Nothing Gold Can Stay [Part 2]

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Jeremy sat down on his bed and stretched out, still trying to process what had happened, "What went on?" He asked, waiting for the Squip's response. There was no immediate response but then there was the sound that frying wires might make.

"I- erased- your memory- of the last- few- months." The glitching squip's voice rang in his ears.

Jeremy furred his brow, "Why?"

"Michael was interfering with your life and tried to get- rid-of- me."

Jeremy let out a scowl, "Typical. He's just jealous."

"Indeed." The squip agreed as he began to take charge once again.

"Thankfully- like- a computer- your mind kept a backup of me- that backup was active- activating the memory whipping and my-awakening."

"What happened in those months...?" Jeremy frowned, "Did I finally get to Christine?"

"No. Michael tried distracting you to the point where you temporarily got rid of me- temporarily."

"Uhg, can't he just take a hint and move on?" Jeremy felt a sort of pain in his chest at these words. The whole reason I started liking Christine was because Michael wanted this... Jeremy shook his head, "No...I liked Christine out of my own will." He nodded, attempting at convincing himself and pretending he succeeded.

"Of course." The squip's broadcasted form grinned, "And now that that loser is out of the picture, we can finally get back to work!" He snickered, "It should be much easier now."

"Really?" Jeremy grinned, "B-but will I ever get my memories back?"

The Squip shook his head, "They're irrelevant, just distractions, nothing productive or essential."

Jeremy nodded, "If you're sure." He shrugged, praying he hadn't embarrassed himself in the time he'd forgotten about.

"The slight concussion in your brain should be fine for now, the probability of it healing on it's own is eighty percent, the odds are in our favor- and seeing as your father doesn't quite are enough to take you in at the moment, too caught up job interviews and what not you beings need to survive, it's not like he'd take you in anyway." The squip shrugged.

"I- he might, if I asked..."

"But we don't want that Jeremy, your fractured mind is what's keeping me running right now. I am that concussion and as soon as it's fixed, I'm out like a blip."

Jeremy frowned, "Alright..."

"Now, let's devise a plan for tomorrow. Goal...Christine...popularity...essential life living."

Jeremy nodded in agreement, "Yup." He kicked his legs back and forth over the edge of his bed, slouching over to play with the string of his shoes.

The squip scowled, "Though you can't recall your previous livings of the last month, your muscle memory is still intact, along with countless other cracks in your system...we'll need to fix that." The squip snapped his fingers so Jeremy would be forced into an upright position.

"shIT!" Jeremy shrieked at the sudden pain.

"Ah that's right, your body is accustomed to the shock waves anymore...we'll take this slow." The squip snapped at a steady pace while Jeremy's posture began to fixate itself.

Jeremy continued to wince at each shock, "I-I think I'm g-good." His voice shook with the zaps.

The squip lowered his snapping hand, "I suppose so, for now, don't want to fry your system."

Jeremy let out a small squeak in response.

"Oh and those god awful noises need to stop." The squip growled, snapping one last time.

Jeremy let another squeak of fear- except, this time it wasn't a squeak, it was just empty sound, "Wh-what'd you do?"

"Your body will no longer be capable of making...squeaks."

Jeremy frowned, "O-Oh...alright..."

"As for tomorrow, this will be your big comeback, Jeremy!" The squip smirked triumphantly.

"Remember, posture and confidence is the biggest key to the matter, keep a straight face and a puffed out upper-build, respond to greetings with a nod, only make conversation with those who will benefit your existence. As you can already tell from earlier 's mishap I've activated your optic nerve-blocking. Michael and all other being of his sorts will be blocked from your vision and life until physical contact be made, and then resumed once contact, and or conversation made by contact, is over. So if you feel yourself speeding up it may be due to the probability of Michael purposefully, or accidently, running into you. We cannot let that happen."

Jeremy blinked in confusion, "Last time you active my blocking you didn't seem nearly as distressed about him...what's wrong?"

"Michael will try his hardest to revert you back to Jeremy 1.0. and we don't want that do we? In your mind's absence, I saw what Michael was capable of doing to revert your system in manors I deemed impossible- none the less, it should be all fine if you proceed with your life and listen to what I have to say to you.


"As for Christine, this may be a bit of a complication- but over the months she's gotten into a relationship."

Jeremy couldn't help but not feel disappointed. He didn't know why he didn't care, he just...didn't..., "Oh uh...great."

"So I guess we'll have to figure out a way to get Jenna out of the picture."

"Y-you don't mean by- by killing her?" Jeremy whispered the last part, "Do you?"

The squip was silent for a moment, dodging the manor of answering the question directly, "I will take any methods I deem needed."

Jeremy shuttered, "Oh...uh...what if I change my goal so that we don't have to-"

"NO GOAL CHANGING!" The Squip hissed, his circuits glitching out temporarily.

Jeremy flinched, "A-alright." He half whimpered.

The squip sighed, "Whatever. Get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow."

Jeremy nodded, he could feel a small squeak in his throat but was unable to express it, he couldn't help but feel a sense in his gut that was telling him this was wrong. Telling him to turn around. Telling him to go find Michael...but why would he want that loser? No. No that was the squip talking for him...right...?

There was a sudden buzz from Jeremy's was from...someone named Player one...?

Jeremy unlocked his phone and read the message.

P1: ...You okay Jeremy...did it...did it come back?

P1: I'm really sorry for anything and everything and I can be cool if it did come back- I promise- just please don't ignore me, anything but that Jerbear.

Michael was the only person who called Jeremy Jerbear and Jeremy couldn't help but feel his heart give a little flutter at the nickname, he began asking him what he meant by came back, the squip was never gone...just deactived...wasn't it? Before he could hit send, a shock went through his thumbs, forcing them to delete his draft and open up setting, he watched as they worked on the phone screen, "Wh-what's going on?"

The squip continued to control Jeremy's swipes until he was satisfied and he shut down the phone, "I blocked Michael's number."

"Wh-what?" Jeremy felt a slight ache in his chest.

"Did I stutter?" The squip hissed, "You're the one who called him a loser, Jeremy, be lucky you got a good ending before now."

"Oh..." I did didn't I. There again with the ache. Why though? Michael isn't necessary...not at all...right? So yeah...yeah, Jeremy could feel the pulse of the squip, "Yeah, he is just a loser." Jeremy sighed.

"You're learning fast, Jeremy, that's good."


Michael threw his phone across the room, it thudded in his dirty clothes pile to be forgotten for the time being. He buried his face in his arms. There was no Jeremy to comfort him right now.

"Why can't he see that that god for saken squip is trying to corrupt him...?" Michael whimpered. Jeremy was a gold. But how long could he keep a hold of that before the Squip erased that part of him all together?

Nature's first Green is Gold...Her hardest Hue to hold.

Her Early leafs a flower...but only so an hour.

...Nothing Gold can Stay.

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