Cleaning Up

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Jeremy fiddled nervously with the hem of his blazer.
If you could chart just how much of an absolute wreck Jeremy was right now, it wouldn't matter, because he was off the charts.
Emotionally speaking, that is.
He was boasting a royal blue tux with a white under shirt and light blue tie. His hair was curled into swoops of perfection and it all complimented his facial details quite nicely.
This had to make up for how he felt on the inside.

His stomach was performing a circus, flipping inside and out. It wasn't like butterflies, no, more like butterflies were committing acts of war against Jeremy's insides.

Needless to say, a wreck was the least of it.

"I have some blush if you need it, Jeremy." Chloe hummed from where she stood beside Jeremy at the entrance to the ballroom that their high school had rented out for their Prom.

The whole room was currently packed. People were clustered together in the center, hopping up and down to some beat or other, though they'd most certainly break apart to give way to anyone who actually had a date for when the slow dances came on.

That was really the only appeal Jeremy saw to prom, was if you had a date.

And Jeremy did.

Sort of.

No, actually, not really.

It was more of the fact that he was going to get a date.
From Michael, obviously.

Jeremy has tried and tried and tried all the week leading up to Prom to ask Michael out. However, every attempt idea he came up with just didn't feel...right. He didn't want to ask Michael out on the spot...nor in front of so many others.

When Chloe had slapped him over the head earlier tonight post finding out that he in fact had not asked Michael out to the Prom, his only explanation was that he hadn't the desire for a huge Prom ask, he didn't need a million people to see, he just needed Michael.
This left Brooke, who had been beside Chloe, being her date and all, squealing, saving Jeremy from any further slaps to the head.
Though, not from scolding, apparently.

"Do you even know if he's coming?" Chloe glances at Jeremy, who had his eyes pinned to the entrance of the ballroom, where the security, aka the teachers who were volunteering, begrudgingly, and probably unwillingly, looking at their expressions, was letting people in.

"Um, no, not exactly, but-"

"You two are best friends how do you not know?" Chloe scoffed.

"It just...never came up, okay?" Jeremy hissed back in return.

"I'm sure it was awkward." Brooke reassured Jeremy, planting a hand on Chloe's shoulder to signify that she needed to cut Jeremy some slack.

Chloe sighed heavily, "Fine. But you have to do it here, okay? Ask him to dance, to kiss- hell, ask him to fuck you for all I care, just do something! We've all been waiting for ages!" Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Chloe!" Jeremy squeaked in unison with Brooke.

Brooke paused before shrugging, " kinda true though, you two are really obvious about liking each other.."

Jeremy's face turned bright red.

"Never mind about the plush, you've got it all taken care of." Chloe grinned.

"I'm not that obvious."

"You're as obvious as you are oblivious." Chloe sighed.

"Oblivious about what?" A happy-go-lucky voice chirped and everyone jumped.

Specifically Jeremy, who was fairly sure he just might faint from adrenaline.
That, and Michael was wearing a skirt.

"You wore your hoodie to the prom?" Even Brooke was quite a bit shocked.

"Yeah, it's a formal dance, how'd they let you in?" Chloe furrowed her eyebrows.

Jeremy was trying to take in all of Michael, but, for one there was so much to look at, and for two, the hoodie had the hood pulled over his face so nobody was able to exactly see under there.

"Oh, right, sorry, I totally forgot- I didn't want to look like a hooker on the streets if someone saw a guy dressed up like this walking downtown." Michael chuckled before lifting his arms and pulling his hood off.

Jeremy was pretty sure Chloe had to catch him from falling backwards, either that or she was prepared for it and was bracing him with her free hand that wasn't holding Brooke's, flat on Jeremy's back.

Michael wasn't wearing a skirt, it was a full blown dress.
Pink, to be specific, the went just over his knees to reveal freshly shaven legs. It was a fluffy pink dress, looking a lighter shade than the one Galinda wore in Wicked at Shiz.
It had a slim waist cut and poofy, short-sleeved shoulders.
Best of all, Michael had brilliant shades of pink makeup dusting his face, framed by small waves of perfection- curls, Jeremy meant curls.

"What do you think?" Michael asked bashfully.

Jeremy was grinning stupidly before Chloe used the hand on him to slap his back hard, causing him to choke up an answer.

"You look stunning." Jeremy choked.

Michael's already pink-tinted cheeks turned a rosy red and he grinned, "Well thanks, Jer!"

"Yeah, no, of course, man." Jeremy cleared his throat.

Jeremy knew Michael was gay.
Hell, the whole school knew Michael was gay.
But never did he think he was this flamboyant. As to wear a dress to the Prom...

He wasn't opposed to it though, not in the least.

"So...have we already raided the snack bar?" Michael grinned.

"All yours, bud." Chloe snorted.

"Nice! Come on, Jer!" Michael grabbed Jeremy's hand, causing him to stiffen up with another squeak before allowing Michael to lead him off to the snack bar, Jeremy receiving a wink from Chloe on his way past her, which didn't help his flustered state.

