Pining Jeremy

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"Another F, Mr.Heere?" Jeremy looked down at the paper that had been slapped onto the desk before him by the teacher that now loomed over the desk.

"I'm...sorry, Mr-"

"I don't want excuses- I'll have no more of this, I've told you time and time again that if your grades don't improve that I'm just going to have to schedule for the after-school tutoring program.

Please don't. Jeremy's shoulders shrugged beside him in worry.

"From now on you'll receive tutoring after school- class policies, you'll be tutored by one of your class peers so they can therefore monitor your inclass behavior as well as out of class behavior."

Please don't say it, please, please-

"Michael Mell is one of our finest tutors, I'm sure you two will get along just fine while he teaches you the basics of chemistry. I have little care as to how or where you study, but you must spend time out of school doing so, until I see your grades improve, that's the way things shall be. You're dismissed, you'll find your tutor waiting for you at the head of school, he's a short brunett-"

"I know what he looks like." Jeremy mumbled as he stood up, grabbing his papers and personal belongings and heading for the door as his Chemistry teacher nodded and got to grading.

School had ended a half hour ago and usually Jeremy would be walking home. Across the street from Michael, who lived two blocks earlier than Jeremy, so it gave him the chance to- well, it wasn't stalking, it was just overly-friendly glances and blushing and sweaty hands and-
This is why I'm bullied. Fuckin' gay, Heere. Jeremy squinted as he thought to himself, nearing the doors that led to the front of the school. He let out a sigh.
It figured, that of all the people who could have tutored him, Jeremy just had to get the boy he was hardcore crushing on.
He took in a determined breath before pushing the right, front door open and heading to the front of the school.
It didn't take long for Jeremy to pinpoint the red hoodie that Michael wore every day to school, and Jeremy found his feet moving like they were trying to fight against a tub of molasses.

Michael had his back turned to Jeremy and had his headphones on, standing on the sidewalk against the street at the front of the school, bobbing his head to the beat.

Jeremy smiled softly as he watched the curly tuft of hair bounce against Michael's head with the move of his head. He found himself then grinning from ear to ear when Michael turned around and waved at him.

Jeremy soon realized what he was doing and shook his head, giving a small smile instead and a polite wave. He picked up his speed until he reached Michael.

"What's up!" Michael greeted Jeremy.

"N-nothing much!" Jeremy squeaked.

"You okay man?" Michael frowned.


"Your voice just like, went up an octave." Michael cocked his head.

Jeremy's face flushed red, "Wh- no, no, no, no, no, not at all! I mean- fine- I'm fine- I'm," He puffed out his chest, "Jeremy!" He held out his hand.

Michael gave an awkward smile, his eyes twinkling with slight amusement as he took Jeremy's hand and shook itZ


Jeremy withdrew his hand and instantly wiped it against the side of his leg to make sure it wasn't clammy.

"Sorry, were my hands sweaty? My bad dude." Michael chuckled.

"NO!" Jeremy yelped, "I mean- n-no- mine were- um- where should we study?"

"Well, I was thinking my place- my Mas aren't home so-"

"Mas? As in moms? As in- plural?" Jeremy asked curiously.

Michael gave a sheepish grin, "Um, yeah, sorry, I have two moms." He nodded.

"You kidding? Don't apologize, that's awesome!" Jeremy chuckled.

"Yeah? Do you have- two moms?" Michael asked.

"Oh..." Jeremy looked down awkwardly, "I...don't have any moms, just- a busy dad." He nodded quickly.

"Oh- oh my gosh, Jer, I'm so sorry." Michael put a comforting hand on Jeremy's shoulder.

Jeremy trembled slightly at the physical contact as well as the nickname before shaking his head, "It's okay- y-you didn't know- why don't we start walking?"

"How'd you know we'd walk?" Michael put his hands in his pockets.

SHIT- "L-lucky guess?" Jeremy tried.

"Wait...that's right! I see you on my walk home every day!" Michael slapped his forehead, "I'm such an idiot, I'm sorry! I didn't remember!"

"I-it's okay, I'm glad you remembered at all, that's good- I mean cool- er, Chill? Yeah, okay." Jeremy nodded, growing increasingly flustered.

"Welp, let's start walking then." Michael snapped his fingers in the direction they'd be going and the boys were off.

They walked in silence for a bit before Michael began to ramble off on the topic of Chemistry and what exactly they'd be going over today.

The words Michael said went in one ear and out the other for Jeremy.
All Jeremy could do as look at Michael, studying his profile with and absent-minded smile, admiring the glimmer of interest in his eyes at the topic he was discussing.
His eyes were so focused ahead that he hardly noticed Jeremy looking at him.
Despite not holding the details of what Michael was saying, he held the enthusiasm in his voice, so adorable, Jeremy could do this for the entire walk if it would be like that.

"Did you get that?" Michael turned to Jeremy, making eye-contact with him for a split second before Jeremy swiftly looked away.

"Er- I- um- I didn't get all the details, but, I think I got the sum of it.." Jeremy mumbled.

", in that case, what can you say about my face?" Michael smirked.

Jeremy felt his skin crawl as he stiffened up, "E-excuse me?"

"Well, this is chemistry after all, I figure I might as well crack the code of ours- you were staring at me the entire time, there's this thing called peripheral-vision." Michael commented smugly.

"Oh geez..." Jeremy squeaked, fiddling with the hem of his cardigan.

"Well? What do you like about me, go on?"

"W-well, how much do you want know? C-cause I can list."


////SORRY for such a long time for an update- I was going to go to sleep but saw that someone had recently asked for an update and figured I had written a beginning concept for this chapter anyway so I could finish it if I tried- anyway, it's 3AM, g'night!!
I love y'all, thanks for reading and all!!

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