Super Hero AU [Part 3]

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Jeremy sighed, "Well, it was around a year and a half ago-"

"When I woke up with my abilities." Michael muttered.

"Exactly- except that probably happened a few months after my betrayal of these dicks." Jeremy chuckled nervously, you and I were living together in your mom's basement- since my dad kicked me out for-" Jeremy paused.

"For...?" Michael raised an eyebrow.

"Being- a ba-ad kid, ya' know?"

Michael snorted, "I know a gay when I see one, Jeremy."

Jeremy's face flushed up a fine shade a red, "M-Michael!"

Michael shrugged, "Well its just the truth, how ya' gonna' get anywhere in life if you can't tell a guy from a gay?"

"...That's besides the point." Jeremy cleared his throat, dismissing his dark red face, "Anyway, ...S-Since we're made from the same biology shit, it's like you're squipped so you mind if I access your memories- I-I can restore them...Or at least one of them."

Michael nodded, "Let's just start you got here..."

Jeremy nodded, closing his eyes, "Accessing Memory Data."

[2 years ago]

"All I'm saying is that you could pitch in with the rent a bit more." Michael shrugged.

"Hey, it's not my fault if I don't have sufficient funds right now Micha." Jeremy leaned back in his beanbag as Michael huffed in annoyance.

"Really? It's not your fault that you don't have money?" Michael furrowed his brow.

"Y-yeah!" Jeremy nodded defiantly, "Plus- why do we even have a stupid rent- it's your house after all?"

"Oh so you think the food just magically appears every night? The water and electricity bills from nonstop video gaming?" Michael flopped back into his beanbag.

"Yeah but why do we have to pay for it now when that's all we ever did as kids?"

"Because, Jer! I was going to move into a college dorm that my ma' had payed for- but then you show up uninvited and suddenly plans have changed- it's not her fault they didn't give all the money back!"

Jeremy's eyes widened and he felt his heard burn with sudden rage, "Showed up uninvited?" Jeremy leapt to his feet in anger and took a step towards Michael, "It is not my fault my dad kicked me out!"

"How is it not Jeremy?" Michael stood up as well, "Like you said, you stole his credit card number! Stole! How the hell is that not your fault?"

Jeremy felt his teeth grinding together, "Because!" He shouted.

"Because what?"

"You said that if I ever needed a place to stay I'd be welcome!" Jeremy glared at Michael.

"I was seven!" Michael shouted back, "That was years ago!"


"So! Things change!" Michael stomped his foot forward for effect.

Jeremy flinched, "I can't believe you!" He scowled.

"Jeremy- for the last time- This! Is! Your! Fault!" Michael growled.

Jeremy could feel the anger boiling in his veins, "No! It's yours!" Jeremy finally screamed.

Michael folded his arms over his chest, "Uh-Huh- and why's that?" Michael's glare didn't move.

Jeremy took in a deep breath, his rage blinding his sense and his emotions clouding his reason, "Because I was gay, god damnit! For you!" Jeremy's fists clenched together, he could feel the tears threatening to fall as he watched Michael's eyes widened. He wasn't going to stay long enough to get rejected, so he pushed his way past Michael, "Now leave me alone while I go get your fucking rent money." He muttered as he wiped the sleeve of his sweater over his face, storming up the basement stairs and out the door, slamming it behind him as Michael hurried after him, booking it down the street before the boy could respond to his actions, and words.

[In the Lab, Present Day]

"I looked around town for a job...and looky heere  there's a job for a game designer, so yeah I take it but then when I go there..." Jeremy winced, "I-it was so painful, Mikey..." Jeremy whimpered, "I-I was able to restore my memory with the computer shit they put in me but-" He shook his head, "I remember the surgery and- I don't want to remember that." Jeremy opened his eyes to a flush, teary-eyed Michael, "I-I'm sorry!" He squeaked.

Michael shook his head, wiping his face on his shoulder sleeve, "N-no it's fine it's is that your fault?"

" was my own stupidity of actually believing in that advertised job and- well, you were made to capture- er, or destroy, me so..." Jeremy shuffled his feet guiltily.

Michael just shook his head dismissingly, "I- uh...can you restore my memories- completely that is."

"D-Do you want that- I mean, you could just forget about me- about everything and-"

"I'm definitely sure I want to remember you." Michael smiled.

"...Alright..." Jeremy closed his eyes, "Accessing Memory Date- full file inspect."

Michael let out a small gasp, a few tears falling down his face before he lay limp.

After nearly a minute he took in a deep breath, blinking awake.

Jeremy looked down at his feet.

"J-Jer-bear?" Michael whined out.

Jeremy felt himself go half limp with pleasure at that name, "Y-You haven't called me that f-for years." He gave a half grin.

