Voltron AU Part 2

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This is definitely getting made into a book.


The yellow lion landed in front of the doors to the castle, lowering his head and letting everyone out. The lion roared and the door to the castle opened. The four walked through the door and into the castle, stopping when they found what looked like a control room. There were two pods with blue glass covering the front.

Christine went over to look at one when the glass slid down to reveal someone sleeping who looked similar to Sal, but the marks under his eyes were pink. He woke up and fell forward, but Christine caught him before he could hit the floor. She pushed him upright.

The boy looked around at all of them before spotting Sal. "Sal! You're okay!" He runs over and scoops Sal into a hug.

"Micha, you're okay!" Sal squealed, hugging back. "I didn't know what happened when I left!"

While this was happening, the second pod opened, and a boy that looked older than the other two stepped out. He had green marking under his eyes as well as one on his forehead.

"Oh my God we're surrounded by space elves." Nick muttered, and Christine smiled, knowing he was having a mental freakout.

The three Alteans all snapped their attention to him, and all asked something at the same time.

"What's an elf?"

"Are elves cool?"

"Is that some kind of insult?"

"I-uh... no! It was a compliment! Elves are awesome! I just... you look like them, which is awesome, I'm honestly super impressed-" Christine put a hand on Nick's shoulder to stop his rambling.

"What he means to say is you should take it as a compliment. Trust me." she said, smiling.

"Oh, okay..." the oldest said. "Well, I'm Alec, this is Michael, and you seem to have come here with Sal."

"Yeah!" Sal said. "We have one of the lions with us!"

"You did?!" Michael said, and Sal nodded. "That's great!"

Alec had opened a screen using the two stands in the middle of the room, and his eyes widened. "We've been asleep for 10,000 years..."

Michael looked over. "Really...?"

Alec nodded. "The cryopods must have preserved our age." he said. "I'm still 21, you're still 17, and Sal's still 5."

Michael walked up and took Alec's spot, looking at the screen. "We should try and find the rest of the lions." He said. He closed his eyes and a second later, a map appeared.

Everyone's eyes widened at the markers covering the map. Nick walked closer to it.

"...That's where the other pilots and lions are located, right?" he asked, looking at the different colored markers and lions.

"Yep!" Sal said excitedly. "We should find the paladins first."

"Yep." Michael said. "Jake, you will be piloting the black lion. That one is here already, but will not be accessible until all of the other lions are here." Jake nodded. "Christine you've already flown the yellow lion, so that will be yours." she nodded. "The blue lion will be flown by.." Michael paused. "..me. A Puigian named Rich will be flying the red lion, and Jake and I will use an Altean ship to retrieve him. A Balmeran named Jenna will be flying the green lion. Christine, Nick, you will retrieve her in the yellow lion. I will send locations to the transportation we will be using."

"But first, we need to suit you guys up." Alec said.


Everyone walked into the weapons room to see the paladin armour on display. Nick looked at it, completely in awe. Jake, Michael, and Christine put on their respective armour, it moving to fit them perfectly.

"What do I wear?" Nick asked,
looking at the armour.

"Sorry, we don't have anymore armour ready at the moment." Sal said. "Hopefully you won't get into combat on the Balmera"

Nick sighed. Ah well, it was still cool the be meeting space elves. Well, Alteans, but still.

"Alright everyone, you need to leave as soon as possible!" Alec said, getting everyone's attention.

Everyone went to the ships they were using and got on, using the directions and coordinates to fly to where they were needed.


Christine flew the yellow lion close to the Balmera, noticing all of the ships around it. Did Michael say they were Galran? All she knew was that they were her enemy. She shot at the ships, eliminating as many as possible before they were noticed.

When they were noticed she flew straight to the tunnel marked on her map, landing at the bottom.

The cousins got out of the lion and saw a group of Balmerans looking at them from the shadows of the cave.

"Uh, hi!" Christine said. "We're looking for Jenna?"

