Chapter 15 : Risk taking

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All Might announces enthusiastically, voice booming through the mic.


Ryu started off while sweating, eyes glued towards the screen where the building Midoriya and Bakugou fought in was

Completely destroyed.

"... that happened."
(Y/n) continued, scratching the back of their head as Midoriya gets carried off to the nurse's office.

With a whole arm broken.
His quirk truly was destructive.

"Has... Midoriya and Bakugou always been..-
You know... Like that?"
Ryu asked, hands gesturing vaguely towards the front.

"Well, since middle school, Bakugou always had a problem with Midoriya.."
(Y/n) explains to their friend, before leaning in close to whisper.

"But I heard, they used to be childhood friends."

"No way."
Ryu gasped in disbelief.

"Huh?! Did something horrible went down in childhood.."
Kaminari, who was eavesdropping, exclaimed in a hushed tone.

"Probably! But this is crazy!"
(Y/n) whispered while ignoring the fact he was listening in.

"And you two are childhood friends yourselves right?"
He asked while pointing at the both of them.

"Yea, we are."
Ryu replied with arms crossed while (Y/n) nods.

"Gosh, am I glad we have a healthy rivalry..."
(Y/n) sighs out in relief.

"A tingle is telling me if you both were like them... it could've been worst..."
The blond classmate said while sweating.

"Oh right! My name's Denki Kaminari! Sorry not sorry for listening along!"
Kaminari said with a smile, hand out towards them as a greeting.

"(F/n) (L/n)! Nice to meet you Kaminari!"
(Y/n) greets with a smile, shaking his hand in return.

"Ryuaka Tokage. Please call me Ryu."

"Gotcha Ryu!"

All Might interrupts loudly while reaching into the two boxes for the next teams.

"Ah, I'm up next.."
Kaminari sweats at the sight of his team being chosen.

(Y/n) says while giving their blond friend a pat on the shoulder.

Ryu hums monotonously with a thumbs up.


And with that, he happily runs off with a wave, maybe he was motivated due to the simple exchange. It made the both of them feel a little happy about that.

All the battles they witnessed were interesting, some were finished so quickly that it took them a while to comprehend it.
Ahem. Todoroki.

Majority of the wins so far were from the hero team.

"I kinda wish we were on the villain side..."
(Y/n) comes clean before Ryu looks at them in shock.


"Listen I-"

"Me too."

They both blink at each other and stood there in silence before nodding in agreement, turning back towards the screen in front of them.

"And now! We have one more pair left, which is Young Tokage and (L/n)!"
All Might announces infront of the class, catching all of their attention.

"You two, will be the hero team!!"

"Now I'll be choosing one random team once again to go as villains! As long as you aren't injured of course!"
He said while reaching into the box once again, ruffling around the unknown choices.

"Please don't be Bakugou. Please don't be Bakugou."
(Y/n) practically begged whatever god was up there.

"Please be me. Please be me."
Bakugou chanted with a sinister grin, Midoriya did disappoint him in battle, he's hoping (Y/n) would give him a real one.

As All Might finally felt satisfied with the lucky pairing he grabbed onto. He slowly pulls it out and shows it to the class.

It was Tsuyu Asui and Fumikage Tokoyami.
Or in terms that put (Y/n) at ease, not Bakugou.

Bakugou yelled out in frustration while kicking a rock.

(Y/n) laughed out in both relief and amusement towards him.

"Tch. Coward."
He scoffed out, knowing very well (Y/n) is extremely grateful to not be fighting him.

"Oh yeah? Well."
They paused mid sentence to think of a comeback.

"Your mom-"


(Y/n) had already started bolting out of the spectating room and onto the battlefield, making Ryu let out a sigh before giving the other team a slight wave.

Tokoyami waved back.

There, (Y/n) stood infront of the building, giving themself a few stretches while mentally preparing themself.

"You sure do like making fun of that Bakugou guy."
Ryu mentions while doing his own stretches.

"Back in middle school I was terrified of him really."
(Y/n) answered while a low but audible crack came out of a stretch.


"Oh yea? What made you suddenly not scared?"
Ryu adds in while they blink for a moment.

"... technically. It was Midoriya-"

"Ahem. I just think his reactions are funny."
They interrupted their own train of thought.

"Here I thought he was the bully-"

"Goodluck you two!"
(Y/n) greeted the other team with a big wave, intentionally doing so while Ryu was talking.

Tsuyu waves back with a lovely smile.

"Hero team! Enter whenever you're ready!"
All Might yelled out, giving (Y/n) a bit of a shock.

"God the teachers here have such loud voices."
They grumbled while hitting their head in attempt to stop a ringing sound.

"Remember the stragedy?"
Ryu asked while looking towards the door.

