Michael In The Bathroom [2.0.0]

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EDIT: [Okay spacing is working now] aaa I didn't expect such a positive response to this...Thanks you guys <3

Be More Chill [TW]

Be More Gay AU

[The Night Before [The night before 'Lamppost of Love']

"...Get out of my way...you 'loser'." Jeremy looked Michael into the eyes.

There was silence for a moment.

Michael drew in a shaky breath and nodded, stepping aside. He didn't meet Jeremy's gaze, in fear that the film of tears that threatened to fall would indeed.

Jeremy scoffed and strode away from him; heading towards the center of the party. He abruptly stopped and let out a groan, pressing two fingers to his temple. A wave of dizziness hit him. The music seemed to get louder and louder until- it all muted itself. Jeremy looked up to greet the face of a blue tinted figure.

"...What did I just do..?" Jeremy felt his mind swamp with guilt and confusion.

The SQUIP's broadcasted figure leaned down, "I'm helping you Jeremy. I'll take any steps I deem necessary to accomplish your goal."

Jeremy shook his head, "You did that? B-but how?"

He let out a snicker, "Honestly, did you really think that if I had access to your brain I wouldn't have control over your actions?" He shook his head, "It's okay, we'll take care of that ignorance soon enough."


"Michael is a character of lower class than you now Jeremy. With him tagging along you'll never get to her." He nodded towards Christine who was hanging with Jake towards the punch table.

Jeremy forced a stab of jealousy.

He sighed, "Emotions, emotions. You can't fix everything Jeremy, face it, it's a fucked up world."

"...But it's a two player game."


'I've been keeping this act for too long, but what's the point if it's all a show without an audience?' "I don't care about Christine, if I can't be with Michael- then I don't care about any of it!"

The SQUIP's physical form started to fade in and out, "Wh-what are you doing!" His face went blank and form started glitching "ERROR. ERROR. 404 NOT FOUND." "MANUAL OVERRIDE." An expression of confusion and horror appeared on his face for a moment, "You can't edit your goal- th-thats im-impossible!" His form continued to glitch until it fritzed out all together.

Jeremy fell to the floor with a shriek.

Brooke looked over her shoulder and laughed, "Woo! Jeremy you're really getting into the party aren't ya'?" She hiccupped and took another sip from her red cup.

Jeremy opened his eyes a few moments later, panting, a tremendous head ace occupying his head space. He finally regained the majority of his thoughts and shakily got to his feet. He let out a small groan, "What...what happened..." he stopped a moment to recollect his thoughts and his memories of the last few minutes came back to mind, "Michael!" He ran towards the restroom where he had left his friend. He pushed his way through a crowd of people who let out a few annoyed shouts before going back to partying. He skidded to a halt, almost running into the restroom door. He grabbed the knob and tried turning it open, it was still locked, "He's still in there..." He murmured to himself. He knocked on the door. . . No response. He knocked on it again, and again 'Knock Knock Knock Knock. Knock Knock Knock Knock.'

A voice came from the bathroom, "Ah hell yeah I'll be out soon!" It was Michael's voice.

Energy flowed through Jeremy's body and knocked harder on the door 'Knock Knock Knock Knock'. The door still didn't open. He knocked once more, his heart rate picking up 'Knock Knock Knock Knock.' He let out a small growl before using both his fists Klang Klang Klang' 'Klang. Another quiet moment. He heard some floundering spashing noises and used his knee as well to help the noise 'Bang Bang Bang Bang.' Jeremy sighed and slumped down on the door, his knuckles and knee cap aching. He waited for a few moments incase a response came. He pressed his ear to the door. Silence. And then... there came a quiet sob. Jeremy felt his heart break into a million pieces. It was followed by quiet humming. 'He must have his headphones on...' He listened for a few moments longer.

"...I wish I'd stayed at home instead watching cable porn... or wish I offed myself instead- wish I was never born!"

