Let's Call Her

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Why Hurt someone whose only intension was to love you?

I have never experienced heartbreak. This is my first time. If this is how insufferable it feels like then I want more. Give me more.
"One more shot please." He ordered the bar tender guy to filled up his glass, who was busy with giving service to his other customers. Next second that guy moved to him with a bottle full in his grip.

"Enough now. Whatever the problem is I don't think drinking is going to be a solution." A voice came out from nowhere. My eyebrows pinched together, with a little struggle I looked over my shoulder at the intruder, and immediately my mood grew more bitter than it was already. That Asshole.

"Oh you. Advay! The perfect guy Avni Mehta in love with " with a sarcastic scoff I downed the bitter liquid down my throat. I don't care if it burned my skin inside my mouth like a crap because burning is much better feeling than having rejected by the girl you like the most. How rudely she just wave off my feelings as if I am some stupid admirer to her. She is a monster.

"You look like a shit Neil. You need to stop" he pulled the empty chair beside me filling it with his shitty butt. Disgusting. He is the last person I want to have a heart to heart with right now.

"Why stop?" I made a face. If he is enough intelligent then he can see it by my face that how much entertained I could be with this conversation with him right now. If he is smart to be specific.

"You had enough" before I could have thrown the liquid down my throat again he snatched my glass leaving my mouth agape like a fish for water. What the hell did he think he just did? Son of.....

"And who are you, you think you can stop me?" I spat. There is a deep frown that appeared between my brows challenging him. I am growing irritated with each passing moment with this guy. It's his luck I am playing cool.
The amount of liquid I consumed since I stepped in here, by now the alcohol has started kicking my system. I can feel it very well, and guess what I have no regrets of my actions a single bit.

"I think I should call Avni then." He said, his voice warning and With one swift movement he is off his seat. Throwing at me his irked gape for one last time Advay pulled his eyes down at his phone in search for her number? Like seriously?
My heart skipped giving me adrenaline rush at the mention of that particular name, I swallowed heavily. Whatever cranky I grew seeing him here, all went out of the window leaving me thrilled.

Am I not allowed to feel a little elated? For a night atleast?


Are you seriously calling her? His voice a little slurry, he is already tipsy. Neil hovered over his phone to see if he is bluffing. He grew curious.
A devilish smirk stretched at the corner of his lips when he saw Advay is genuinely calling Avni.For the first time he wants Avni to pick up this call really quick.

Let me be the villain for a night then. Neil thought gulping down the remaining of his drink that Advay snatched from his grip a minute before, but forgot to take away it entirely.
Finishing with a single swig he put the empty glass down on the counter with a thud, wiped his lips using his sleeves. In anticipation His heart releasing irregular beating every second. His hands shaking very mildly in apprehension with this whole setting. He is so on the edge at the moment.
His eyes glinted with mischief which is absolutely unaware to Advay who is standing there talking to Avni in a hush tone giving her a little brief about Neil's current status.
Finger crossed.


Advay-Are you sure? I mean look at him he is a total wasted. Advay frowned being unsure looking at Neil. Who is busy playing 'she loves me she loves me not' with a purple tulip out of the flower vase which  was kept  there for the decoration. He is so drunk, his eyes droopy yet He is the most handsome guy at the same time the cutest one in the room. Avni's eyes softened watching him in awe.
The second she got the call from Advay blabbering about Neil's getting drunk, for few seconds it was really shocking for her to digest this whole new side of Neil, and also he could put himself into such fuss. Subsequently this info hit her with suffice believable cause when she recalled her little meeting with Neil this evening. Avni had no other option but rushed to the scene to his rescue. By car it took her five minutes to reach to the club.

"Yes and you are going to help me in it." Avni stated crossing her arms.

Advay-What? Nooo...
What if this man of a bestie of yours pukes in my car." His face twisted in disgust imagining Neil have already done it. Advay has fetish for cars. This one is the latest model, too dear to him Avni Knows it very well.

"He won't." Is all she could manage to say under her breath, suddenly she is so pissed at the thought of Neil just chose to get this sloshed on the night few days before his engagement. Fucking great.

