Truth or Dare VS Paranoia [Part 1]

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This is still open, just comment [instructions on previous part 'Paranoid Losers']

Warnings: Alright well there might be mention of smut/ TW

[If you don't know what paranoia is, read the bottom part of 'Paranoid Losers']


Jeremy grinned as the group of friends entered, "Heh..." Jeremy snickered as they walked down towards the basement, Jeremy shutting the door and following behind them.

Chloe was in the lead, she glances behind her towards Jeremy, "So tell me why you made us all come over to Michael's house?" She sounded suspicious.

Rich stopped to elbow Jeremy, "Oh I know why he was here~" Rich wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ew g-gross, n-no!" Jeremy squeaked, pushing past him to the front of the crowd as they reached the basement. He shot a smirk towards Michael who sat defeated on the basement floor, "We're gonna' play truth or dare and paranoia!"

At this the girls' face's lit up with excitement, and Rich began jumping up and down, pulling on Jake's sleeve, "Yes!" He grinned.

"I hate this." Michael muttered.

"Why are we doing it at your place then?" Jake questioned.

Jeremy bit his lower lip to contain a smile.

"Because Jeremy's a cheater." Michael muttered.

"Oh, stop being such a soar looser~" Jeremy giggled.

"YOU GAVE ME A HIC-" Michael was silenced by a glaring, flustered Jeremy.

Christine sighed, "I won't ask..." She sat down across from Michael, "Come on now, in a circle~" She tried her best to sound cheery.

The group obeyed, Jeremy sitting down beside Michael, Rich sitting on Michael's other side, Jake sitting beside Rich, Chloe beside Jake, Brooke beside Chloe, and Jenna in between Brooke and Christine, making up a circle.

Jenna bubbled with excitement, "So, what first?"

Jeremy thought for a moment, "Let's start with...paranoia." He earned a sigh of relief from Michael. Jeremy couldn't blame him, the last truth or dare wasn't the happiest memory...but he couldn't lie that it had been cute.

"I call going first!" Jenna squealed.

Jeremy shrugged, "Alright."

Jenna giggled evilly, "I'll ask...Rich!" She crawled through the circle to Rich, whispering the question.

Rich thought for a moment, "Can I be in it?"

Jenna shook her head, no.

Rich frowned, "Okay then...Pwobably Michael anth Jeremy."

The rest of the group looked confused.

Jenna pulled a coin from her pocket, "We can use this. I call tails!"

"Heads then I guess." Rich shrugged.

Jenna squealed as she flipped the coin, only to be disappointed when the coin flipped to heads.

"HA!" Rich smiled triumphantly.

Michael and Jeremy looked at each other in deep confusion, "Do I even want to know what the question was...?" Jeremy shuttered.

"Oh shut up, it wasn't that bad." Rich shrugged as Jenna sat back in her spot.

[The question was 'Who is your OTP']

"Alright, Rich's turn." Jeremy nodded to Rich.

Rich rubbed his hands together evilly, "Alright!" He looked around the crowd, "Jeremy, come heEre!"Rich snapped in front of him and Jeremy hastily obeyed, Rich then leaned over to him and asked the question, in which Jeremy let out a very audible squeal.

"RICH WHAT THE HELL KIND OF QUESTION EVEN IS THAT!?" Jeremy leaned back with wide eyes.

"I'm a highschooler Jeremy, you expect what you get."

Jeremy's face lit up a bright red color, "C-clothed though right?"

Rich sighed, "Fiiiine, clothed."


"WHAT!?" Michael nearly leapt to his feet, "Okay now I have to know the answer!" He grinned.

Rich giggled, "I call heads." He then proceeded by flipping the coin.

Jeremy felt his stomach twist as the coin landed on heads, "Well shit..." He muttered.

Rich fell back laughing, gasping for breath.

"...If...oh god..." Jeremy took in a breath, "If you had to cover someone in peanut butter and...then lick it off of them...who would it be..."

With that the entire group was now laughing. Well, everyone but Michael, who was a blushing mess with his hands over his mouth and eyes wide.

Jeremy reluctantly returned beside him, looking down at his feet and trying to control his hitching breath.

"I'm just going to satisfy the audience heEre and." He stuck out his tongue and dabbed it on Jeremy's cheek lightly.

"OOOOH DAMN BOIII!" Rich yelled while everyone else squealed and yelled along with him.

"Sh-shut up! He just- it was barely- shut up!" Jeremy's voice cracked as he buried his face in Michael's shoulder, "Just continue...It's Micha's turn..." He muffled through Michael's hoodie shoulder.

Michael smirked and patted Jeremy on the head, "It's okay bud~" He then sighed, "Alright! Well Rich, you attacked Ma' boy so now I attack you." Michael squinted sinisterly at Rich with a creeping smile.

Rich swallowed and smiled nervously, "A-Alright..." He made his way over to Michael.

Michael leaned over and whispered his question to Rich.

Rich laughed, "HA I WISH!"

"So that's your answer?" Michael ginned.

"W-wait n-no! I mean...uh no- no is my answer- I mean- yes- I mean- please don't make me say the question man, come on." Rich's voice faltered.

Jake grinned, "Ooo must be bad~ Now I wanna' hear this!" He laughed.

Rich's eyes widened as he stared at Jake, "N-NO, NO YOU DON'T- N-NEXT QUESTION!"

Jenna shook her head, "Nope, coin toss first!"

"...Whatever losers..." Rich muttered through a blushing face.

"I call tails!" Michael announced as he flipped the coin.

