Just plain gone

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Evan stared into the mirror. Bags under his eyes like always. "Gross" he muttered and took out make-up. He didn't like wearing it, but he also didn't wanna look like a zombie. He fixed up his face and put on a fake smile. "Another day of JOY!" He fake laughed and went back to staring at himself. "That should convince them" He said and walked out of the bathroom.

Tyler waited at the restaurant with the crew. Lui was battling with Nogla, Brian and Brock were talking, scotty and Marcel were ordering everything, Anthony was being Anthony and the only person who needed to be here now, was Evan. When Tyler was about to get up, Evan came through the door. "Hey guys! Am I late?" He asked and sat down. "At least I'm not last this time!" Brian said and ruffled up his hair. Evan smiled and started joking around with everyone. No one noticed at how Evan would randomly tear up, No one really noticed how he would constantly pull up his sleeves as they kept getting lowered down, But... there was one person that noticed. Tyler stared at Evan's face as Evan talked with Brock. 'Were those bags under his eyes always there?' Tyler thought to himself as he averted his eyes to something else when Evan looked at him. "-you're paying alright?" He heard Marcel say and turn to look at him. "Whaaat? I have to pay all that?" He asked.

Marcel nodded. "You ordered a full sized pizza and 5 beers tyler!!" They all started laughing as Tyler threw a fit.

~ The next day ~

Tyler fixed up his shirt. "Bye Kelly! I'll see you in a bit" Kelly yelled back an "OKAY!" And Tyler was off. He decided to see one of his friends today and luck be it, Evan was chosen. He hadn't seen him since yesterday. Tyler walked over all the way to Evan's house. "I wonder how he's doing" Tyler muttered. Evan's not the best at expressing what he wants or what's wrong with him. Tyler went up to the door and rang the door. "Hey fuckface!! It's me You're best bud!!" Tyler yelled out to the window. He rang it again when he got no response. "Evan?!" He yelled again and knocked on the door. "Maybe he's not home?" Tyler questioned and was about to leave when the door slowly crept open. "That's creepy" He told himself and pushed it open. "Hey Evan? Vanoss?" He went inside finding it surprisingly clean. He closed the door behind him and looked around.

Tyler jumped when he heard a meow and found Evan's cat on the stairs. "Oh hey... I don't know your name... Evan's cat" The cat meowed again and ran upstairs. Tyler understanding that he/she (I'm sorry I don't know the name or gender of Evan's cat) wants to be followed. He quickly followed the cat and landed at Evan's bedroom door. The cat meowed and pushed open the door. "G-goodbye e-everyone" Evan said and walked off the stool. Tyler gasped and ran at him. He quickly grabbed Evan and kept him in the air. Evan slowly opened his eyes to see Tyler staring back at him. "Ty...ler?" He teared up and started crying. "You BITCH!!" He started hitting him. "Let go of me!! Let go of me you asshole! J-just let me die!!" Tyler held tightly onto him and balanced himself well. He was taller and stronger then Evan even if Evan had the muscles to put him in a headlock. Evan stopped and cried.

~ After getting him down ~

Tyler looked up and down on Evan's arms and legs. "Evan.. why?" Evan wiped his face and gave him a note. Tyler took it and started reading(which is basically the song). Evan was petting his cat the whole time until Tyler finished. Tyler looked at Evan and hugged him. "Evan.. we can get through this okay?" Evan started crying again and hugged him back. "I'm sorry" he said. "I'm so sorry" Tyler kept hugging him as Evan kept saying sorry.


Yeeeeah. I couldn't kill Evan. He's to precious! So I wrote where he was about to but Tyler saves him. I hope you enjoy this too! Sorry if you didn't want it this way.

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