"Let's start backwards and just hit the desserts, what do you think?" Michael let go of Jeremy's hand once they were at the Dessert section of the bar that was located to the side of the ballroom.

"Yeah, sure, dude, it's your world, I'm just livin' in it." Jeremy smiled.

Michael gave him an odd look.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, shut uP JEREMY
You're not dating him yet, remember? Chimney Sauce...

"I mean- yeah- two player game- fuck- let's just get dessert." Jeremy grumbled.

"Alright, man...if you say so.." Michael chuckled and reached over Jeremy for a plate, grabbing one and diving into the desserts, picking one of each of the select kinds and then some.

Jeremy watched this with an adoring smile.

He had only recently began to truly admire Michael. Well, recently in the eye that they'd known each other for twelve years of their life.
It had only been in the last year.
Jeremy had dated Christine for some time after the play, but that crashed and burned, leaving Jeremy at an all time low.
However, Michael, like always, was there to sweep up the broken pieces, and put him back together.
And this time, he was much more close to Jeremy than before, the whole SQUIP situation giving him some anxiety that led him to being a bit clingier to Jeremy than he had ever been.
Jeremy couldn't blame him though, seeing as how he was the same way in return. The optic nerve blocking was as hellish for him as it had been for Michael, even if he hadn't realized it at the time.
Jeremy just had been noticing different things about Michael.
He had a cute smile, cuter than your average smile.
The creases under his eyes from the smiling mace it all the more precious and- his eyes had always been that brilliantly sparkle-dazzle handsome pizzazz, right?
Had- had he just used the word pizzazz in an inner-monologue?
This boy, was messing him up something serious.

"Jeremy? Are you alright? You keep zoning out?"

Jeremy snapped from his thoughts when he heard the comment from Michael, "Just...distracted is all."

"By all these snacks? Me too, bud, me too, too many to pick from, I know." Michael chuckled.

You're really the only snack that's distracting me. That'd pickup line would've had Jeremy kicked out of New Jersey and sent to Iowa for how corny it was.

Jeremy wasn't particularly hungry, but he knew it'd be weird if he just stood there without taking anything, so he took a few pastries before taking a step back.

"Ready?" Jeremy turned to ask Michael only to see that he was farther down than expected, talking to some guy across the table.

Jeremy instantly felt his heart prick with jealousy before realizing that nobody at their school but Michael was as outrageously gay as to openly flirt across a table, at a school event.
Jeremy furrowed his brow in confusion before noticing Michael was biting his lip and glaring before shoving his plate onto the table and rushing fast away from the scene.

The jealousy that had already faded began to dwindle what was left and turn it into absolute rage.
Whatever that guy had said had upset Michael, and therefor upset Jeremy.
Jeremy gritted his teeth and picked up one of his pastries, chucking it at the guy.

"Hey! Fuck off!"

He was around Jeremy's side, less lengthy, looked like he could have been one of Rich's friends when Rich had had a SQUIP, but would no longer be his friend given that Rich was no longer an absolute asshole.

"Stop crying over dropped pastry." Jeremy stammered before leaving to chase after Michael.

"Don't go saving the man-whore, you- ah, forget it." The maleanus threw his hands up when he realized Jeremy wasn't going to give him the time of day.

That's one thing Jeremy enjoyed about the jerks who were all talk, as that they were just that, all talk, no do. He'd done a fair job of being able to pick out who that was when he had the SQUIP, and that knowledge had stayed with him, and he was now thankful for it.

On his way of following where Michael had gone, he passed Brooke.

"Jeremy! Hey, what's u-?" She was cut short by Jeremy.

"Where's Michael?" Jeremy's voice sounded urgent.

"I thought he was with you?" Chloe responded from where she was bopping her head beside Brooke.

"He just left and- look, have you seen him? Do you know where he'd be?" Jeremy chewed on the inside of his cheek anxiously.

"You know him best- what happened?" Brooke frowned.

"That's the problem, I'm not sure- just- assholes- where do you think...?" Jeremy shook his head, unable to think clearly.

"You're his best friend, where would he go at a party to calm down?"

Jeremy's mind instantly clicked, "Freakin' bathroom." He muttered and shoved off as Brooke called after him, but to no avail of stopping him.

The bathroom was located just outside the ballroom, in the lobby area, off to the left.

Jeremy stopped just in front of the boy's bathroom.
There wasn't much of a line at all, and Jeremy was sure he'd seen someone taking a piss in a bush on his way here, so he understood why.
In fact, there wasn't a line at all, just adults growing around the bathroom with coffees and dead tired expressions, no wonder people were relieving themselves outside, the bathroom was hidden by a group of admins who most likely had beef with a handful of students. It was amusing.

Jeremy was a good kid, for the most part, maybe not with Mr.Reyes, but he was mending that.
He managed to slip by the admins without much confrontation before seeing that the boy's bathroom was single-stalled.

Jeremy knocked on the bathroom door softly, "Um, hello?"

"I'm h-having my period!" A shy voice called from within the bathroom, muted by the door between it and Jeremy.

"No, you're not, Michael." Jeremy Smiles slightly.

There was muffled noises and then the click of a lock.

