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trigger warning for gay slurs (queer, homo)

      Jeremy had just finished act one of running around backstage for the schools musical, Rent. He was searching through the many teenagers rushing around backstage, either crying, laughing, or screaming while trying to get ready for act two. All he was looking for was Michael, who was on backstage crew with him but he ran the lights for the show. Both of them didn't have any work for the rest of act two and Jeremy was needy for cuddles.

     "Jeremy!" He heard a voice call over the hyped cast, and he saw a familiar red hoodie with a little rainbow flag stitched on the side. Jeremy's face lit up and he ran over to Michael, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and blushing. 

     "Damn you're cute... Let's go to that place behind the wings!" Michael said with a hint of excitement in his voice, grabbing his boyfriends hand and leading him through the tense crowd and to a quiet place off from everyone else.

     "Did you see Christine? She was so amazing tonight..." Jeremy trailed on, sitting down next to Michael in the small, dark secluded corner. He played with the string of Michael's hoodie and Michael put his arm around Jeremy's shoulders.

     "Yeah, really good. I really liked Jake y'know..." Michael said almost defensively. He was jealous that Jeremy still talked about Christine like he was interested in her, but he felt reassured when Jeremy fell farther into his grip. Jeremy's lips grazed Michael's neck as he rested his head against Michael's shoulder. 

     "Rich and Jake made out stage left the minute they were both offstage..." Jeremy muttered with a laugh. He kissed Michael's neck casually, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend as he closed his eyes to rest.

     "I wish I could spend all of act one with you. The football team sits near the light board so its a hotspot for being called gay slurs through the whole musical..." Michael said kissing his boys forehead. Jeremy sat up quickly, looking at Michael concerned.

     "B-But they can't do that... The school rules an-and... It's not okay!" Jeremy said a little to loud, being shushed by fellow crew members. Michael put his hand on Jeremy's chest, looking him straight in the eyes.

     "Hey, it's fine. I'm used to it. I don't really care that much anyways." He stood up and reached out a hand to Jeremy. 

     "There's a place I want to take you, I figured out how to get there the other day and it's really cool..." Michael said with an animated tone, and Jeremy recognized it to be the one he used when he was going on about something he loved. Jeremy nodded and let Michael guide him quietly up a set of stairs backstage, and to a bridge made out of wire and metal. 

     "The catwalk? You're only know figuring out about this?" Jeremy chuckled, punching his boyfriend softly in the arm.

     "Shut up. Just... follow me." Michael lead him to the part of the cat walk where you could see the whole auditorium, the stage, and the audience. He sat down and patted next to him for Jeremy to sit. Jeremy instead decided to sit on Michael's lap. He sank into the others embrace and felt Michael's warm arms wrap around his torso. The lights came up and the stage filled up with emotion and the entrance to a completely different world.

     "I-It's really pretty..." Jeremy murmured as he held his boyfriends hand in his own.

     "Like you." Michael kissed the top of the boy's head, then moving to his jaw and kissing softly there. He let his lips trail to Jeremy's lips and kiss them softly. Jeremy kissed back, starting to make out with the other innocently. Michael took Jeremy's lip in his own, pulling it with his teeth a little. Jeremy moaned quietly into the kiss and he put his hand on Michael's chest, rubbing it gently. 

      "I love you, Mich."

     "I love you too, babe." Michael brought his lips back to Jeremy's quickly. Jeremy was straddling Michael with his legs, his feet hanging off the catwalk. Michael took his hand and put it under Jeremy's thin shirt, stroking up and down his chest. His hand grazed over his nipple and Jeremy let out another small moan. Michael took advantage of Jeremy's moan to stick his tongue into his mouth and go deeper into the kiss. Jeremy blushed deeply, holding Michael's hand that wasn't playing with his nipples. 

     The crew member in charge of the catwalk had walked up onto it for his cue, and nearly dropped his stuff when he caught the boys making out.

     "Could you queers get off my catwalk? I'm trying to do a show."

     "Chill out, dude. You have like one thing to do and we're not interrupting anything." Michael snapped back, holding Jeremy closer to him.

     "Yeah, but you're sinning. You're both going to hell..." The boy said straightly, walking over to kick Michael trying to get him to get up. Michael rubbed his arm, fake pouting at the boy.

     "Don't hurt my boyfriend. That's more of a sin then being gay is. Fuck off, please." Jeremy spoke with a small voice, standing up to flip off the guy in his face. The guy looked in shock and he threw a punch at Jeremy, hitting him in the jaw. Jeremy whimpered and Michael stood up furious.

     "Leave him the fuck alone. He didn't do anything to you. Jeremy, lets go." Jeremy nodded as he touched gently the spot where the boy punched him. Michael wrapped his arm protectively around Jeremy's lower waist and walked quickly down form the catwalk.

     "Whatever." The guy rolled his eyes, smiling. Michael fumed as they both retreated back to the corner backstage and collapsed into each others arms.

     "Are you okay? Do you need me to get you something? Oh fuck you're bleeding..." Michael took off his sweatshirt to reveal a Bob Marley shirt. He pressed the cloth to Jeremy's face and kissed him softly.

     "N-No Michael it's gonna stain..." Jeremy's voice cracked as he winced from the pain coursing through his jaw.

     "It's okay... I don't care..." Michael was in a trance trying to help him. He put his forehead against Jeremy's and lovingly rubbed his lower back.


     "I'd bleed and fight for you, Jer. I'll make it right for you." Michael whispered, kissing his boyfriend once more.

    The last chords of the finale played and Jeremy sunk into Michael's embrace, feeling safe once more.


a.n: i feel so bad i make jeremy the hurt one so much but i loVe my sONS 



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