Advay-"How do you know He won't?
Fine if he does you are going to kiss me." Advay wobble his brow and made a cheeky face. Her eyes narrowed.

Avni-Yes I would take a photo of it and you know who I can send it to. Avni retorted back with a same cheeky grin and rolled her eyes before she looked away.

Advay-Oh no you won't do it. Would you? His face creased in terror first then his forehead knitted growing unsure.

Avni-oh yes. I am so going to do it. There appeared a wicked smirk on her lips coming up with the best answer she can pull.

Advay-You are so evil Avni. His face pinched displaying how annoyed he is with her reply.

Avni-Am I? And this is how she managed Advay to help her get Neil to walk to his car.

A few minutes later

Avni-Neil tell me your phone password.

Neil-Nope. Nodding his head left to right in a very childish manner .

Avni-Neil? Her tone warning.

Neil-What for you wanting it? My password? Alcohol took over his system it's very much apparent by his actions. His impish demeanor, slurry voice is enough to prove it.

Avni-Without that I won't be able to unlock your screen. So that is why I want it. I said eyeing at amused looking Advay through the rear view.

"Why do you want to unlock my phone? Haven't you heard of the word privacy?" Neil pouted like a grumpy child, crossed his arms. And I groan. At this point I am wanting to bang my head somewhere. I hope this evening ends soon.

Avni-the state you are in right now I don't think you would be able to type anything, neither it would be a better idea to call her. Either way We need to inform your Mom right? You are drunk I can't let you go home in this condition. Did you get that? Now utter your password" asserting it out in a single breath I looked at him in hope.

Neil- "That's what I thought. But I have a condition. He giggled."
Neil giggled? What the fuck is wrong with him. Making a face like she gulped something pungent Avni rubbed her forehead growing cranky of this whole predicament.

Advay-"See I told you he is not an easy guy to deal with" Advay chuckled adding more fuel to her already sore mood.

Neil-"I don't like this man. Why he is here?" Making a petulant face Neil's finger pointed at Advay which Advay responded rolling his eyes skyward. Avni grasped his pointed finger pulled it down somehow and tried distracting Neil so that he get less petulant and more focused at the matter in hand. Only if she had a little bit of knowledge that the aftermath of her kindness towards this drunk Neil is going to be a disaster.
Not for us, for her. Well that's what she calls it however deep down you never know.


"Neil look at me. Say it in my ears he wouldn't listen. Trust me." I pulled his face by his jaw made him face me.

Neil-"You are very smart haan Avi? You naughty naughty." My patience is thinning every second here and he chose this exact time to play with it , pushing me to the edge. Great.

"Neil!" Enough talking now tell me your PW. I tried my luck again praying to almighty.

Neil-"Why so hurry? We aren't going back home, on either way. So there is nothing to worry. I'll tell you later." Saying this He looked away to enjoy his view outside the window. As if we have  all the world's time.
Why he is being so negotiating, hard to deal with?

"God Neil. Okay tell me the condition then." I had no other option. So I did What I thought is right. I gave in. Now this is going to be a very long night I can feel it. His eyes snapped back to me.

Neil-  "Then Tell me that." His husky voice, dark gaze turned the air thick in tension. Suddenly the space is too small, I am having difficulty in breathing. He drifted his lips dangerously close to my ear. Close suffice to make my brain all mushy. His being this close is not helping. My soft heart.

"Tell you what?" My tone faltered, I whispered barely recognising my own voice this low and constricted by his scent that hit my senses. Isn't he supposed to be mad at me the way I treated him previously?

Neil-"C'mon you know it." A bizzare kind of smile crept at the corner of his lips when he pulled away and I felt my heart escalated for the unknown. What's now? my skull pickled for the unseen.

"No I don't know." I flashed a bland smile before I licked my lips out of nervousness and his eyes fell on my mouth. He licked too, his own lips. Oh my.

