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Michael sat beside Jeremy on the couch in the Heere Household living room. Across from the boys sat a contemplating Mr.Heere, tapping his finger against the arm of his sofa-chair. It had been like this for about fifteen-minutes now. The tension was noticeably growing to an uncomfortable level, until Mr.Heere finally broke it by speaking.

" long...?" He murmured quietly.

"...About...three months I'd say...?" Michael responded, glancing at Jeremy who was having a minor anxiety-attack at the moment. He squeezed his hand reassuringly, which seemed to relax Jeremy by a small bit.

Mr.Heere nodded, "Well..." He sighed, "Well, I just don't know..." He scratched his head, "'ve known my social view on this for awhile..."

Jeremy nodded, tensing up once again, "Y-yeah..."

"...But you also know that I love you, kiddo." Mr.Heere frowned.

Michael couldn't tell if that was a good sign or not, though from what he had heard from these types of coming-out stories before, this was going considerably smoother than some could be worse.

"Dad please...try to understand?" Jeremy pleaded.

"What is there to understand?" Mr.Heere's expression didn't waver.

"I know you love me...and you want me to be happy, right?" Jeremy swallowed.

Mr.Heere nodded slowly, "I put my pants on for you, don't I?" He paused, "Sometimes at least..."

Michael prayed that he wasn't just imagining the slight grin that formed at the corner of Mr.Heere's mouth.

"Michael makes me happy...really happy...a-and if you don't like that then-"

Mr.Heere held up his hand, signaling Jeremy to stop, "Jeremy...You're my son...did I know about this? No. If I had...I probably wouldn't have said so many...things..." He sighed, "Listen...I...I can try to be more open about...this...but...I'll just try. Jeremy, you're all I've got, and..." He shook his head, "I'm sorry I'm just really...conflicted right now..."

"Mr.Heere..." Michael began, "You asked me once before...if I loved your son."

Mr.Heere looked up and nodded, "I did."

"And...I do...I really do...a lot, and I may no be a girl but I can give him as much love as anybody else on this planet- despite their gender."

Mr.Heere sighed with a small smile, "You've been Jeremy's best friend for years Michael...and you've been there for him when I couldn' I wouldn't be there for him...I...I suppose if it were to be's a lighter blow that it's you...and...kind of...relieving..." He whipped some sweat from his brow.

"R-relieving how...?" Jeremy chirped.

"Well, that Christine chick wasn't have around, trust me, I've met her- one month of dating her and you'd be tired of her yaps..."

Jeremy flinched, "Why does everyone hate her?"

"She's the worst." Michael and Mr.Heere huffed in sync.

"Anyway...I'll let you two be together." Mr.Heere nodded.

Oh trust me, we didn't need your letting- worst thing that would have happened is Jer would have had to live with me...wait...hold on can that still be an option-

"Just understand that this is still new to me, alright? I might not be completely...comfortable yet but...Jeremy, you're my son and I want what's best for you...just...don't let me down, okay?"

Michael flinched at the last part of the comment Let you down how exactly?

"And..." Mr.Heere shook his head, "Just...go hang out, don't let me keep you..." Mr.Heere still seemed a bit overwhelmed.

Michael didn't. give. an absolute. shit. He nearly leapt out of his spot, grabbing Jeremy by the wrist and practically dragging him into his room. Finally. An expanse of freedom...for the time being.

[End of Confrontation]

//A/N WOO Now I'll go to sleep. To be honest though, Christine is probably the closest representation of myself??? And I love the actor. However, she canon took away Jer from Micha and just not okay w/ me. I love her personality though but, yeah okay goodnight, it's 2 AM <3 More updates coming soon!

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