, packed into the sofa. Free decided it was better to finish them while watching a movie. Shu agreed with the idea. The albino hopped off the sofa and raced to the kitchen with a surrendering smile at Lui. He pulled out several snack bags out of the top drawer and walked back to the living room with Lui following him with a plate of steaming cookies in his hands.

Free had already claimed the right side of the sofa. This was another habit the three of them had. Lui and Free always claimed corners of the sofa, leaving the space in the middle for Shu. Shu plopped down in between them, cocooned in their warmth. He loved his place in the middle, it was always reassuring to have them by his side.

Halfway through the movie, Shu found himself dozing off. Lui had his hand on his thigh, tracing circles on his skin, his violet eyes trained on the screen in front of them. Shu yawned, leaning back against Free's arm which was thrown across the back of the sofa. "Honestly, why did you two decided to make cookies?" Shu asked as a character he was rooting for died.

"For you," Free answered, leaning his head against Shu's own.

"So, I'm the occasion?"

Lui smirked, "Well, you can say that."

Shu smiled, already drifting off out of exhaustion. He didn't want to think about dinner, besides he was already full. Maybe they can order takeout today. He felt Lui's arm moving around his waist. Free nuzzling his face against his locks like he always did when he was sleepy. Maybe the three of them will doze out here and he wouldn't care. He closed his eyes, sinking into their arms with a smile. He could live this moment over and over for a lifetime. 

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