Blep| All the Blep

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[10K request] [Almost done with these once I finish the next 2, then back to originally prompted work- though feel free to request if you want to, I'll most likely do it but not right away]

[A blep is when something involuntarily/voluntarily sticks its tongue out and keeps it there] [Like Lil' Bub]

Michael sat with Jeremy on his bed while they scrolled through different YouTube videos that Jeremy had, not so legally, downloaded onto his laptop. They both winced as an 'Epic Fail' video began to play, a guy doing parkour and failing, epically. Michael shuttered every time it seemed like someone busted something. Which was a lot when it came to these idiotic videos- idiotic but entertaining none the less. Michael let out a sigh of relief as they video ended, prompting Jeremy to get up and stretch. Michael frowned as the warmth beside him disappeared and headed for the door, "Noooo, stay here, Heere." Michael whimpered.

"Relax I'm just taking a break and getting snacks." Jeremy smiled at Michael, opening the door and exiting, "Feel free to scroll around for more videos- no try not to laugh ones without me though!" Jeremy called over his shoulder as he closed the door behind him.

Michael grinned evilly, snooping with Jeremy's permission? Excellent. Of course, that probably wasn't how Jeremy intended this to go down. So, of course, Michael took great advantage of this and began scrolling through his Boyfriend's files. He found a whole selection of selfies and mused himself with that for sometime, giggling at all the dorky looks that Jeremy gave to the camera, then finding a strange one, it was a selfie of him but he had a dolphin costume on...huh. What a dork. Michael giggled again. He continued to browse until he made his way to an unmarked file. He furrowed his brow as he saw it didn't have a thumbnail attached to hint at what the file may contain. So, Michael being Michael, he double clicked the file to explore its contents.

What he saw was quite surprising- and damn adorable.

This folder contained about two hundred pictures...of cat bleps.

Michael held in a squeal as he scrolled through the different bleps. Cat's of all colors, sizes, everything and they all had tiny little pink tongues, "So this is like my cat memes file..." He murmured, continuing.

"Blep, Blep, Blep," Michael giggled as he kept scrolling, frowning when he reached the end of the file. He sighed, beginning to go through blep withdrawal now. He got up and exited the file, reopening the video folder as to not cause suspicion. He then closed the laptop and withdrew from the covers, striding out the door and downstairs. He looked around the house for Jeremy, coming to the stop at the kitchen where the boy was reaching for chips. Michael grinned at a sudden thought. He made his way over to Jeremy and sat down in front of him.

Jeremy glanced down at him with a smile, "Hey Micha~"

Michael was quiet, looking up at Jeremy with round eyes.

"What's up?" Jeremy stopped what he was doing to focus on Michael.

Michael blinked, then, "Blep!" He stuck out the tip of his tongue and kept it there, staring up at Jeremy.

Jeremy felt his face grow hot and tended, placing his hands over his face in embarrassment.

Michael giggled and stood up, leaning towards Jeremy's face and sticking he tip of his tongue to boop Jeremy's nose, which stuck out between the hands covering his blush, though he couldn't help but let out a shrill squeak.

"S-snooper!" Jeremy's voice was an octave higher than usual.

"Hey, I got your permission bud- and no making fun of my cat memes anymore." Michael leaned against the side of Jeremy.

Jeremy turned to Michael, still a bit flustered, "I-Uh-Yeah-I- ...damn it just shut up." Jeremy grabbed Michael'a wrist and pulled him away, the snacks all forgotten.

Jeremy wasn't all too mad at Michael, he kinda deserved this considering he still held the diary in his bag. He felt his chest sink with guilt, glancing at Michael who was blepping and instantly his worries disappeared, this boy would love him no matter the amount of snooping the either of them pursued. At least, he hoped.

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