Christine heard muttering from the small crowd, and two Balmerans came out.

One rolled her eyes. "I'm Jenna, this is Dustin. He wanted to come out with me to make sure you were safe."

Christine glanced over at Nick to see him looking at Dustin and blushing. She smirked, putting it in the back of her mind to tease him later.

She turned her attention back to Jenna. "We'd like your help. Voltron is reforming, and we need your help to do it. Would you be interested in helping?"

Jenna exchanged a glance with Dustin. "Can he come with us?"

Christine looked back at the lion. There should be enough room for all of them. "That's fine."

Dustin looked back at Jenna. "No, I should stay here and help. Maybe I'll come next time. I need to help protect the small ones from the galra."

"Okay. But you're coming next time." she said, then walked towards them.

Christine looked back at them. "We'll come back, I promise!"

Dustin smiled as Christine ran off to the ship and the three flew back to the castle.


Michael flew the ship over to Puig and landed it in the mountains near the village. He and Jake got out of the ship and headed toward the village. Some of the Puigians greeted them and dir them to where they could find Rich and his brother. Luckily, they'd made it here before the Galra got a hold on the planet.

They made it to the house they'd been directed to and knocked, it being opened immediately by one of the two brothers.

"Hi, we're here to see Rich?" Michael said, smiling.

"Oh, he's inside, come on in. I'm his older brother, Randy." he said.

The two walked in behind Randy and saw a boy sitting in the floor just looking at the ceiling.

"Rich, some people are here to see you." Randy said, and the boy shot up. He came over to them.

"Hi, I'm Rich, and I might look young because of my height but I'm 16." he said. "Why did you wanna see me?"

"We wanted to know if you'd like to help team Voltron defeat the Galra." Jake said.

"Can Randy come with us?" he asked.

Michael shrugged. "I don't see why not. C'mon you two, let's go."

The four of them walked back to the ship and got in, flying back to the castle.


Once everyone was back in the control room, Michael told everyone where they would find their lions.

"Now that you know where they'll be, you'll need to retrieve them. To do that, Sal will open a wormhole to each planet." Michael said. "Christine, you'll take Jenna to retrieve the green lion. Nick, you'll come with me to retrieve the blue lion. Rich, we aren't sure where the red lion is yet, but if you locate it, you and Jake will go retrieve it."

Everyone nodded their understanding and headed toward their ships.


Christine landed the yellow lion on the planet the green lion was as supposed to be at. Luckily, the planet was pretty peaceful, so they didn't have to fight anything.

They walked toward a lake that looked like it went around the whole planet. There was a sloth-like alien there, and it motioned for them to follow. The two girls exchanged a look before following it to a boat. They got in and it took them to a structure overgrown with plants.

"It must be in there." Christine said. "Go find it!"

Jenna got out of the boat and started heading toward the structure. The sloth-like alien took Christine back to her lion and she flew it back up to wait for Jenna.
A few minutes passed before the green lion flew out of the jungle, and the two girls flew back to the castle.


Michael stopped Nick's rambling, though he was incredibly interested, because they were at the planet now.

"We can continue this conversation later, because there's a lot more I would like to know." Michael said as he landed the ship.

"Okay!" Nick said.

They both got out of the ship and walked farther onto the ice planet, noticing a large ice structure nearby.

"It must be in there." Michael said. "Come on!"

The two boys ran toward the structure, stopping outside the door. Michael pushed it open and walked in, looking around.

"It must be near the top." Nick said. "Let's go look."

They walked farther into the castle, making it to the top. Luckily, the blue lion was up there.

"Yes!" Michael said, running up to it.

Michael got in the lion then let Nick in, flying them both to the castle.


Michael and Nick ran into the control room, seeing everyone else was already here.

"Good! You're here." Alec said. "We have good news and bad news."

"Okay." Michael said nervously.

"The good news is that we know where the red lion is!" Sal said.

"The bad news is that it's on a galra ship near us."

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