We need a rollaway

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This is my 50th part for this series!!

Part of my 5k special!

Requested by: Theoisweird

[I was told to make this gay. I did. I made it really gay. I hope you're satisfied.]

Jeremy had his head against Michael's shoulder, closing his eyes as the wind whipped his hair around.

Jake was driving the roofless car with Rich beside him, their hands held together and fingers intertwined.

Jeremy turned towards Michael, pressing his nose to Michael's neck contently.

Michael grinned, "I guess heading out on the road at two am wasn't the brightest thing now was it Jer?" He trapped Jeremy's face in between his should and cheek in an attempted head hug.

Jeremy squeaked into Michael and pressed his face to the hoodie fabric on his shoulder, muffled squeaking went on for a few moments just because Jeremy could, and the squeaks would get carried off in the wind.

Michael's grin widened and he pressed a kiss to Jeremy's forehead, "I've been blessed by a Jeremy squeak, this truly is a good vacation."

"And it'll get better by the time we reach the hotel!" Rich cackled, kissing Jake messily on the cheek as his small form as being shaken by the wind, the highlighted strands of his hair flapping in the wind.

"Speaking of which, when will we get there?" Michael groaned, "It's been hours!"

"Shut your yaps~" Jake chuckled, "We'll be there soon." Jake wiggles his eyebrows at Rich, Rich giggled in response.

Jeremy looked up at Michael with a tired smile, "Hey, at least we get to stay here with each other for awhile then, huh?" He yawned.

Michael patted his lap, "Come on, get some sleep."

Jeremy happily obliged, flopping into Michael's lap, hugging him around the waist and burying his face in Michael stomach.

Michael smiled and ran his fingers through Jeremy's hair as he slowly fell asleep.

"Aw~" Rich cooed, turning to Jake, "I wanna do that, Jake!" He whined.

"I'm not stopping you."

Rich smiled happily and flopped down across the cup holders to rest his head in Jake's lap, "You're comfy." He murmured into Jake's top.

"So you've told me- a lot."

Rich grinned against the top, "Cos' it's true."


They arrived at the hotel at nearly eleven am. The sun was nearly at its highest point, an hour away.

Rich let out a groan of protest as Jake placed him off his lap, "Noooo..." he grabbed Jake's arm, muttering into it.

Jake smiled but pushed him off, "I have to check us into our rooms."

Michael looked up lazily from where he had fallen forward on Jeremy, "...Rooms? Plural?" He questioned.

Jake nodded, "You and Jer can share a room and me and Ricky can share a room. Meet us at the water park when you guys are done 'setting up'" he winked, walking away with Rich to the front desk.

Michael's face burned red, "Wh-whatever." He murmured, smiling down at the still sleeping Jeremy.

When the boys returned they hopped into the front seats, "We have two rooms but there's a door built into the wall so we can visit each other." Jake shrugged, speeding off to the back of the hotel where their rooms were located. He parked directly in front of their rooms, "Rich and I have room 811 and you and Jeremy have room 812. Holler if you need us." With that Jake an Rich grabbed their packs and headed excitedly to their rooms.

"You're dead when I get that spray gun out at the pool!" Rich snickered.

"Thanks for the warning, idiot!" Jake ran with him to the room, ruffling his hair before entering the room and locking the car as he did so.

Michael sighed and propped up Jeremy into his arms on his side, shuffling out of the car and huffing with the effort of caring Jeremy. He dragged their one pack with his foot and reached the door, "Shit...Jake forgot-" The door swung open, Jake at the front, "There, the key is on the coffee table- have fun~" Jake returned through the door wall and back to his room. Michael muttered a thanks and dragged their stuff in, all while holding Jeremy bridal-style, panting. He left the bag on the floor, not caring where it was, and kicking the door closed behind him. He looked around and noted the room's appearance. A flat screen, a bathroom- with a shower, thankfully, and one bed. Michael groaned, knowing Rich had set this up, "Jer won't like that." He sighed, setting the boy on the bed and heading to the phone, dialing up the lobby.


"Hey! I was wondering if we could get a rollout bed in room...812?...mhm, yeah, that'd be great...alright...thank you." Michael headed over to the bed and sat down beside Jeremy, petting his head.

Jeremy let out a sigh of content and turned towards Michael, grabbing his arm and pulling him down to hug him.

Michael fell into an awkward laying position but stayed still, as to not wake Jeremy.

There was a knock at the door, "Your rollaway bed is here!" Called someone at the door.

"L-leave it there I'll get it!"

"It's okay sir I can come in."

Before Michael could object, house keeping walked in.

The person there casually rolled the bed and then looked over to Michael and Jeremy, releasing the bed immediately, "...You sure you two need a separate bed?" They grinned.

"Yes." Michael hissed through a blushing face.

House-keeping shrugged and walked out, closing the door behind them.

Jeremy groaned at the slam and huddled closer to Michael, pressing his face into his hoodie.

"Damn why are you so cute?" Michael sighed.

Jeremy looked up, "Cos' I can be."

Michael's face lit up, "You've been awake the entire time!?"

"I'm a light sleeper." Jeremy yawned, sitting up, "I'll go sleep on the rollaway."

Michael nodded, but grabbed Jeremy's wrist, "Can you hug me again first though? I think I'm touch-starved." Michael nodded.

"It's been three seconds Mikey." Jeremy sighed, but turned back to him and pulled him close.

Michael smiled, "Alright, now lets go swimming." He leapt up excitedly, "They have a waterside!"

Jeremy grinned at Michael's excitement, "What are we waiting for then?"


The two emerged from the room and headed towards the pool. Michael sat on the edge of the pool with Jeremy. Michael smiled and put his hand on Jeremy's back, "I love you."

"I love you to-" Michael pushed Jeremy into the pool.

Jeremy let out a squeak before hitting the water.

There were multiple splashes and Jeremy flailed his arms.

Michael immediately started to freak out, "The idiot can't swim!" He cursed, "Grab my hand!" He yelled, leaning forward and holding out his hand.

Jeremy grabbed Michael's hand and pulled him into the water. Michael gasped before splashing in. However, he soon found that the water was three feet deep and stood up, Jeremy along with him, "Dingus! You had my scared to death!" Michael grabbed Jeremy's face.

"Never leave me alright?"

Jeremy pressed his forehead to Michael's, "Wouldn't dream of it."

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