Please Don't

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[Sorry I need to make this short- school is intense screaming and it's a school night and I need sleep so this'll be short </3]

Tw: Death

"...And you never forget your first dead body." Jeremy's Chemistry teacher sighed, shaking his head.

It was the first day of senior year and so far, Jeremy had made it to all of his classes so far without trouble, he hadn't made any new friends or aquanauts yet, but that was to be expected. Nothing had really sparked his interest until this period's teacher had begun his story of...death...-other than the heavenly thought of seeing Michael after class, seeing how this was their sixth period. This deadly topic had been brought up after a presentation on drugs and kidney failure and whatever, Jeremy lifting his head at a particular word.

"And you know what killed him...?"

The class shook their head as the teacher continued their story.

"He was stoned- just dead on the streets, grant it- it wasn't a good neighborhood- but honest to god, saddest sight I've ever he had a family somewhere, someone to care about at the very least, maybe at one point in life, who knows," The teacher frowned with a shrug before leaping up from his seat, "Well that goes to say- have a nice day! No homework, you lucky ducks, have a nice day!" The teacher's sentence ended right on time with the bell, much to their satisfaction.

Jeremy's hands were trembling as he exited the classroom, hugging his textbook to his chest and numbly being tossed about the hallways as he navigated them, shoulders bumping and brushing against his until he ran into a familiar face at the end of the hall. Typical, after all, this was where Michael's locker was- and his- so he'd obviously be here, and there he was.

"Hey, buddy boy! How was your first day?" Michael opened his arms out ol for Jeremy.

Jeremy practically threw his textbook into the locker they shared and grabbed Michael into a big hug, holding him tightly.

"Wow, missed my that much, bear bear?" Michael turned to kiss Jeremy's head when he noticed his back shaking, recognizing the rakes of sobs, he immediately turned around so Jeremy was protected between him and the locker door, their judging peers unable to see anything but Michael's back and what looked like a pinned Jeremy, however, in reality it was quite the opposite, "Bearyboo what's wrong?" Michael fought back the urge to cradle the boy and layer him in kisses, knowing well that Middle Borough gossip spread like wild fire, though Jeremy kept a strong, firm hug around Michael.

"D-don't do it a-anymore- p-please." Jeremy choked out into the crook of Michael's neck.

"Don't do not what, Jer?" Michael patted Jeremy's back, rubbing small circles into it.

Jeremy quickly explained the story and effects that his Chem teacher had dramatically gone over, trembling and choking out words all the while.

"Jeremy!" Michael wrapped his arms around the hunched over boy, "Jer, listen- it's not as easy as just blowing out the blunt and walking away..." Michael frowned, "Trust me I know...but listen Heere,"

Jeremy smiled a bit at the pun.

"Whoever that guy was was obviously being irresponsible...But..." Michael squeezed Jeremy tightly, "I'll try, alright? Would that make you feel better?" He smiled down at Jeremy.

Jeremy nodded, not looking up at Michael but staying in his arms, "Mhm..." he sniffled.

"Alright..." Michael sighed, "Its alright..."

MichaelMelloncholy  that's how much he loves his bear, he means more than getting stoned in his basement ❤️

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