Chapter 6 : Training

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10 months.
10 whole months to train, before the U.A entrance exam.

"(Y/n)- (Y/N)!!"
(Y/n)'s little brother, Reo tried his absolute best to wake his older sibling up.

"Mh, Reo.. 5 more minutes.."
They whined while pulling the covers over.

Reo huffed, crossing his arms.
Then an idea popped up.
And that idea shows why the seemingly sweet Reo is related to the constantly mischievous (Y/n).

He climbed onto the bed his older sibling was fast asleep on. Standing above them before...
Yes, before he started jumping on it.

Reo cried out, startling the now awake (y/n).

(Y/n) screeched out while grabbing hold onto the little rascal who's now laughing.

They then look towards the window, seeing that even the sun hasn't gotten up.

They turn towards Reo with an unamused expression while he snickers.

"It's early in the morning."

"Training can start whenever!"
Reo enthusiastically said with arms in the air.

(Y/n) sighs. Training.
... Training...

"Is Midoriya at the beach again, I wonder..."
They thought to themselves, before putting Reo down.

"... I wanna see the sunrise first."


While Reo yelled that out, (Y/n) turns themselves into a small cat, sticking their tongue out at Reo then leaps away.

Reo yelled out, chasing after the feline who slyly dodged everytime he tried to grab onto them.

"I consider this training"
(Y/n) said with a smirk, walking to the door while Reo pouts.

... The pout is making them feel bad.

"Ugh, fine fine, how about this."
(Y/n) said while turning to Reo, sitting down before transforming back into a human.

"How about, I run all the way to the beach, in the form I used just now, hm?"
They said while standing up.

"Aw.. no cheetah or any other..?"

"Haha it's not normal to see a wild big cat on the streets, I might get arrested!"

"Wahh!! I don't want you arrested! Okay okay! As long as you train."
Reo cried out while giving them a big hug.

"Hehe, I'll be sure to use the other forms when I get back though! To train of course!"
As (Y/n) hugs him back with a smile, Reo then pushes them towards the door.

"Ah- Hey!-"

"You better get going!! Or you'll miss the sunrise!"
Reo said sternly while (Y/n) laughs.

"Okay okay, I'll see you later!"
They said while turning into the same small cat, looking at Reo with a smile.

Before running off, towards and down the stairs. Gracefully jumping down a few steps, then stretching with a big yawn.

"Alrightyy, time to train."
(Y/n) said, doing a mental countdown.

3, 2, 1.

And they're off. It's like a jog at the park, except on all fours... and being smaller than usual.

It's the same morning sensation, a nice and cool breeze while they dashed through it.

"Good morning!!"
(Y/n) yelled out at the usual neighbour, giving him a slight fright.

"Oh my- Haha good morning (L/n)!"
He greets back, making (Y/n) smile happier.

(Y/n) runs quickly by the sidewalk, making sure to be far from the road. They slide to a halt, accidentally passing by the stairs.

"Eh eh ah-"
They whined out while turning back to the stairs.

Hopping down each step, eyes widening happily to see Midoriya and All Might, who's now in his scrawny form.

They quietly climb up the scrap pile, sitting down on a microwave while watching Midoriya train hard.

Then, the sun rose again.

The same breath taking sight, who would want to miss it.
Even both Midoriya and All Might paused for a moment to see it.

(Y/n) sighs deeply at the sight, maybe waking up early isn't so bad.

"Young Midoriya, They're not coming today right?"
All Might asked him, warily looking around since he isn't in his hero form.

".. doesn't seem like it, maybe they slept in today-"

"Hey, don't talk behind my back like that!"
The feline said before turning back to their human form.

Midoriya yelled out in shock.

All Might's eyes widen, turning towards Midoriya with his finger out, ready to point at him as if he was about to put the blame on him before (Y/n) interrupts them.

"Hehe, no no don't worry, I already know about All Might since you jumped in to help Midoriya."
They said while crossing their legs, resting their head on a hand.

"You should really be careful with where you transform, both me and a friend saw.."

"Shit.. I need to be more cautious- Young (L/n) please don't tell anyone-"

"If he or I told anyone, the blogs online would be filled with it already."
(Y/n) remarked, stretching their body before transforming into a small feline again.

"In other words, I promise I won't tell anyone."
They said with a solemn smile.