There was a moment of silence as they all stared at the coin. Tails.

Rich screamed and pulled his shirt over his face, "N-No!" He squealed.

Jake shuffled over to him and pulled his shirt down, "Come on babe, what was it?" He smiled fondly.

Rich whimpered, "...Has...Jakey D...ever given you...the D."

"OOOOH!" Jeremy shrieked, "AND YOUR ANSWER WAS I WISH!"

"Sh-shut up Tallass!"

The group exploded with laughter and wheezing, Michael dying the most as he looked at Jake, who was now silent and as red as a tomato.

Rich face-planted onto the floor and let out multiple screams of embarrassment while Jake tried to keep himself from screaming as well.

"I-I need to uh g-go-" Jake began.

"Nope. You're staying through all of this Mr.D~" Michael grinned.

Jake leaned back into his spot, putting and arm around Rich, "You're dead Mell, I'll get you back..." He grinned evilly.

"Oh come on, we all know you loved that Rich." Christine giggled.

"Damn girl!" Jenna laughed.

"It's just factual." Christine smiled innocently.

Jake sighed, "I'll get you back later  Mell. You won't know when...or how...but I will." Jake laughed.

"Whatever~" Michael shrugged, giving a side-hug to Jeremy who hummed happily in response.

Jake waddled over to Christine and whispered something to her.

Christine furred her brow, "What even is that...?"

Jake sighed and whispered again.

"Oh! So like a swimsuit!"

"...Actually I think a swimsuit is more be honest...but alright." Jake shrugged, sitting back down.

"Uh..." Christine blushed a little, "Probably Jenna?" She smiled nervously.

Jenna looked up, a bit flustered, "O-Oh..."

Christine won the coin toss, to her relief.

[The question was, 'Who would look best in a body suit]

"Okay...I'll ask Chloe something." She shrugged, crawling on her knees to the girl and whispering her question.

"Seriously Christine?" Chloe's expression dropped.

"Wh-what?" Christine sat back in her own seat.

"It's called paranoia. Not moderate."

"W-well...whatever, just answer it!" Christine huffed.

"I think Brooke would look pretty cute in an elmo costume." Chloe shrugged.

Brooke blushed, "H-Hey! You're not supposed to say the question!"

"Well if she'd won or lost it wouldn't have been much a gain." Chloe snickered.

"Classic Christine, ignorant to all that isn't innocent~" Michael blinked.

"Shut up Mell!" Christine pouted, following in Jenna putting her arm around the girl comfortingly.

Chloe sat up, "Okay! My turn~!" Chloe wobbled over to Christine, "This is how it's really done." She leaned over and whispered something to Christine.

"C-Chloe!" Christine shoved her, though with her strength, Chloe didn't budge, she simply sat back.

"Oh and I mean favorite as in favorite." Chloe winked, her voice only audible to Christine.

"Whatever!" Christine huffed, "...Jeremy..." She mumbled.

Chloe put her hand over her ear, "Ah ah ah, I can't hear you."

"Jeremy!" Christine hissed out.

Michael tensed, "Watch it." Michael glared at her.

"I didn't ask the question!" Christine growled back.

To Christine's dislike, she lost the coin toss.

"Who's your favorite person out of the group." Christine muttered, causing Rich and Jake along with Chloe and Brooke, to smirk. Although, Jenna looked heart-broken and Jeremy looked at Michael with pure horror.

"You suck." Michael muttered under his breath, only to be jabbed in the side by Jeremy.

"Chloe asked it! So now I'm asking her. With a real question!" Christine huffed, advancing towards Chloe and whispering to her.

"Oh come on! You two can't keep going back and forth all day." Rich pouted.

Chloe listened to the question and immediately turned red, "I don't know, does she?"

Christine sighed, sitting back down.

Christine frowned as she lost the coin toss.

[Does Chloe is Gay?] [Does Bruno mars is Gay?] [Is iiiiiiiit...updog?]

"CAN I GO!?" Jake blurted out.

Chloe looked over to him and sighed, "Fine. But I have to ask you a question." She headed towards Jake and started whispering.

"I use Rich." Jake nodded.

Rich blinked in surprise, "Dude, I need to know the question now." Rich giggled as Jake flushed up.

Chloe glowed with pleasure as she won the coin toss.

Jake sighed, "Do you even lift?"

Rich burst out laughing, "I-it's funny cos' it's true! He doe-" Rich was cut off as Jake picked him up and began hoisting him up and down, as if he were a weight. Rich let out multiple squeals while the rest of the group started cracking up before Jake set Rich down with a kiss on the nose.

"Okay, now I get Mell." Jake nodded.

Jake wiggled over to Michael and whispered in his ear.

Michael's eyes widened and his face turned a beautiful shade of red.

"" He muttered.

Jake frowned, "Oh come on!"

"Oh shut up! So are you..."

"I've dated people before Rich, Michael. Can you say the same with Jeremy?"

Michael glared at him, "Whatever!"

Jeremy looked up curiously from where he slumped against Michael's shoulder.

Michael glared down at the coin as he lost the toss, "Are you a virgin..." He sighed.

"HA! Jake you owe me ten bucks! I knew they wouldn't-" Rich was cut off by a frantically squeaking Jeremy.

Michael got up, "Anyway...I don't know about you creeps but Ima' go get some Coke. Anyone else want some!"

The rest of the group nodded, giving Michael their order.

Jeremy was the only person to ask for diet.


//A/N Dares, asks, truths, all are still open, instructions on the other page!

A session of truth or dare will happen in the next part~

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