Ask Jeremy & Michael [Part 2]

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Ask Jeremy and Michael: Part 2 [Some asks have been edited because ya'll were so excited you didn't put all of them in question form] [Asks are still being accepted for now, so please submit your asks in the previous part and I'll add them to Part 3 of this!]

Jeremy walked into his room, having just gotten back from a grocery run for his Dad, he was surprised to hear the ringtone of a low battery signal from his phone. He could have sworn that before he left it that it was charging at 90%...

Curious, he sat down on the edge of his bed and grabbed his phone. Of course, of course this was the issue. Michael had been spam texting him to the point where even though the phone was plugged was losing charge...was that even possible? He unlocked his phone and saw '86-and continuing, messages unread' Yes. Yes it was possible. He clicked open the text message app and flipped through a bunch of 'Jer, Jerbear, Jerry Bo' Berry," 's and responded.

P2: Whaaaat

P1: asdfghgfdsa!!11! You finally answered

P2: So are you dying? Cos you better hav a good excuse as to why I have 86 unread messages on my phone- all from you...

P1: Heh...yeah

P2: So?



P2: wait...seriously?


P2: You better mean cute asks and not cute people, Michael, or you're in big trouble

P1: Only cute online dweeb is you Player one~

P2: That's right.

P1: hehe

P2: Alright, I'm coming over- since you conveniently forgot to give you the password.

P1: Oh, I didn't forget. I just wanted to be able to have access over something you don't.

P2: Because your ma' trusts me with all the privileges you should get?

P1: ...yeah...

P2: heh. yup.

P1: Plus now I get an excuse to have you over xP

P2: That works for me. Be there in a few.

Jeremy closed up his phone and put it in his pocket, heading back out the door and downstairs to the main entrance. He found himself filling with excitement as he made his way down the street. People actually were interested in what they had to say, how odd, maybe they just wanted to find dirt on them...though honestly he and Michael were an open book. And Michael had mentioned answering questions on livestream so it couldn't be accessed later. That was smart he supposed, though nothing was ever truly gone on the internet. He felt himself pick up pace as he saw Michael's house just feet away.

When he reached the house, he opened the door without knocking for once. He raced downstairs stairs where he found Michael setting up his phone with duct tape to the wall, the camera on selfie mode, "Uh..." He approached Michael, "Won't that maybe damage it when you take it off."

Michael didn't look back at Jeremy, too busy with his crafty work, "Pft. Nonsense." Though he honestly knew this would loosen the screen substantially. He fiddled with the phone for a few more moments, making it so the camera faced one of the basement's blank, gray-stone walls. He stepped back, the screen fitting the full-bodies of both him and Jeremy, "Yes!" He smiled, "I did it- finally, I did it!" Her sighed in relief, "Alright, it's already for a live-stream, I've got a list of questions here and people are already waiting to see it~"

Jeremy nodded, half excited, half nervous, "Let's do this."

Michael nodded in agreement, stepping forward and hesitating before hitting record, "By the way, I haven't checked any of these asks yet- I just wanted to start the livestream and find them out with you- so it's not my fault if they're embarrassing or adorable." He smirked.

"Wait wha-"

"And we're live!" Michael stepped back, standing next to Jeremy, he nudged Jeremy slightly to notify him to start talking."

"O-oh, h-hey, it's Boyf Heere~" He purposefully stretched the e, though it came out painfully he knew it would satisfy Michael and whoever else who watched this that knew his actual identity.

Michael had a huge smile on his face from Jeremy's last comment, "And Riends!" He finished, "Alright guys, so we asked you to ask us to answer some asks that we asked you to ask~" He took a breath, "That's a mouth full!"

Jeremy half expected a laugh track to come from nowhere. However, he knew this only happened in fictional universes, though Michael made this seem so fun it must not be real, he smiled, "So let's get right to it!" Jeremy helped unfold the ask list with Michael.

Michael looked up, "That first ask is from...The-Five-Princesses, she asks,"

The five Princesses:

"Can Michael and Jeremy hug?"

Jeremy shrugged, "Sure, why not, at least now I have an excuse." He smiled at Michael, pulling him by the front of his hoodie into a hug, with an added bonus of a kiss on the forehead.