Jeremy waited a few moments and took in a swift breath to relieve his nerves before releasing it and returning to average breathing, sliding into the restroom.

Jeremy's heart broke as he entered the bathroom, closing the door and locking it behind him, then to look at the sight of Michael curled up in the corner of the bathroom, sniffling.

"Hey.." Jeremy murmured.

"Hi..." Michael's voice was hoarse.

"How'd you...get by all the teachers without being stopped? I know you have a record with a few for listening to music in class." Jeremy chuckled awkwardly.

Michael waved his hand, "They thought I was a sobbing girl," He sniffed, "And nobody wants to stop a sobbing anyone from their route t-to the bathroom, trust me."

"True." Jeremy hummed, approaching Michael and stopping beside him, " you...mind if I sit here?"

Michael shook his head.

Jeremy nodded and slid down the side of the wall, sitting down beside Michael.

There was awkward silence before Jeremy shifted closer to Michael and nodded his head to his shoulder.

Michael sniffled before pausing and leaning his head against Jeremy's shoulder.

There was silence before Michael simply began to sob.

Jeremy stiffened up, unsure of what to say or do as Michael's tears soaked the shoulder of his blazer. So, he just sat there, allowing this to happen.

"H-he made fun of my dress, for one," Michael choked out, "But then he started calling out ma and mom for it and their parenting a-and I got defensive and he called me a man-whore and-"

"I threw a pastry at him for that." Jeremy mumbled.

Michael paused, " what?"

"He called you a chucked a pastry at his ugly-ass face."

Michael sniffled and then laughed, "Dude, that's awesome." He moved a hand to wipe his face before looking down at it and seeing pink and black smudges from his makeup running, he hissed quietly, "Shit, I ruined my makeup."

Jeremy looked over at Michael. He was biased, but he still thought Michael looked good.

"This night is ruined, I'm sorry, Jer.." Michael drew his knees up to his chest and buried his face in them.

"N-no, it's okay! Um-" Jeremy looked around before standing up.

He took a few minutes to grab toilet paper from the wall install and then dampen it just a bit with sink water, grabbing some more of the tissue as well before returning beside Michael, "Here, turn your face towards me." Jeremy instructed.

Michael was, at first, confused, and then turned his face to Jeremy.

Jeremy lifted the damp tissue to Michael's face, "Close your eyes," and began to gently wipe the runny makeup out from under his eyes after Michael closed them.

Michael leaned his cheek into Jeremy's touch and Jeremy smiled giddily at this, trying not to show it all that much.

He then removed his hand to take the dry paper he had and softly apply it to Michael's face, using his thumb to on the tissue to wipe away and makeup that was left.

It left Michael with a natural look, a beautiful one to Jeremy. So much so that he stopped his gentle wiping of Michael's face to grin and admire it.

It was then that Jeremy's desires for having this boy to hold and to love reached a peak and he himself closed his eyes, leaning forward until his lips softly brushed Michael's. He felt the other boy jolt in shock but move his lips to his back. This is when Jeremy leaned the rest of the way forward and the two boys shared a sweet and tender kiss.
The first one to break it was Michael, with a giddy, little smile, followed by a small giggle of happiness.

"Michael," Jeremy leaned back.

"Jeremy?" Michael cocked an amused eyebrow.

"Um...-Do you like...uh, want to go to prom with me?" Jeremy grinned sheepishly.

Michael blinked I'm surprised before a wide grin broke out on his face, "So that's why you've been acting a-all weird around me?"

Jeremy leaned back with a flushed face, "I am that obvious, aren't I?" He groaned and hid his face with his hands.

"Well, yes, but it's adorable, obviously." Michael chuckled.

Jeremy smiled a bit at this before taking his hands away from his face and clearing his throat, moving to stand up on his feet and hold his hand out to Michael, "Well, I- um- I don't think you've answered my question?"

Michael was a smiling wreck as he looked amused at Jeremy, "Of course, Mr.Heere." He mocked a fancy tone before taking Jeremy's hand and allowing the scrawny boy to hoist him to his feet with some suppressed effort.

They looked at each other with smiles of bliss before Michael kissed Jeremy's hand that he held, looking back up at the boy, "I'd love to."

///2818 words!! Holy moly! It's...1 AM, and I have school tomorrow, lovely- that's okay!!
This is kind of like a grown up version of the original Michael in the Bathroom [2.0.0]
So I guess you could also call it Michael in the Bathroom 3.0
So, throw back to my first ever chapter, I've gotten into wearing makeup now that I've dyed my hair and the thought came to mind of just Michael wearing makeup and Jeremy needing to gently wipe it off his face- it jus seemed so pure, if I could draw well, or better than I do, I'd draw it.
Anywho, I've been getting back into the BMC fandom, specifically Boyf Riends, if y'all have any Boyf Riends fanfictions that you personally have written and wouldn't care me looking at/reading if I get the time, PM me! I'd love to see what y'all yourselves have written because I've found quite a few of ya' are spectacular writers!
Anyway, I'd better go get some sleep so I can get at least 5 hours of sleep, g'night and thank you for almost half a million views on this book!!


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