Let Him See

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au where michael is blind and has a seeing eye dog,, also if i in any way offend anything about the blind community or you,, please tell me so i can fix it !!! i tried my best haha

Jeremy spent his days in the park. He thought maybe he might meet someone one day, but it had gone numb to him at this point so instead he liked to draw little pictures while he sat under varieties of trees. Lots of people walked by, and occasionally Jeremy would sketch the parts of them he remembered. One particular day, a shorter guy with glasses that seemed darker and a corgi walked by. A group of squealing girls stopped him, and as Jeremy watched he could sense discomfort in the guy, so he walked over to interact with them.

"I-I really have to get going now-"

"Let me just get your number! We can talk again sometime soon, if you know what I mean."

"I'm actually-" Michael was cut short when Jeremy walked in, and he sensed his presence beside him.

"H-Hi... Nice dog." He said quickly, his voice being much different than the girls around him. Michael relaxed a little, feeling comforted by the other.

"Thanks. His name is Link! L-Like Zelda... I'm nerdy sorry." Michael blushed as Jeremy giggled.

"I love the legend of Zelda! It's so good. I've played like, all the games twice."

"Weak. I've done them all at least five times over." The boys started a conversation so the group of girls sighed as they walked away.

"I'm Jeremy, by the way."

"I'm Michael, and also blind, if you hadn't noticed." He mumbled, worried about the judgement about to flood him. Surprisingly, he didn't feel any change in mood with the other as they sat together on a park bench.

"I'm sorr- Shit, that's rude. I mean, okay. Okay." Michael shook his head with a small smile, picking up Link to put on his lap.

"It's okay, I get it a lot."

"I'm sorry, about people apologizing. Wait. Fuck. I'm sor- I'm gonna stop talking now." Michael just laughed, putting a hand on Jeremy's shoulder comfortingly.

"It's fine, I like you. I mean, in a friendly way. But I bet you're cute." Michael flirted, causing Jeremy to blush bright red and stumble on his next words.

"Y-You're cute yourself."

"I wouldn't know. B-But thanks. Also thanks for helping me away from those women? T-They were trying to hit me up and I'm fucking gay, dude." Jeremy laughed a little, tracing circles into his legs as they sat.

"I'm bi and I sensed uneasiness." The boys continued to talk about nothing for hours, until it was practically dark out and they both had to go back to their apartments in the city they were in. They had traded numbers and would text often, eventually planning a time to meet up with each other once more.

A month later

The two had meet often over the course of a month, learning everything to know about one another. They never got bored of each other, and obvious romantic tension was always increasing between the two. One night Michael came over with Link, and for the first time Jeremy greeted Michael with a big hug in the entrance to his apartment. His apartment was small, but big enough for the two.

"How does the sky look tonight?" They were laying on his little porch together outdoors, stargazing at the small amount of stars in the city.

"Loads of emotional blues tonight... Especially a few somber navy patches... A few little stars with a couple brighter ones. So beautiful.... Like you." Jeremy added the last part quietly, but Michael heard it clearly. He learned to hear incredibly well since he couldn't see. He moved his hand closer to Jeremy's, their finger tips brushing against each other until the point they were holding hands tightly. They were silent as they both watched the seemingly endless night until Jeremy moved to face Michael, kissing the side of his face softly. Michael sat up shocked, looking to Jeremy a little frightened.

"Oh fuck I'm so sorry Michael-"

"N-No! I liked, loved it really, but I didn't sense you so I-I got a little... Scared." Michael said blushing madly, a small jingle sounding from behind them. Link came dashing in, tackling Jeremy and attacking him with licks to his face as he batted his paws against the taller boy. Michael giggled as Jeremy fought against the dog, enjoying the noise created by the two. He eventually reached out to Jeremy, picking him up from Link and kissing him deeply. Jeremy gasped at the sudden move, moving his hands to Michael's face and kissing him back. Their legs tangled together as they kissed under the stars, the soft summer wind blowing against their backs. They pulled away as Michael laughed quietly and Jeremy looked to him confused.

"It's just, your lips... Are so nice. I couldn't tell but now... I can feel your facial structure and it's pretty fucking hot."

"S-Stop..." Jeremy said blushing, hiding his head against Michael's familiar hoodie. They giggled together, stealing small kisses from the other ever so often. Link laid between their laps, occasionally rubbing against Jeremy acceptingly.

A year later

The two had decided months ago to move in together. They had been dating for almost a year now and Jeremy had decided to surprise Michael for their one year anniversary. He had got up early to get a gift for the other, coming back to their apartment in the early morning to see Michael look at him scared.

"I-I thought you had left me..." Jeremy looked horrified as he ran to Michael, hugging him tightly and kissing him all over his face.

"I'm so so sorry I'm an idiot, babe... Fuck I'm horrible-" Michael cut him off with a kiss, laughing a little.

"Happy one year of us." He moved to show Jeremy a small pancake breakfast he had made that resided on the familiar porch. A simple rose rested on the table with lots of small love notes. Jeremy nearly choked on tears, kissing Michael deeply.

"I can't believe you. But first, you have to see what I got you... Well, kind of us." A noise erupted from the box Jeremy was holding. Michael reached out to touch it, feeling holes on the side and gasping as he felt something soft in his fingers. A small body was soon wiggling between Michael's hands, a squeal erupting from the other.