Michael's face turned a shade of red, shakily turning back towards the camera, "A-ask answered!" He stuttered, still a bit love-struck.

Jeremy decided to read the next one off, "This one was submitted by...MichaelMelloncholy...huh, someone shares the same name as-" He stopped, realizing he wasn't supposed to share this, "Aaaas, a person I know at my school!" Honestly, what was the point, they were giving out every other bit of personal info?


"First off, for both of you, cats or dogs?"

Michael regained his confident stance and stepped forward, "Personally, I prefer dogs. Probably because they just seem nicer to people over all...the majority at least, and who doesn't like a pupper~?"

Jeremy smiled, "Hm. I think I'll have to go with dog as well- cause' Michael reminds me of a saint Bernard puppy."

Michael laughed, "Well, I'll take what I can get."

Jeremy began to read once again.


"Secondly, this one is for Riends, on a scale from one to ten-"

Jeremy stopped, a wide grin spreading out across his face, "I love this person so much, whoever they are- yes." He let out a laugh, "Just...yes."

Michael looked confused, and a bit nervous, at Jeremy, starting to take the paper from him "What does it say?"

Jeremy snatched it back, "On a scale from one to ten," He let out another chuckle, "How gay are you."

Michael was silent for a moment, then he nodded, "I'll be right back."

Jeremy looked at him in confusion, "Alright...well, while he goes to do whatever I'll read the next part." He read over the rest of the user's questions, snickering as he reached one that involved him."


"How do you put up with Riends, honestly?"

Jeremy looked up at the camera, smiling, "Oh it's truly a terribly wonderful task. I have to deal with pretty much all his problems- then fix them, ... then cause them, then the cycle starts over. He can be annoying at times...such as this morning when he texted me about 86 times...but at the end of the day- he makes up for it by being a great guy in person...cause' he's just there when you need him and even when you think you don't...but you always do." Jeremy smiled at the ground, his face flushing up as he suddenly realized he said this on camera, he heard a buzz and grabbed his phone out of his pocket.

Group Chat:

Rich: ...I can't even make fun of that it was too damn cute.

Jake: I wish I had a boyfriend like you

Rich: HEY

Jake: It's too bad I've got a better one

Rich: YOU SON OF A- aw, thanks babe~ Love you too <3

Jeremy shook his head, putting his phone away, "Could this get anymore awkward-"

At that instant Michael leapt down an entire stretch of four steps, quietly cursing but continuing to run onto camera- a rainbow flag was tied around his shoulders like a cape and he wore his 'Cool Dawg' shirt, with an undershirt underneath, thankfully, and a cap on backwards that read, "Pride" in rainbow lettering.

Jeremy didn't even try as Michael ran around wildly like this. Jeremy fell to the floor laughing and wheezing as he tried to control the laughter.

Michael came to a leaping halt in front of the camera, "I'd say about 2000!" He nodded, leaping over to Jeremy and placing a kiss on his head, then wrapping his cape over his shoulders as well, "This is ma' boyf!!"

Jeremy fell on his stomach, gasping for air, he let out a cough and got up with the help of Michael, Michael was laughing along with him now.

Jeremy cleared his throat, "A-alright. I give you a seven." Jeremy nodded.

"Whaaat." Michael's cape drooped.

"Well a straight guy could wear as many rainbows as he gosh be darned please and he'd still be as far from gay as...a...straight guy..." His analogy failed.

"Alright, fine, seven will do." He wrapped his arms around Jeremy, "I love you~" He smiled.

Jeremy blushed, "F-fine eight."

Michael grinned, "Alright, I'm satisfied."

Jeremy, "Alright," He quickly snatched Michael's hat and placed it on his own head, "Next ask." He handed it to Michael.


"How long did you end up grounded?"

Michael snickered, "Which time? Cos' currently I'm grounded until college according to my ma'- which means in a few days."


"Who's more romantic?"

Michael smirked, "I honestly think that's Jeremy."

Jeremy turned red, "Wh-what?" "N-no way."

"He's the one who openly said, in front of basically half the school, in the cafeteria, 'Michael Mell is my Boyfriend.' I mean, he didn't even have to say my last name but he did. Oh and there was this one time he thought he was talking to PacMan when really-"

Jeremy slapped his hand over Michael's mouth, "Enough!" He squeaked.

