Remember me

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Jeremy wrapped his arm around his husband, giving him a tender kiss on the cheek, "You're my favorite person, Micha~"

Michael giggled in response as they continued to walk down the sidewalk, "Don't I know it, Jerbear, you tell me everyday it feels like!"

"And I'll keep saying it for the rest of your days, Mister Mell!"

"I'll never forget it, Jer, I promise." Michael rolled his eyes.

Jeremy sighed in contentment, "Hey, Mikes...I've been meaning to you think you'd want to have kids the next few years...?" Jeremy glanced down at Michael who looked up at him with round eyes and a bright smile.

"I'd want nothing more, Jeremy." He murmured.

Jeremy grinned back in response, giving Michael's shoulder a tight squeeze, pulling him closer, "So, what kind of method do you wanna' use for getting a k-"

"RUN!" Michael shrieked, interrupting Jeremy.

"No- Kid-"

"NO-" Michael leapt at Jeremy.

Jeremy rolled into the bushes that lined the houses. He yelped as he heard the sound of a honk and a thud, then quickly scrambling to his feet.

What Jeremy saw horrified him.

Michael was sprawled out on the ground, blood gushing from his forehead and ear, and a car screeching away down the street.

"Fucking bastard!" Jeremy screamed at the top of his lungs at the fleeting car, scrambling to pull out his phone and snap a license plate shot, though he didn't care if he succeeded, well, didn't care too much, at the moment that is. He just needed to make sure Michael was alright as he collapsed to his knees and propped the boy up in his lap, fiddling with his phone to call 9-1-1.

"Hello, this is-"

"HE GOT HIT BY A C-CAR!" Jeremy was crying into the phone.

"Alright sir, tell me where you are." The man on the phone sounded so calm, but sincere.

"C-cross-street o-of L-Lin and M-anuel a-avenue."

"We've already got people driving there." The phone man reassured.

"Th-thank you." Jeremy choked out before hanging up. He held Michael close to his chest and a few warm tears hit the boy's face. Then Jeremy heard a groan and his hopes raised, "M-Mikey?"

"I-It hurts..." Michael managed to cry out softly.

"I-I know b-baby I k-know." Jeremy pressed his nose to Michael's.

"" Michael whispered, "S-see" he cried out.

Jeremy opened his eyes to look at the helpless boy in his arms, "N-No- n-not yet! The ambulance is c-coming!"

Thats when the police car sounded.


Jeremy was pacing nervously in the hospital's waiting room, nobody had called a code blue yet, which meant that Michael was still alive. However, Jeremy could feel himself being eaten alive by his worries. Michael had been in the urgent care section of the hospital for hours now and still nothing had been told to Jeremy.

"Don't join your Ma yet, Michael, not yet, please." Jeremy begged. That's when the click of a door sounded and a man rushed into the waiting room.

"I'm looking for a-" The man looked down at his clipboard, fixing his glasses on his nose and squinting, "Jeremy Heere?"

Jeremy leapt forward, having to skid to a halt in front of the man, "M-Me!" He cleared his throat so he would sound less desperate, "Thats me."

The man nodded.

"H-how are his conditions?" Jeremy for straight to it.

The man frowned and shifted on his feet, "...Critical..." He murmured.

Jeremy felt like collapsing right there and then, though the best he could do right now is just cry, so he did, inaudible tears streaming down his face, "A-and the diagnosis?"

"...Michael Mell will have some...severe memory loss."

Once again, Jeremy let the tears fall.

"B-but in stages." The doctor continued before Jeremy could speak, "I won't lie to you, it's possible he could loose short term memories, like his favorite cereal or such, what day it is, things like that, or..."


"Or long term memories..."

"Such as?" Jeremy prompted.

"Who he is."

Jeremy's heart dropped, but he managed to keep his composure, "Can I see him?"

"I'm afraid you can't right now, he'll have to stay here for..."


The doctor sighed, "Jeremy Heere... we can't fix Michael's brain...not completely at least- what we can do is give him a happy and safe life until-"


"...Michael has two months to live, Jeremy."

Now this. This, broke Jeremy. He fell to his knees and let out loud sobs.

The man just stood there, giving a pitiful look- there was nothing more he could do, "At this rate, he'll most likely be loosing a few memories per week until...his death... so you're welcome to visit him as often as possible until then."

"...Can I stay with him in his room...?"

"For how long?" The Doctor inquired.

"For two months."


[Week One]

Jeremy had gotten used to telling Michael what had happened to him every single day for the past 5 days now, what he hadn't gotten used to, and never would, were the cries of agony that came from Michael, and then his sudden need to hug and to hold Jeremy for the rest of the day until he blinked out of it and asked what they were doing here once again.