(Y/n) nods, pulling their mask up to their face while letting their original feline ears loose to be able to hear better. They then stepped into the building while transforming their legs into the hinds of a black panther.

The both of them carefully make their way through the dark corridors. (Y/n) signals Ryu to wait behind for them before going ahead to see if the area was safe.

But then.


Their ears twitched towards the empty hallway. They look ahead abruptly making Ryu look at them in shock.

"Is someone there?-"


It got quiet.


(Y/n) hushes him again, slowly getting into a stance.

Ryu did not appreciate them keeping him in the dark but he kept his guard up.


A long tongue passes by (Y/n), only missing them by a few seconds. They had already jumped to the side to avoid the attack.

"Fast reflexes, as expected from (L/n), Ribbit."
Tsuyu complimented after pulling her tongue back in.

"I wouldn't really say fast, I barely dodged that"
(Y/n) replies with a grin before glancing at Ryu.

Their eyes point towards another direction quickly before looking back at him. Ryu understands and nods before running off to another route.

"I'll not let you go so easily Tokage! Ribbit!"
Tsuyu said while jumping ahead, throwing her tongue ahead towards Ryu.

"Call me Ryu!"
He yelled out in a frustrated tone while dodging her tongue back to back, attempting to run off to the location of the weapon.

"Oh, then you can call me Tsu-"

Before Tsuyu could throw her tongue out again, (Y/n) jumps up to her and blows a punch using their own fist. She was fast enough to block it.

"Hey now."
They said with a wide grin, wiping the tip of their nose with their thumb.

"Eyes on me."

Ryu was running as fast as he could through the hallway. It seemed endless, especially because it's very dark.

"Damn it, are heroes really supposed to walk in without any information regarding the area-"
He cursed out while sliding by a corner.

"Not even a map at least?!"
He whined out while continuing through the so-called maze.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) jumped off a wall for momentum and pounces towards Tsuyu. She falls over onto the ground but was quick enough to kick them off while dodging their next attack. She then wraps her tongue onto their ankle, flinging them aside onto the wall.

Tsuyu quickly pulls out the capturing tape and attempts to wrap it onto (Y/n).
(Y/n) was quick enough to move, kicking her away with her panther hinds.

"That was strong- Ribbit."
She managed out in between coughs.

"Oh you haven't seen my trump card yet!"
(Y/n) proudly said while standing up.

Tsuyu blinks at them then realises.
Are they about to use feline combinations, now?
Whatever it is, she prepares herself by getting into stance.

"What's that over there?!"
(Y/n) abruptly yells out while pointing elsewhere.

Tsuyu out of pure confusion turns towards the direction they were pointing at.
Then she turns back to them-

".... Ribbit...?"

Light pitter patters could be heard but her opponent could no longer be seen.

Once (Y/n) thinks they're far enough, they let out a big sigh while rubbing their back.

They whined while running aimlessly through the corridor.

"I can't believe that worked tho, I'll have to apologise for deceiving her, she looked so innocent."
(Y/n) consulted themself, a hand grabbing onto the wall of a corner to help them make a sharp turn.

Then they hit something and fell over.

Before (Y/n) could yell, Ryu had covered their mouth since they were literally right infront of the room Tokoyami was guarding.

"He's right over there, don't yell when I let go-"

"GAH- did you just lick my hand?!"
Ryu whispered aggressively at them while wiping his hand onto a wall.

While Ryu was whispering out more complaints, (Y/n) peeks their head through the door.
Tokoyami stood there calmly, guarding the weapon.

(Y/n) puts their finger onto their chin and started leaning against the wall. Eyebrows furrowed while trying to brainstorm.

"How about we just dash in and fig-"

(Y/n)'s suggestion was immediately shut down, making them pout.

Ryu looks warily at the surrounding hallways then reaches into his pocket.

To pull out a large pebble.

"Damn I thought you were going to pull out a weapon."
(Y/n) sighed at Ryu in disappointment.

"It can be one if I throw it hard enough, wanna be the target?"

"I'm good thanks."

Ryu rolled his eyes at them, then shifted his gaze towards the scene infront of him, squinting to see which area is best to cause a mild distraction.

He throws the pebble up then at the right moment, launches it towards a corner in the room with wind.

Tokoyami quickly turns to the direction with Dark Shadow immediately pulled out. The two heroes took this opportunity to split up and start sneaking in the room.

Tokoyami picks up the pebble that was thrown with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hm. Odd. When was this here."


He concluded while keeping it in his cloak.

(Y/n) took a mental note to give Tokoyami something nice yet shiny for any special occasion like his birthday.

(Y/n) is currently able to maintain a full body combination of 2 felines for about 30 minutes.
Are they about to risk it?

