Stand By You

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Stand By You

Jeremy headed down the block, his destination was Michael's house and it was only a few homes down now. He hadn't been invited but Michael had said he was always welcome whenever he wanted, thus why the door was always unlocked- aside from night time when Mrs.Mell locked it up, if Jeremy wanted to get in at the time he'd have to climb through the Basement's bathroom window, which was about a foot and a half high and four feet long, Michael was unable to squeeze through this window but Jeremy managed too- though he ended up landing in the bath tub whenever he would use this route.

Jeremy slowed down as he reached Michael's driveway. His PT cruiser was parker there, a bit off center which bothered Jeremy a bit, but he shrugged it off, his Ma's Lexis wasn't there so Michael was most likely the only one there, unless he went somewhere with his Ma, which was rarely the case. If that was so, however, he'd just wait in Michael's room until he returned. Jeremy turned the knob of the front door, sliding in and closing it quietly behind him. He knew very well that Mrs.Mell hated when her door was slammed, she never expressed it verbally but if someone were to slam it she'd just give them a glare until they reached the edge of her gripping gaze. She did this very often to Michael, which helped Jeremy catch onto the purpose and he noted never to slam the door. Though Michael was still oblivious to Mrs.Mell's hints.

Jeremy looked around and couldn't spot anyone, though he heard the quiet murmur of music coming from upstairs and went upwards to check it out. The music was still muffled when he reached the top of the stairs but he could tell that the tunes were coming from Michael's bedroom. He approached the door and stopped at the entrance, opening the door just a crack.

Michael was sitting on his knees on top of his bed, a hairbrush tilted towards his mouth acting as a microphone, he sung at the top of his lungs, "Even if we can't find heaven! I'll walk through hell with you! Love, you're not alone, cause' I'm gonna' stand by yoooou!" His face was squinted up with passion.

Jeremy slapped his hand over his own mouth to keep himself from laughing, he recognized the song as 'Stand By You' by Rachel Platten. He watched as Michael continued to rock out to the song that blasted from his computer until it came to the last verse, where Michael closed his eyes and said softly, "...Stand by you."  He dropped the hairbrush.

"Thank you! Thank you! You may now applause." Michael chuckled to himself, sitting down.

Jeremy started clapping, pushing the door open the rest of the way.

Michael screamed. Not just a squeak or a squeal, but an actual scream, chucking the hairbrush at Jeremy.

The hairbrush hit Jeremy right on the chest, causing him to let out a gasp of breath.

"J-Jeremy!?" Michael squeaked, hiding underneath his comforter, which pushed his glasses off onto the floor.

Jeremy took in a deep breath, trying to catch it, he let out a cough, heading towards Michael, "Dude! You're an amazing singer~!" He laughed happily.

Michael's response was a muffled squeal of embarrassment.

Jeremy lifted the front part of the comforter to reveal a bright red Michael who then started to pull the comforter back down, Jeremy squeezed himself under it before he could, sitting, more like laying, next to Michael. He grinned and patted Michael on the back, "No seriously, it was the cutest thing ever.

Another squeal.

"Michael, look at me." Jeremy turned Michael's face towards him, Michael started to pull away, "Michael." Jeremy turned his face to him, "It was awesome." He smiled.

"Y-ya' think...?" Michael muttered.

Jeremy nodded.

"Thanks...I guess...I wasn't trying though..." He glanced away, then his gaze darted back to Jeremy, or at least, what he could see of him under the darkness of the comforter, he sat up and pulled it off their heads so it only went over their shoulders, it was way easier to breath now, "Wait a minute- how did you get in?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You always leave the door unlocked in hopes that I come." Jeremy smiled.

" figures that the one time I don't want you here is the one time you actually come."

Jeremy frowned, trying to look as sad as possible, "You don't want me here...I can leave." He knew Michael would start freaking out, which he did.

"N-No no! Stay- please- I mean-" His face turned a darker shade of red, "You're already here so just stay..."

Jeremy nodded, "Alright, I can't say no to my boyf pleading." Jeremy grinned.

"Pft, whatever dork." Michael pushed Jeremy back by the forehead.

Jeremy snickered as he flopped backwards onto the bed, "So, Rachel huh?"

"Don't you dare judge that girl she is the source of all things precious." Michael shot a serious look at Jeremy.

Jeremy sat up, "Just last week you were saying that the best artist on earth was George Sal-"

"Nevermind that, Jeremy, we need to listen to Rachel's songs now!" Michael leapt up, "I have every one of them." He pulled out his phone, scrolling through his music, tapping on one of the songs. A moment later the lyrics 'This is my Fight Song' were blasting through the small speaker.

"Well geez." Jeremy yelled over the voice, "How long have you been a fan?"

"Since her first song hit the itunes store!" Michael grinned.

Jeremy nodded, "Wanna' karaoke?" He suggested.

Michael turned off the music immediately, "A-are you serious?" He looked at Jeremy with surprise glimmering in his eyes.

Jeremy nodded, "I wanna' hear your voice again." He smiled.

Michael laughed, "Alright. I have 'Stand By You' karaoke on here, let's do this."

Michael jumped to his feet, bouncing slightly on the bed, holding out his hand to help Jeremy up.

Jeremy grinned and grabbed his hand, standing up with him- nearly hitting his head on the ceiling.

Michael turned on the karaoke version.

Michael grabbed Jeremy's hand as the music started playing, "Hands...put your empty hands in mine..."

Jeremy drew a finger from the top of his eye to the bottom, representing a scar over the eye, "And scars, show me all the scars you hi~de."

Michael put his arm around Jeremy, "And hey, if your wings are broken, borrow mine so yours can open too."

They sang in harmony, though Jeremy fell a bit flat, "Cause' I'm gonna' stand by you."

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