Neil-"That you like me!" He moved his face forward closer, close enough to have me bristles all over my neck. His sotto tone did a thing to me, it's a feeling like everything around us turned blurry.
Advay harrumphed.
With a snap of an eye blink my senses are back. Thanks to heaven. I pulled away Neil harshly, what the hell he thinks he is asking me to do? He is enjoying taking the advantage of my helplessness. Doesn't he?
For few seconds I thought if he is acting the whole scene. Is he?
I swear to god. My fist clenched at the thought of assassinating someone.

"What?" I shrieked jumping on my seat, my eyes flickered in shock. My hand on my heart so that it doesn't come out my rib cage any time.
Has he gone nuts? My heart is beating furiously by the response to his words he just said.

"Shameless Neil. I love this guy I so love him." Advay chuckled ridiculously. And I closed my eye breathing in and puffing out to  calm down my nerves. This Advay. I will chock him to death. What does he think of himself making fun of my pathetic situation?
He is drunk. He is just messing with you. Nothing is intentional. Neil is not going to remember any of this. It's okay you can do this. Everything is fine. You have got this. I did a little pep talk before I re-collected courage talking to Neil.

Avni-You shut up. You have no idea what he just told me to do, or to say whatever shit it is. I muttered keeping my temper in check to not mess with Neil some more.

Advay-"Yes I heard it. He wasn't that loud you know."
I glared at his sly innuendo. Let me smash his head before he reaches his house and feed his flesh to the stray dog.

Neil-See he also love me now. Neil pouted and I'm getting my headache back.

"Shut up and give me your PW." I snapped through my gritting teeth.

Neil-Say it. Or I'm going to sleep.
Did He just blackmail me?  My gaze frowned being perplexed.

"This man has a death wish" Advay murmured under his breath but I heard it, and ignored him.

"No. You are not." I snapped threatened in a very serious tone. As serious as I could pull in at this moment. He can't sleep. I panicked having no idea how to get his PW out from his mouth.

Neil-"Yes I am and stop bossing me around.Goodnight." Saying this he literally leaned his head to the headrest and made some noises acting like he is asleep.
I had already sensed it that Neil is gonna be stubborn like hell being intoxicated but didn't think of this tormenting he can be.

"Okay fine. God damn." I yelped addressing towards heaven. Why they gets vicious to me when I start thinking things are getting in order.

I can't believe I'm doing this. With a surrendering sigh I took a deep breath before I prepared myself for the upcoming.
I slightly cleared my throat to get into the act.
God why me always?

Advay-Before you say  anything to him like that let me tell you that I'm having a heartbreak here. Advay mocked wipping off his invisible tears off his face and I resisted not to throw him out of his own car with a painful kick on that fine ass of his. Yes Advay is a fine man. You guys have no idea how terribly eye catching he is as a man. Okay this is not the perfect time to describe his good looks. Some other day.

"You will rot in hell. Do you know that?" I barked. Here I'm having heart attack after heart attack every second, every minute back to back and this nimpoop blabbering the crap out.

Not wasting much time more I braced myself, took a deep breath shuting my eyes then opened to glance at Neil. His eyes amused eyeing at my every move. Jerk.

"I....I like you."  Gritting my teeth I muttered too low for only him to hear it. My eyes shut then re-opened breathing heavily I was fiddling with my hands, feeling helpless at the same time nervous. You said it. Didn't you. How do you feel by the way? My subconscious on her hyperventilation mood giggled. My inner cheek pulled between my teeth hearing my own heartbeat louder than ever. Oh god What have I gotten myself into!
I hope he frees me soon.

"Sorry,Did you say something?" Pinching his face Neil leaned his ear closer to me in a very innocently way. As if he is having problem in hearing.
He is purposely doing this, instigating me. Isn't he? I can't even show how irked I'm at him right now.
Avni c'mon you can do this. There isn't any option other than boosting my will power.

"Yes I did. Your password Neil" I pursed my lips. I'm not going to repeat it. He heard it or not really doesn't matter.

Neil-"What? I didn't hear you well. Can you please repeat it?"

Then go to hell. The words are at the tip of my tongue but can't pull that stunt, not at this point. Instead I glared at him.