Originally, they had approximately 35 minutes left but they took 4 minutes to contemplate it. What horrible time management.

"Fuck it."
They whispered to themself with a smile, going behind a pillar and immediately coming out, full body feline. A combination of cheetah and black panther, perfect for speed and sneaking.

Tsuyu then runs in through the door, panting heavily while looking around. Tokoyami looks at her with a slightly tilted head.

"They got past me just now, did you see them? Ribbit."
She asks while Tokoyami simply shook his head.

"But let's keep our guard up, they might be on their way."
He continued monotonously while she nodded.

"Do we both stay here or do I go round the area outside? Ribbit"
She asks while Tokoyami took his time to think.

Before he could answer, Tsuyu whips her head towards a direction.
There was nothing. Which made her feel suspicious.

"I thought I saw something slither.. over there. Ribbit"
She said with a point while (Y/n) starts cursing out their tail.

Tokoyami slowly walks up to where she was pointing. Tsuyu on the other hand backed up closer to the weapon with her guard up.

(Y/n) was in a panicked state now, if they move, he'll see them immediately but if they stay, it's still the same.

There's isn't much of a choice is there?
They took in a deep breath and-

"Heey~!! Aren't you looking the wrong way?"
Ryu asks out slyly at them, standing by the door everyone originally entered through.

"Tokage? Didn't hear you come in."
Tokoyami said while turning towards him.

"I said call me Ryu. And I just got here? Were you that busy looking at something until you didn't notice?"
He said with a monotonous gasp while Tokoyami moves closer to the weapon.

Ryu makes a subtle glance at (Y/n) signalling them to go for the weapon.

The plan now is for Ryu to distract them long enough for (Y/n) to sneak up and get ahold of the weapon.

Kind of like back-dooring.

"1 minute left!"
All Might yelled at the microphone, making everyone in the arena jolt a little.

"1 minute already?!"
Ryu and (Y/n) team yelled in their heads.

"That means a few seconds left for this form."
(Y/n) panted while making their way towards the weapon as fast as they could.

Ryu also started bolting towards the weapon, because if he kept his distance it would be suspicious.

"Where's (L/n)? Ribbit."
Tsuyu asks Ryu while he blocks a punch from her and backs away.

"Hmmm.. well."
He starts off while pulling out a match, lighting it up.

"Probably lost."
He said before jumping up, eating the match mid-air.

He lands behind Tokoyami and breathes out fire at him. Tokoyami blocks it with Dark shadow which makes it shriek a little.

(Y/n) tries to run towards the weapon but Tsuyu pulls it away with her tongue quickly after seeing how close Ryu was.

(Y/n) cursed out in their mind while quickly taking cover behind a wall, making sure they couldn't be spotted.

They checked their surroundings and identified a sneaking route towards the weapon.

As if he knew (Y/n) needed a little distraction to continue on, Ryu blows a gust of wind at Tsuyu, pushing her towards a wall but she was able to latch her tongue onto a pillar before impact.

(Y/n) took the opportunity to quietly make their way towards the weapon.

10 seconds left

(Y/n) pounced towards the weapon only to miss it by a few due to Tokoyami pulling it as far as he could from Ryu.

9 seconds

Tsuyu turned her head towards a shadow like movement, it was (Y/n) trying to hide after failing the pounce attempt.


Tsuyu was about to run towards the figure but was stopped by Ryu grabbing her then throwing her towards Tokoyami.


Ryu was far from the weapon. He started to look anxious mainly because (Y/n) was also far from the weapon.


(Y/n) started feeling dizzy and nauseous.


"Damn it! I'm almost there..."


Their whole body started to ache.


Tokoyami lands a hit onto Ryu's jaw, knocking him back. Tsuyu afterwards wraps her tongue onto his hand and flings him onto the ground.


Ryu hisses out in pain, trying his best to push himself up. Tsuyu pulls out the capturing tape and crouches down to Ryu.

Little did they know


All Might exclaimed making (Y/n) even more dizzier but they still glad they clutched the win.

Tokoyami and Tsuyu turned towards the weapon with widened eyes, there stood (Y/n) in human form, panting heavily with a hand rested on the weapon. Ryu simply smirked while sitting down on the concrete.

(Y/n) smiled weakly at them, trying their best to fight the urge to fall over and pass out.
Their whole body was aching.

Ryu notices his friend's behaviour and frantically starts running over to them.

"I think I went over 30 minutes just by a few...?"
They asked themself before attempting to stand in their own.

"Hah.. now that's just ass..-"
They laughed out groggily at themself while looking up at the others, vision slowly blurring as they collapse.

~~~End Of Chapter fifteen~~~

Do tell me if I made any grammar mistake, I have no proofreader :(

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