"Oh my god, it's a dachshund! L-Like a little weiner dog!" He was overwhelmed by excitement as he put the little dog down, sitting next to it as it crawled all over him. Jeremy awed as Michael giggled and played with the little dog and he sat down next to the other. Michael kissed Jeremy's cheek as he continued playing with the dog, Link coming over to sniff the newcomer.

"What's their gender?"


"We have to call her Zelda!" Michael exclaimed, hugging the dogs close to himself and Jeremy. Jeremy kissed the top of their fur, giggling as he leant to kiss Michael as well.

"Definitely. We can go pick up a name tag right after we devour those pancakes which look like fucking everything."

A few years later

Michael had been waiting. He was unsure of when it was the best time to pop the most important question in any relationship. It was on one particular evening when he asked the infamous question and he felt the lump in his pocket that he knew it was time. They were laying under the same stars as they had years ago, hand in hand and stealing kisses from each other as they had long ago.

"How does the sky look tonight?"

"Beautiful, like you." Jeremy answered, remembering the moment from so long ago. They kissed lovingly, Jeremy putting his hand on Michael's chest as they inhaled the sweet summer air. Michael pulled away and fumbled with his pockets, looking up to Jeremy scared as he messily got down on one knee.

"Jeremy Heere, I can't believe it's been almost five years since we started dating. I-I think it's the right time to ask the most incredible and important person, and the love of my l-life... Would you do me the honor of marrying me?" He held out a box with a ring encrusted with a little red and blue jewel, symbolizing the two boys.

"Fuck yes. Fuck yes fuck yes fuck yes. I'm so fucking in love with you, Michael Mell." He threw himself into Michael's arm, making sure the boy was comfortable before engulfing him in a hug and pulling away to kiss him deeply. Jeremy straddled Michael in between his legs, moving to kiss him sensually out on the familiar porch. The dogs were came in through the door, little "Congratulations" and "Sorry :(" signs on their collars, Michael having planned for both occasions. Jeremy laughed, taking the "Sorry :(" one and ripping it up.

"We're getting married."

"We're getting married!"

A year later

"I thought now is the best time to tell you... I had to give up the money for our honeymoon for what I told you was financial shit... But really..."

"No please don't divorce-"

"Shh... No. Do I need to remind you we just got married and I started crying during your vows? Sorry that sounded- Anyways, I met up with your eye doctor and... We found a surgeon who can make it so... You can see. Michael, you're gonna be able to see." Michael looked almost frightened and Jeremy reached out a hand to comfort him, but was engulfed in a familiar hug. They didn't need anything else but contact with each other in that moment as Michael sobbed into Jermey's shoulder, murmuring ramblings of sentences to him.

"I-I can't b-believe it, I r-really can't believe it. I-I can't believe y-you would... H-How could they..." Jeremy kissed him softly to help him breathe again, the boy squeezing him tighter.

"You're gonna see the sky, Mikey." Michael's breath hitched, kissing Jeremy again as they held onto each other tightly. Link sat on the couch across from them, Zelda close to their ankles.

"I-I'm just... I'll n-never be able to t-thank you enough..."

"Thank Link. He was the one who brought us together." They stayed together, cuddling the whole night as neither of them could sleep in excitement. The dogs always stayed nearby, knowing when or when not to give the couple space. Jeremy slept with his arms tight around Michael's waist and Michael's hands against Jeremy's chest.


"And now, Michael Mell, this is the world." The doctor gave Michael a pair of prescription glasses, the fuzzy area around him becoming so clear. He choked on tears, seeing a tall boy with tangly long brown hair looking over him nervously. He was blushing.

"Hi, I'm Jeremy."

"A-And I'm Michael. We're married. I-I'm married to a hottie! L-Look doc! Look how fucking hot my husband is! Thank you so much." He said to the surgeon and doctor, hugging them and then looking to Jeremy almost stunned.

"This is a-amazing. I can't even take it all in... B-But you're always gonna be the p-prettiest thing in my eyes, Jer. P-Prettier than the sky, I'm sure."

"I think the sky might out do me but fuck, I love you." Jeremy murmured as they kissed.

A few days later, Michael was allowed to leave the hospital after his vitals were cleared. He had been astounded by the sky, but was excited to finally see it with Jeremy on their porch. They opened the door to see their dogs for the first time in days, but for Michael, it was the first time ever.

"Link! You're so fucking cute! Zelda, you damn adorable sausage." He picked them both up, snuggling them against his face as they wagged their tails. Jeremy laughed, ruffling their furs and then Michael's hair. Michael gasped as it was dark, grabbing Jeremy's hand and pulling him out to the porch. He lay both of them down, having had his eyes closed and finally opening them as he gasping as he saw the sky.

"I see the emotional blues! And s-somber navy patches... The little stars! And the brighter ones! And they're almost as beautiful as you." He quoted Jeremy from so many years ago, Jeremy looking stunned to Michael.

"I can't believe you remember... I'm so in love with you... I can't believe I'm lucky enough to be on the Earth at the same time Michael fucking Mell is." Jeremy said through a bright blush, feeling Michael connect their lips passionately under the somber navy patches and the emotional blue sky.


a.n: inspired and for @peacheslol123 @bemorejeremy and @MintLoser since i mushed all of their requests for a blind!au and weiner dogs and seeing eye dogs and yea you get it? i hope this is good bc im not mad at it??? ily thanks for requesting! ill be working on the others soon

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