"I haven't seen you in years!" Michael exclaimed, "I-" He began thrashing around wildly at the straps containing him.

"'ve tried that, it won't work- th-they extracted your abilities."

"I don't give a- an anything- I just to get to you, Jer." Michael's voice cracked with deep sorrow.

Jeremy let out a small whimper, "Micha..."

"Sh. I'm trying anyway." Michael continued to thrash, he could feel that the straps weren't getting any looser, however, he did feel when his metal surface came rearing forward, he glanced towards the medical supplies beside him and careened himself to the left, landing right for them.

"Michael!" Jeremy yelped as Michael landed face first onto the table- the metal sheet still strapped to him. He couldn't see the boy's face, or body for that matter, the sheet blocking his view, however, he did see a small stream of blood begin to trickle from under the sheet, Jeremy felt himself panicking, H-He's dead- he- they-they killed him- it was- it was- they killed him- it was their fault it was- my fault it was- he's dead! Jeremy's thoughts swarmed around him and he felt his hands ball up in fists of hatred and anger towards himself and those who had brought these abilities to him, "I'll kill them!" Jeremy shrieked, a loud voice booming in his head.

"Accessing, Muscle Memory- Access procedure complete-"

Jeremy threw his arm forward and it broke through the leather straps, doing so with the other soon after, he felt a new found strength surge within him as he headed for the door.

"You'll kill who exactly?"

Jeremy nearly leapt out of his skin as he whipped around to see Michael shuffling out from under the sheet of metal, shaking his hand rapidly.

"Wh-what but- I thought you- blood and-" Jeremy squeaked, staring in disbelief.

"Jeremy Heere, always leaping to conclusions- I feel onto the supply tools because there were knives and the knives  cut my hand when I grabbed for one."

"Wh-Why did you grab for-" Jeremy paused as he slowly connected the dots, "OH- TO ESCAPE!" He shrieked excitedly.

"Keep your voice down, bear, they'll hear us before we can actually escape." Michael grinned at Jeremy, "Now get the heck over here, Heere!"

Jeremy didn't have to be told twice- he didn't even have to be told once- he practically leapt forward into Michael's outstretched arms and wrapped himself around the other, trembling slightly.

"I-I can't breath." Michael choked out.

"S-Sorry!" Jeremy leaned back.

Michael smiled fondly, "It's alright, I love you anyway."

Jeremy's face turned bright red and he let out a small squeak, "Y-You do?"

Michael nodded, "But right now we have bigger problems."

Jeremy nodded in agreement, "Yeah..."

Michael was silent for a few moments, "...So you might want to stop hugging me so we can actually get somewhere..."

"O-Oh! Right!" Jeremy fumbled backwards, away from Michael, scratching his arm in embarrassment, "I-I got this." Jeremy closed his eyes, muttering some commands, then reopening them.

"...So...?" Michael tilted his head.

"Wait for it." Jeremy nodded, walking back over to Michael.

Michael instantly took this opportunity, "Hey Jer,"

"Yeah?" Jeremy kept his eyes trained on the door.

"Can you hold something for me quickly?"

Jeremy blinked in confusion, "Sure, what?" He glanced over at Michael, but he didn't expect the response he got.

Michael placed his hand in Jeremy's, looking at the door, knowing very well of the fact that Jeremy was red from his ear-tips to his toes.

Jeremy opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a shrill squeak and a giggle from Michael, he then shook his head to clear his thoughts, "O-Okay it's s-s-safe to go n-now." He mumbled out.

"How do you know?"

"Watch this." Jeremy grinned as he strolled out of the laboratory and into the main lobby.

Michael winced at the sudden change from dimmed lights to bright, white ones, though when his vision cleared he ginned at the sight.

The biologists were all in a line, on their knees, held back by multiple squipped townsfolk.

Jeremy casually skipped towards the exit of the complex with Michael in his hand, "It comes in handy when needed." He shrugged.

Michael stuck out his tongue at the hostages, "Serves you right!" He cackled as they exited, heading down the street, "So, What'll happen to them?"

"Well, the authorities are technically under my command sooo...for destruction of property, violation of property, and potential threat to the public- I'd say a nice time in federal prison would do them well." Jeremy nodded as if this was normal.

"I love you so much right now." Michael blinked up at Jeremy, causing the boy to loose his confidence he had held up for a bit of time.

"I-I uh- I-"

Michael stopped him, "Say it like this." He tapped his finger to his lips.

Jeremy squealed in surprise, "M-Micha!"

Michael shrugged.

"F-Fine." Jeremy leaned forward, closing the distance between their lips- though suddenly stopping a millimeter from Michael's face, smirking "A perfect ending would be too cliché~"

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