Guardian Angel| Part 2

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"That's probably why you like holding me so much, huh?" Jeremy smirked as Michael still had his wings wrapped around the boy.

Michael blushed deeply and released Jeremy, "S-Sorry!" He yelped.

Jeremy rolled away by momentum, stopping on his back, "It's cool." He grinned, "One might even say it's cute."

Michael rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up." He smiled with a dusted red face, holding his hand out for Jeremy.

Jeremy happily grabbed his hand and hoisted himself up, then placing himself down on his bedside once again, Michael joining beside him, "So, could you explain this whole guardian angel thing- like, why are you here, and why me?"

Michael pondered for a moment, "Well, every angel has it's purpose and time. I haven't always been with you, just...after...your mom..." Michael cleared his throat.

Jeremy felt a stab of pain go through him "Y-yeah..."

"Anyway so... you were falling into depression and so, it was my job to pull you out." Michael smiled warmly.

Jeremy paused for a moment, "B-But how? You weren't even here until today?"

Michael shook his head, "I've always been here, I just hadn't shown myself until today."

"Well, why today then? I've been roughhoused before...I didn't see you then- I-I mean- It's okay- I'm fine now so that's what matters!" Jeremy added quickly.

Michael shook his head, looking down at his feet, "There's this sort of...connection with us...I...every pair has it..."

"P-pair?" Jeremy squeaked.

Michael straightened up, "I-I mean like- pair of guardian angel and c-client."

"O-Oh, yeah, of course." Jeremy glanced away.

"Anyway...I only do what is needed, and...well, the times before you were going to survive but this" Michael lowered his gaze.

"This time I w-wasn't going to make it?" Jeremy's voice was a whisper.

Michael nodded silently.

There was a long pause between the two, like time itself was being slowly dragged out, second by second.

Michael froze as he felt Jeremy tackle him into a hug, pushing him down onto the bed.

Jeremy buried his face in the crook of Michael's neck, "You saved my life..." He murmured against it, sending chills down Michael's spine.

Michael smiled lovingly, "Of course, I'm your angel remember?"

"My favorite angel." Jeremy giggled.

Michael sat up with Jeremy in his lap, "Is it really true, I'm your favorwit angel?" He blinked his eyes goofily.

Jeremy shook his head, "Dork."

"Well I was custom made, Jer, and if I'm a dork- then you're a dork."

Jeremy rolled his eyes, "Whatever..." He stopped for a moment, "Were you custom made?"

"...What do you mean?" Michael frowned.

Jeremy sat up, scooting to lay down beside Michael as they boy lifted his legs over the edge of the bed and onto it so he too could lay down, "Like...were you ever alive...?"

Michael opened his mouth to respond, but then was silent, "I...I don't know..."

"...How can you not know if you were alive...?" Jeremy frowned.

"...I guess...I don't know." Michael shrugged.

"We could google you?" Jeremy suggested.

"...I don't know if I want to know." Michael sighed.

"...That's okay too..." Jeremy nodded, "Whenever you're ready- if you're ever ready, it's okay." Jeremy smiled sincerely, putting a hand on Michael's shoulder.

Michael turned to Jeremy with glazed eyes, returning the smile, "Ya' know Jeremy...I think you're a very deserving guy of an Angel."

Jeremy rested his head on Michael's shoulder, "I don't deserve this...but I'm so glad that somebody does, because I don't want this to ever end." He closed his eyes.

Michael chuckled, "Hm. Me either." He pressed his cheek to Jeremy's head.


Jeremy woke up in the middle of the night feeling warm, oddly warm, he usually had his AC to the coldest setting and rarely used his comforter or blanket, so this was unusual. When he opened his eyes, his gaze focused on his surroundings, soft, white surroundings. He smiled when he realized that Michael was giving him a wing hug while sleeping. Jeremy's smile widened as he crept closer to Michael, burrowing himself in the boy's arms, that just so happened to also be around him. Michael instinctively gave him a squeeze through his sleep. Jeremy sighed in pure contentment, he'd never felt so safe, so secure, in his entire life. He bundled his arms up his chest and sandwiched them between him and Michael, pressing his face into Michael's neck. Jeremy didn't see Michael as a dead, he was alive as any other person, and even if nobody else could see him, that was fine, all he wanted, all he needed, was Michael. After all, he was perfect, he was his angel.

There was the sudden sound of grunting as Michael began to have a nightmare, or at least, that's what it looked like to Jeremy. The boy was asleep but seemed so...awake... he began thrashing about and his hands moved to his head, digging his fingernails there and letting out a small groan of pain, all whilst his eyes were squeezed tight, there was more sounds of pain as Michael began grabbing at his wrists, gripping them tight and letting out a small shout as he pulled up his hoodie sleeves and began raking his fingernails over some healed over scars.

Jeremy let out a yelp of surprise as Michael began floating upwards, small droplets of blood falling from his wrists, he stood up on his bed to reach him and began shaking the boy violently to wake him up. Michael opened his eyes but all that was there was a violent shade of glowing red. Jeremy held back a scream, instead coming out a small sob, "M-Michael?"

Demonic noises gurgled from Michael's throat.

Jeremy whimpered, falling backwards as Michael advanced towards him, whimpering as the boy landed on top of him with a hiss, "M-Michael!?" Jeremy's cries choked, Michael responding with a hiss. Jeremy rocked back and forth, "Stop!" He whispered, wishing he could wail but knowing it would wake his father- and to what? An imaginary monster? Jeremy winced as he looked up at Michael who was glaring down at him with those reddened eye-sockets, "Michael please don't do this!"

"Nobody cares!" He hissed.

"Th-that's not true!" Jeremy crouched down deeper into his covers.

"Nobody cares!" His voice was louder.

"I do! I-I love you!" Jeremy shouted out.

The room fell silent and there was the sound like a dying computer as the glow in Michael's eyes faded, replaced by his usual, deep brown eyes, he shook his head and looked down to see the cowering Jeremy, he had been conscious for the whole event- but all of it seemed as if he was, he cupped his hands over his mouth when he truly saw Jeremy's state, huddled in a small ball letting out small cries of help, he immediately fell beside the boy and, once again, wrapped his wings around him, pulling him close while also bringing the frail soul into his arms, "I-It's okay- I-I- don't worry I-its me!" He cried, pressing his forehead to Jeremy's.

Jeremy shook from trauma, grabbing onto Michael's face and pulling him closer, then nestling his face into Michael's hoodie as he let himself calm down.

Michael stroked the boy's back with the tip of his wing, "Sh...It's okay..." He murmured.

"Wh-what happened?" Jeremy sniffled, looking up at Michael with concern.

Michael frowned, "I...I know how I died..."

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