Michael grinned, "Fine~"

Jeremy took the paper from him, reading the next ask, "These questions are from-"


"Firstly, Who would look better in a dress?"

[M]"Me"[J]"Michael" They both said at the same time.

Jeremy nodded, "It's true."

Michael flipped his rainbow cape, "I can rock any article of clothing- even a flag~"


"Secondly, this one is for Riends, How often does Boyf steal your hoodie?"

Jeremy's face lit up, "Uh-n-not ofte-"

"Aaaaallll the time." Michael laughed, "If I leave it unattended he manages to find it and put it on- it could be a extremely hot outside and he'd still wear it if he got the chance." Michael winked at Jeremy, "He just loves me too much~"

Jeremy muttered, "I can't argue with that dang it..."


"Who would fall asleep first?"

Jeremy stepped forward quickly, "In our own SEPERATE beds." He emphasized his words, "I fall asleep at MY OWN HOUSE first, while he spams me until morning." Jeremy nodded quickly.

Michael face palmed, "That's not what they-"

"YES. It's exactly what they intended to say- don't speak for them Mi- Riends." "Next Question."


"Who would watch the other sleep?"

"HA! I TOLD YOU SO!" Michael ribbed Jeremy.

Jeremy's face lit up, " we...haven't....had experience with this...when we used to have sleepovers- as friends that is- I'd normally fall asleep and then...Mikey would make monster would get me..." His face was a darker red now, "...When I believed in those things that is." He quickly went to the next question,


"Do either of you sleepwalk or talk?"

Jeremy nodded, "I talk in my sleep sometimes, I've been known to get up and bash my head against things on accident if I sleep walk as well..."

"I sleep like a baby- a well behaved one that's tired." Michael put a thumbs up.

"Yeah, cause' you are a baby." He snicked.

"Next." Michael muttered.


"Would you guys want siblings- if you don't have any."

"Nope." They both answered in sync.

"Then Jer couldn't come over as often."

"And my dad can barely take care of one kid." Jeremy sighed, "B-but I love him none the less!"


"Favorite Video Game?"

"I enjoy PacMan." Michael smiled, "Retro and got ma' boy to express himself."

Jeremy blushed, "S-same for me- the first part..." "Continue."



Michael dabbed.

"Oh! OH I'll be right back!" Jeremy ran out of the room.

Michael continued to answer questions for himself.

"Favorite childhood guess it was the day I got my Cool Dawg shirt...Jer got it for me...that's all I'll say."

Jeremy reappeared with something in his hands, he stepped forward to the camera, "Ready?" He whispered, suddenly whipping out a fidget spinner and spinning it as fast as he could,

"JER NO!" Michael leapt at him and pushed him away from the camera, "I took that from you for a reason! It's cringy!"

"Says the guy who just dabbed..." Jeremy muttered, standing up and brushing himself off

"Pft, whatever next."


[M] "Wow, lots of questions from Lizzy..."

[J] "Fun though~"

"In hide and seek, who would win the most?"

Michael stepped forward, "Considering Jeremy is too tall to hide behind shit- I'd say me."

Jeremy nodded slowly, "I have to agree on that one.


"Favorite memory of the other?"

"When Michael won me a horse at six flags..." Jeremy smiled fondly.

" remembered that?" A smile crept onto Michael's face.

Jeremy's face reddened, "N-No- I mean- it doesn't matter anyway..."

Michael grinned, "Alright..." "Well, my favorite memory was a few days ago when Jer and I played a VR game and Jer woke up thinking it was a dream." Michael winked at Jeremy.




"Which do you prefer more, Jeremy or-"

"Jeremy." Michael said before the question was completed, "Always Jeremy." He smiled lovingly at him, Jeremy looked like a ripe tomato right about now, considering the hue of his face. He stepped forward, "W-well uh- w-we'd better...stop to get some...w-water...-"

"To cool off Jeremy's blushing face~" Michael finished.

"That's not what I was going to say!" His face burned more.

"Catch ya' next time!" Michael quickly shut down the stream.

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