Jeremy Gets a Girlfriend: Part 2

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Jeremy Gets a Girlfriend: Part 2 [Minor TW] [Language ;3]

Jeremy felt his heart tear into two pieces, and then tear again. [Much like the readers]

He could barely stand, he barely heard the bell ring for next period. Everything was numb. It was as if the whole world had gone on mute. As if the whole world had fallen onto his shoulders. "I fucked up..." He whispered to himself, unable to think it as his mind was too crowded. He ignored the students who pushed past him and let himself fall, he plopped into a sitting position on the bench of a cafeteria table. He hoped that if he focused on this feelings, rather than the event, that the incident would leave his mind. But, it didn't. All he could see was that absolute hurt look on Michael's face. That look that was now burned into his mind. It would stay there, it felt like, for an eternity. He knew that there were tears streaming down his own face but he made no sound, he felt he didn't even have enough energy to sniffle. He felt like he didn't deserve to cry, or to feel hurt at all, that it was his fault and his fault entirely. He finally snapped out of his trance when he heard the late bell ring and looked around to see that everybody had left the cafeteria, other than a few of the staff members who could care less if he was late or not, as they chatted behind the lunch-line counter. Everything was quiet, other than the nagging voices in his head that yelled at him, screaming in silent agony. He'd made his boyfriend cry. He'd made his love, his life, cry... He wanted to die right there and then. However, he knew he had to talk to if Michael would even want to talk to him...or see him...he probably wouldn't...he was probably in class listening to his music, pretending like nothing had happened, because Jeremy was probably a nothing now. A little blip in the wind...being carried away...farther...and farther...until he was gone all together.

Jeremy took in a shaky breath and headed out of the cafeteria. The moment he did he absolutely broke down, sobbing, he forced himself to continue but knew he couldn't enter class like this. He ran towards the nearest restroom and practically collapsed at the sink, letting his tears fall into it. He let out a loud half-scream, letting himself sink against the wall, "I-I didn't mean too I swear..." He murmured to himself, "Dear lord I swear I swear!" He sobbed, "I-I didn't-" He sniffled, "I- didn't mean too- b-but I couldn't tell her the truth." His eyes were puffy from tears now, "I-I didn't want Michael o-or Christine to get hurt because of it- b-but now- now Michael hates me-" His sobbing got more intense, "I didn't mean too!" He cried again, louder, burying his face in his arms as he stayed huddled there in the corner of the bathroom, "I didn't mean too..." He repeated again and again...

Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open, closing Jeremy in between it and the wall for a moment while somebody rushed into one of the stalls, slamming the door behind him. Jeremy cupped his hand over his mouth to force the sobbing to stop, but he couldn't. He let out a quiet sob...which was answered by a fit of crying from inside the stall and the sound of banging. Jeremy glanced at the shoes under the stall and recognized Michael's vans. He bit down on his fist to shut himself up.

The banging continued, followed by a crying groan. Jeremy wished he could step forward but was unsure if he should.

"Why..." Michael cried, "Why, why, why did I think this would work? Of course he's liked Christine this whole time...I was so stupid-" another bang, "To believe that he genuinely liked me..." he let out a sniffle sob, "...stupid, stupid, stupid..." Three more bangs, "I should just kill myself." Michael muttered.

This is what did it for Jeremy, he leapt to his feet and rammed into the stall door multiple times as it refused to budge, "Michael no!" He cried, "Don't!" "Please..." He sobbed, slinking down in defeat.

There was silence in the bathroom before there was a jingling sound and the stall door opened, causing Jeremy to fall flat on his back, his head hitting Michael's shoes.

Jeremy's face was just as red and puffy as Michael's. Though Jeremy noticed that Michael's left knee and forehead were bleeding.

Michael looked down at Jeremy, causing a few tears to fall down onto his cheeks.

"Michael please-"

"I want you out of my sight." Michael hissed, removing his feet out from under Jeremy's head and stepping over him. He walked over to the sink to quickly splash some water in his face.

"Michael I didn't mean to-"

"I told you to just shut up!" Michael clutched the edges of the sink.

"..." Jeremy got to his feet, brushing himself off, "I'm not going to-"

"I don't want to hear it Jeremy."


"No!" Michael turned to shoot a glare of absolute hurt at Jeremy, "I can't believe you-"

"What the hell was I supposed to do Michael!" Jeremy took a wide step forward so he stood a few inches away from him, "Was I supposed to just come out right there and then that NO I couldn't date her because I was homosexual!? Do you think it's that easy!? Honestly!? You don't think this hurts me too? You don't think that it kills me not being able to actually have a boyfriend, and to actually experience what it's like to have a boyfriend- because it sure as fuck hurts!" Tears came like a waterfalls down his cheeks, he grabbed the shoulder sleeves of Michael's hoodie, "I love you god damn it! And I wish I could tell that to the entire school! But what happens if they decide to hurt me, to hurt 'you'!" Jeremy loosened his grip, "...It'd be like killing me if you got hurt..." He suddenly took actual notice of the still bleeding head and knee wound, and he began to panic.

Michael was silent, though he was unable to control the sobs that shook his body, "...I just...I just" He sniffed, "Even though it hurts...I still want you...I don't give a damn what our classmates think...they could kill me over and over again and I wouldn't care..." He reached for Jeremy's hand, "But please...don't hurt me like this...please...I don't want to be mad at you...I don't want a reason to hate you...I don't want a reason to..." He patted his hand over his forehead,wiping away some of the blood.

Jeremy quickly grabbed a wad of paper towels and wet them down, gently pressing them to Michael's forehead.

Michael sniffed, grabbing his wrist to stop him, "...I can do it myself." He took the wet paper towel and looked in the mirror to clean the scrape on his forehead, then his knee.

"...Are we...alright then...?" Jeremy looked down at his feet.

Michael placed down the towel for a moment, "...When have we ever been alright..." He sighed.

"So that a yes...?" Jeremy looked up hopefully.

Michael threw the paper towels in the trash before turning to Jeremy, "No. We're not."

Jeremy felt his heart sink.

"...Things aren't fixed Jer..." Michael murmured, "I love you need to figure things out before...before 'this' continues. He started to walk out, "Tell me when you're single and I might want to be your boyfriend again." He shut the bathroom door. Leaving Jeremy alone. Michael took a deep breath and fought back the tears that threatened to fall once more.

Jeremy stood there, once again, dumb founded, had Michael...actually just broken up with him...?

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