It was torture for Jeremy and he was sure Michael wouldn't have liked it either, if he could remember.

It took six days until Michael forgot something big. Jeremy had been awoken by the doctors to an unpleasant surprise.

"Jeremy...we ran our usual are Michael's answers."

Michael was given a test daily, he was told he'd hit his head and they just needed his information quickly, he forgot the test almost instantly afterwards so it had no effect on his overall day, the doctors left it to Jeremy to tell him the truth, if he wanted to that is.

Jeremy squinted and looked down at the answers.

What is your name: Michael Mell

What are your hobbies: Gaming, Sewing, and More Gaming.

What is your age: Twenty-one

Jeremy stopped at that answer. Michael was twenty-seven. And they'd been married for three years now- and Michael had married him at age twenty-four, which meant- Jeremy watched as the results for scattered in tears that fell Fresh from his face. The doctors left him and Michael alone. Jeremy didn't know what to do and then-

"J-Jeremy?" Michael's hushed voice came from the hospital bed, prompting Jeremy to look up.

"Yes, love?" He smiled kindly as if nothing was wrong.

"Wh-why are you here- Heere?" Michael returned the smile.

Jeremy paused for a moment, he didn't want to deal with comforting a crying Michael once again after telling him what was going to happen, so he improvised. Jeremy took a few steps forward until he reached the edge of the bed, "Michael Mell...would you make me the happiest man on earth...and marry me?" Jeremy's eyes brimmed with tears, but this time they were filled with slight happiness as he saw Michael's face.

Michael let out a little cry of joy, "Oh Jer...You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that..." he whispered as Jeremy slid the ring onto his finger, "Yes, yes, yes times a million!" He flung his arms around Jeremy and covered him in kisses.

Little did Michael know, Jeremy hadn't even put a ring on Michael, he'd simply brushed his fingers over Michael's already worn wedding wring from their actual wedding years ago, and little did he know how much this tore Jeremy to bits.

But this was better than the truth.

[Week Three]

This time it took two more weeks before another major memory took itself from Michael's mind.

Jeremy read over the daily answers once again.

What is your name: Michael Mell

What are your hobbies: Playing video games, I also like writing sometimes

What is your age: Eighteen.

Jeremy's heart sank again. He sighed as he looked up at the sleeping Michael. He gave a small smile as he approached the bed, stopping at its edge as he had done for the last 13 days. He placed his hand on Michael's cheek and brushed his finger against it gently.

"J-Jer?" Michael squeaked, "Wh-what are you doing here, Heere?" Jeremy sighed fondly at the familiar response he'd been getting.

"Always with the puns, huh?"

"Y-yeah.." Michael giggled.

"Michael..." Jeremy murmured.

"Y-yeah, J-Jer bear?" Michael was a flustered mess.

"...I've been wanting to tell you for awhile now but..." Jeremy met Michael's gaze, falling for his deep, brown gaze all over again, "I really like you. Like, a lot." Jeremy smiled, "And it'd make me really happy, if you'd be my...boyfriend?"

A few warm tears made their way from Michael's eyes, "Oh yes...yes! Yes please!" Michael reached up his arms.

Jeremy giggled and gave him a big hug, holding him closely, "I love you..." he murmured into Michael's ear.

"I love you too..." Michael giggled.

[One Month]

What is your name: Mikey Poo Mell

What are your hobbies: I really really really really really like drawing and my Ma' just taught me how to sew and got me this cool game system and even though I haven't tried it out yet I think video games would be really cool- she got me this game called... okay it's something with 'Pac' in it...

What is your age: This many: one...two...three...four...FIVE!

Jeremy released the paper and stared at the ground, looking up to see the Twenty-Seven year old man playing with dinosaur plushies and blocks on the floor. Jeremy shakily stood up and made his way over to Michael, sitting down carefully in front of him, "...Hi Michael..." Jeremy smiled.

"Hi!" Michael squeaked.

"Can I play with you?" Jeremy asked.

Michael nodded, "Sure, Mister!"

"...D-do you know my name?"

Michael frowned, "Should I?"

Jeremy felt his reality spinning out of control, but he couldn't cry, not now, not in front of Michael- it would simply upset the little-grown boy and nobody needed, nor wanted, that. He cleared his throat and stuck out his hand, "I'm Jeremy...Jeremy Heere..."

[...Two Months...]

Jeremy stroked a stray hair from Michael's face as the boy let out mindless babbles, his breathing erratic and surrounded by his loved ones. Jeremy wasn't trying at all to hold back tears, he knew he couldn't anyway if he tried. He simply kept a hand on Michael before speaking, "Y-you know that you are m-my favorite person?" Jeremy's murmur was interrupted by the loud and long beeping of a flat line.

"I'll never forget it, Jer,...I promise..."

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