Jeremey felt a snap in him and he leapt to his feet. There was a quiet voice in his head, "Accessing Muscle Memory..." He clenched his fist over the knob and turned it with all the strength he could gather. There was the noise of a spring and bolt breaking loose and the door flung open. Jeremy fell in, slamming it behind him as he tripped to falling onto his face.

"Jeremy!?" There was an exasperated response from Michael, "What the hell-"

Jeremy sat up on his knees quickly, across from Michael, ignoring the pain in his elbows that had broken his fall. His sight focused and he gazed at Michael. He was slumped up against the sink with his legs stretched out in front of him. He noted that Michael's glasses were folded up on top of the toilet. He looked into Michael's eyes and saw his normally friendly look was replaced with a hurt frown and bloodshot, teary eyes, "Michael..." Jeremy searched for words, feeling tears collect at the corners of his own eyes.

Michael turned away, pulling his hood over his face and pulling it mostly closed around the face, "Shut up." He let out a hurt half whimper.

Jeremy stayed silent, but the tears escaped from his eyes. He looked down at his feet, watching as they started to drop to the ground. He sniffed, looking up, not trying to hide that the he was crying- it would be hard anyway, considering they now streamed down his cheeks, he swallowed, trying to regain a steady voice, "...Look at us...two guys...crying...in a bathroom...at a party..."

"...I'm not a guy...I'm a loser, remember?" Michael turned his accusing gaze to Jeremy.

"You know I didn't mean that!" Desperation leaked into Jeremy's voice.

"Oh yeah, I totally knew you were joking- that's why I'm huddled in a bathroom, by myself, sobbing- yeah, it's all just one 'big joke' isn't it Jeremy? I'm just 'one big joke' to you!" Fury burned in his gaze.

"...I don't think you're a joke..." Jeremy blinked.

"Pft.." Michael turned away, pressing his knees to his chest and resting his chin on the top of his knees, "You can't fix things this time Jeremy."

Jeremy sat up on his knees and propelled himself towards Michael, pulling him into a hug, "...I love you."

Michael didn't say anything. But, after a few moments Jeremy felt his shoulder was getting damp. Michael buried his face in Jeremy's shoulder and returned the hug, not holding back the sobs any longer, he trembled.

Jeremy let out a small, quavering breath and rested his cheek on Michael's shoulder in turn.

They sat there like that on the bathroom floor for several minutes. There was an unspoken appology and forgivness in their sobs.

They shuffled apart and sat infront of eachother. Jeremy tried to look anywhere but Michael's eyes and put his arms on his knees where he hid his face that god redder by the second.

Michael brushed back his hood to reveal his face turning an equal shade. He turned quietly to grab his glasses.

"I-I think you s-still look...c-cute...without...them..."Jeremy let out a small squeak.

There was a snap as Michael clenched his fists, "Oh shit...they broke.." he whispered half to himself.

Jeremy scooted closer, "Lem'me see." He grabbed Michael's hand and opened it to see the glasses. 'Shit shit shit.'

He looked over the glasses that were snapped in half, "Hm.." He tried to ignore the previous events and act casual, which was nearly impossible, "I-I s-suppose they might still balance on your...nose?" He turned towards Michael's face and leaned towards him to place the glasses accordingly.

Michael smiled and quickly leaned forward to touch his lips to Jeremy's, then drawing backwards just as fast, "O-oops...I fell forward, sorry." His eyes glinted.

Jeremy dropped the glasses as his hands trembled while the rest of him was frozen.

"...Jeremy?" Michael waved his hand in front of him.

He opened his mouth to say something but all he could manage was to fall sideways; half leaning on the sink cabinet, "I-..." He couldn't form any words.

Michael shifted over next to him and poked his shoulder, "You okay, dude?"

Jeremy fell onto Michael's shoulder, "I can't feel anything.." he chirped quietly.

Michael chuckled, "You're such a dork." He pressed his cheek against Jeremy's head.

Jeremy let out a squeak.

"I love you too." Michael smiled.

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