Chapter 1 : Can't Believe It

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Hello and welcome new readers
Or old ones!
I've taken my time to completely rewrite some chapters and alter some parts a lil bit, I feel like passing out because of that!

so I hope you'll like it!


A teenager who lives with their aunt, Akari (L/n) and  younger brother, Reo (L/n).

They lost their parents in an unknown way at a very young age, as cliche as it sounds. Alas, things happen, especially to heroes.
The both of them don't actually know them. Well (Y/n) does have a few snippets of memories while Aunt Akari refuses to tell anything about them.

But what can they even do about it.

They're all currently under the care of their aunt.
Her love is as much as a mother's love.
Surprisingly, she hasn't married nor have her own children yet. She's very capable of taking care of children.

As a child. (Y/n) was very proud of their quirk. Too proud actually.

Constantly winning fights that were provoked by arguments. Unfortunately those fights never gave them the respect they wanted.
Sore losers would become their bully and start to tug or step onto their cat-ears and tail since it was their most gullible parts.

They saw them as a weakness.
So they got rid of this weakness by hiding them. Which did use an amount energy if they kept doing it for a whole school day but let's just see it as a form of endurance training.

It's been a while and they're currently attending Middle School.

But guess what?

"I can't fucking believe I have to sprint all the way there. I refuse to be late again or else I'll have to stand awkwardly while explaining my situation."

Yeah they're not exactly an early bird.

"God That was embarrassing"
(Y/n) mumbled to themselves while passing through the school gates.

They swung the door open while looking like a wreck, surprising the students inside.

They panted heavily before attempting to let out an explanation, only to realise.

They blinked while staring into the barely filled classroom as the students sweat dropped at this sight.

"Shit I'm early."
They sighed out, thinking they could've slept a little more.

Chuckling nervously, they waved at their classmates while trying to muster up a cheery tone.

"Good morning!!"

"Good morning (Y/n)!"
A classmate greeted, before going back to the book she was reading.

(Y/n) gave her a little wave before making their way to their desk, probably to go back to sleep or take out their doodle book.

"You're up early today."
The classmate who sits in front of them said, looking genuinely surprised.

"Wish I wasn't, really."
(Y/n) replied jokingly with a yawn that earned a little chuckle from the one who asked.

(Y/n) then paused. Feeling like they forgot about something.

"Ah. I could've checked out the villain outbreak nearby. I even heard there was a new hero's debut."
They groaned out loudly, slamming their head onto the desk in frustration.

"Noo I even ran past it, I thought I was late urgh..."

While (Y/n) was groaning out their regrets, a sudden explosive like sound interrupted their thoughts, snapping them fully awake now.

As shocked as they were, they were still tired and it's 9am in the morning. Who could be making that much noise this ea-

"Ah. It's Katsuki Bakugou again."
They silently scoffed out, only turning slightly towards the situation.

"Mhm seems like he's bothering Midoriya again."
The classmate in front of them sweated.

"I actually feel bad for Midoriya, but then again Bakugou's pretty scary..."
The classmate admits, sighing guiltily.

Sadly, everyone was terrified of Bakugou. One wrong move and one might get exploded to hell and back. So no one stood up for themselves or for anyone.

Well, Midoriya was... "quirkless",
Which made (Y/n) feel even worse from the horrible morning they've had and for just watching from afar.

Bakugou was being smug with his insults, while Midoriya tried his absolute best to defend himself only to be a stuttering mess, looking like he's about to cry.

... they felt horrible, this was a usual routine but it all seemed really unbearable today.

And then.

With a loud sigh, (Y/n) pushed their chair back loudly, standing up.

"(Y/n), what are you?-"
The person in front of them whispered aggressively while they started walking towards the scene.

"Shit shit shit what the actual fuck am I doing"
They don't even know what're they doing themselves, it's like everything was on autopilot.

The blonde noticed the (h/c) haired person walking up to him by the corner of his eye, shooting a deadly like glare at them.

"What's your deal, huh?"
He scowled at them.


They mentally panicked despite having a tired like expression.

"Do something shit bag"
He continued, obviously turning impatient.

"Stop calling me a shit bag wtf"

They said in a quite tone. Mentally slapping themselves afterwards.

"DUMBASS. Why does everything I say in my head turn out different when I actually fucking say it.."

"Why? I didn't know you were friends with quitkless idiots who think they could be heroes"
Bakugou said mockingly towards Midoriya, making him look away in shame.

"... ah fuck it"
They thought while taking in a deep breath.

Scary or not, demotivating someone is the lowest of lows.

"What do you know about being a hero?"
(Y/n) asked, returning the glare with an unamused look.

Bakugou rose an eyebrow, head tilting up to look down on them.

"Huh? What, do you have a death wish?"

The classmate that sat in front of them whispered out again.

(Y/n) shrugged before crossing their arms.

"I want to live long enough to see you proven wrong."

The class "ohs" while Midoriya fearfully looks at the both of them.

The visible tension, within the staring contest they're having.
On one side, a clearly pissed off Bakugou and on the other, a seemingly smug (L/n) who was actually panicking in their head.

"That's it (y/n).. end of the road, you really pissed him off big time, get ready to write your will, say goodbye to your future big and fat cat-"
Their thoughts went on and on and-

The bell rings.

They cheered out mentally.

Bakugou clicks his tongue in annoyance before looking back at the other.

"You have guts. But we'll settle this sooner or later, in a fight."
He said in a threatening tone before walking back to his seat.

They spaced out for a moment, maintaining their posture before letting out the biggest fucking exhale anyone had ever seen.

"Did that actually fucking happened, oh my god I'm trembling"
They asked themselves while trembling.

Other kids looked at them in disbelief, some were even whispering at each other.

Was it a good sign?
They can't really tell.

But they were hoping they would finally get the respect they wanted.

Feels like they forgot something again-

"OH RIGHT Midoriya!"
They thought while turning to where he sat.

Staring... in awe?

"Are you okay?"
They quickly asked while helping him up.

"Y-yeah... thank you"
He said, stuttering while getting up and dusting himself.

"Y-you... went up... against Kacchan, no one ever dares to-"

"Can't believe it myself"
They said while scratching the back of their neck, clearly still shaken by the fact they actually did.

"To be honest he was being loud very early in the morning, I just wanted to see if he had a snooze button"
They joked, making Midoriya let out a little laugh.

The joke was half true, the real reason was they felt bad for Midoriya.

"Ahaha- ahem, you're (L/n) r-right?"
Midoriya awkwardly asked after clearing his throat.

"Yes that is me, don't tell me you don't even know your own classmate?!"
They joked again, with a broken hearted like tone.


They laughed out at how panicked he seemed, making Midoriya sigh in.. slight relief.

"That.. was NOT funny"
He said out quietly, yet loud enough for them to hear.

"WAIT WAIT IM SORRY! Lets start over"
They said while laughing, Midoriya clearly holding back his own laugh to still seem (adorably) "angry".

"Right then! Nice to meet you, Midoriya!"
(Y/n) said while giving him a hand to shake.

"N-Nice to meet you too, (L/n)!"
He said with a pure smile, shaking the other's hand timidly.

Seems like the start of a wonderful friendship, don't you think?

~~~End Of Chapter One~~~

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