"Neil!" I called out. My tone warning yet in a overly sugary sweet tone can melt anyone.

Advay-He wants to hear it again girl. Take the cue. Advay laughed and immediately I have pictured him getting shot by me. Instead of helping me he chose to being a dick throwing sly remarks. What kind of friend does that?

Neil-"He is right." He gave me those cheshire cat smile. My blood boiled watching such awful sight.


Avni-"I like you." I have no other choice so I repeated, blurted out of once holding my breath for the umpteenth times.

Neil-"Say my name. Or I'm going to drop this."
What the hell is this? He has my phone, how the hell? when did he take it from me? I didn't even notice. Terror attacked my chest at the thought of him throwing my phone away from a moving vehicle. God what kind of karma is hitting me can you please explain?
"You broke his heart remember" my subconscious snarled remembering me my sin. And guess what this is not the time to get in arguments with her when I know I can't win.
Anyways back to reality.
If he throws my phone then I had to take his instead and call my house then our family will not only freak out but also send a search party who shall come for our rescue and will end up seeing Neil in this state. Let alone to my absolute terror I don't know what secret he will spill or demand next in front of them. If visioning it could give me claustrophobia then think about the real thing if it happens. No no noo nooo lord. Please.

"I like you Neil Khanna." Holding my breath I repeated ,uttered those words.This time a little loud so that he can hear it crystal clear.
Did I have any other option?

"Tell_ you always do." He pulled a  face, a face none can ever say no to him. Would he do such things to all girls?  the thought alone is so disturbing turning my stomach to burn in jealousy.
But I flinched next moment by his playfully yet threatening tone. Someone please save my ass out of this car, out of this fucking babysitting Neil Khanna when he is this wasted.

"I swear to heaven I"ll throw it far out of your reach, and you two won't be able to find it." I flinched out of trance by that threatening voice of Neil, and being effing terrified. I braced myself going to utter those dreadful words once again.

"No wait. Don't do that. I'm saying it." God what I have gotten myself into. I bit my lips in anticipation. My stomach churned at the thought of saying it to him that to in real. Dragging a long breath I repeated it again. 

"I. like. you. Neil. I always do." My cheeks hot.
Happy now? Clenching my teeth I faked a smile. Whereas all the while pulling such stunt a shudder passed through my spine. This is going to be a bad decision of the century I can feel it through every cell of my body. It would cost me lord knows what.

"688910 it is." And he gave me a smile that I would be under his spell forever if he keeps smiling this too long. it was that knee melting, butterflies flipping in stomach kind of grin I can bet on how any girl can't resist but go crazy about him.  Shaking off my traitor heart I snatched his p5h out of his grip and my nerves calmed down a little. I started typing those letters furiously I have already made my mind who to send the texts.

Neil-"See it wasn't that difficult. Was it?" I have no more nerves to spare a mind to his blabbering so I just flashed him a quick smile before I furiously ran my fingers on the keys to send his mom a text.

"You didn't let me say it then. Why? You hurt me. I'm not gonna tell you soon dot dot dot too. It's your punishment." Neil rested his head on my shoulder ranting and I let out a sigh. If he could listen to my thumping heart.

"Whooaw what a punishment. I must say." Advay mocked and my mind swam to the time today he talked to me. Hollygod he would have almost confess me? Thank God I didn't let him finish it then it could have been too woeful for me.

Neil-"You Driver. concentrate.
I don't want to die yet. She just confessed." There is a contented smile on his face. To confirm it I don't need to look at Neil because while saying it his voice fuss-free and his hold tightened around my arms scooting closer to me, as if he is securing it for his dear life.

Damn. I bit my lip harder sucking a deep breath.

"Don't curse. I can hear you." He warned then instantly a small laugh broke out his lips. My breath squeak, adrenaline rushing insanely.
See I told you.

Only if she new this is just the beginning, the night is going to be too long.

Hey homies here is another chapter  credit surely goes to

To those who commented ans voted for the previous chapter.

Will be waiting for your response and don't forget to vote

Lots of love

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