"I just came to see the sunrise! Goodluck with training!"
They ended, smiling brightly at the two before jumping off.

Making their way back home.
Feeling happy that the beach is getting cleaner.

And rather giddy being able to see Midoriya.

"I hope he's training well!"

Well they hoped.
They should have hoped he was taking care of himself.

Because when they went to school with Midoriya, he looked like a walking zombie!
Lifelessly walking to school! He even scared the prefect by the gates.

It didn't even seem like he was paying attention in class. Just endlessly muttering to himself to the point the whole class can hear.
He already earned a bit of scolding from the teacher.

It goes on until recess.
He wasn't even bothered to pull his chair over to his other 2 friends.

"Hey. What's up with Midoriya, I thought not paying attention was your job."
The classmate in front of them asked, turning to face them.

"First of all, what the hell.

They paused, looking around before leaning close to whisper.

"Do you remember the scrawny dude that turned into All Might?"
They whispered while the acquaintance nods.

"Yeah, nothing got me to forget about that, why?"

"He's training Midor-"

The acquaintance gasped loudly, earning an aggressive shush from (y/n).


"Oh. Sorry. Is that why Midoriya's tired? Is his training that hard?"
He asked, clearly feeling worried.

"I don't want to think so, there's no way All Might would overwork him."
They said, actually thinking for once.

He sighs, taking a bite out of his onigiri while glancing over to Midoriya.

"Look he's doing it again."
He said while pointing towards him.

They turned over to see Midoriya, muttering the world away even with his mouth full of rice.
Is he even human at this point?

"Should we call out to him?"
(Y/n) asked while the other hums in agreement.

"Hey, Midoriya."
They called out to him waiting for a reply from the other.

Faint muttering could be heard.

"Oi, Midoriya."
The acquaintance attempted as well.

The same reaction.

The both of them called out in unison, finally snapping the green haired boy back into reality.

"Huh?! Yes?!"
He said in panic, straightening his position.

"Are you doing alright? You're acting-"
The acquaintance attempts to ask only to be interrupted by (Y/n).

"Like a zombie."
(Y/n) said while pointing to Midoriya.

The acquaintance said with a stoic expression.

"It's true!! He's lifeless!"
(Y/N) exclaims while Midoriya blinks.


"Go back to your grave! What did you do with Izuku Midoriya!"
They yelled out again, pointing at Midoriya as if they were in a court case.

The acquaintance merely sweats, pulling the other down back into their seat.

"Are you sure you're a teenager."

"Shut up old man!"
They huffed while crossing their arms.

All Midoriya could do was laugh nervously at his two friends bickering. They do make things more lively at school. It makes him glad that they approached him.

"But in all seriousness, Midoriya you look like you would drop dead at any second."

The acquaintance said bluntly, making Midoriya jolt whilst snapping out of his sentimental moment.

"... Oh. OH! Yeah yeah I'm fine! Just a little tired!"
Midoriya reassures them with flailing arms.

"...right... a little..."
They both said in unison, glaring at the boy.

"D-Don't look at me like that!"

They both squint at him, absolutely not buying it. Then, the acquaintance leans close to (Y/n) with a whisper.

"Check on him while he's training and then text me how he's doing."

"Sounds kind of fruity to me-"

"I need you to stop speaking for the rest of the day."

And with that, the bell rings.
Signaling everyone that lunch time was over, back to class. (Y/n) as per usual, could not pay attention to a single word the teacher was saying.

Because they were feeling very, very worried for a certain zombie.

I mean. Someone.

"There's no way All Might would overwork him."
(Y/n) thought to themselves, staring right at the chalkboard, not registering a single thing written on it.

"Is it because he's quirkless that he needs extra training?"

"But he's still human, he might be too exhausted to participate is the entrance exam."

Their long train of thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing once again, this time, telling everyone it's time to go home.

"Oi, (Y/n) don't go acting weird on me too."
The acquaintance infront of them said, knocking on their table to get their attention.

"What makes you say that??"
(Y/n) asked, tilting their head in confusion.

"You literally stared off into the distance instead of sleeping in class. I almost thought you were paying attention."


"Then that's good for me! I can't deal with 2 zombies!"
He exclaimed out while all (y/n) did was roll their eyes.

"Oh right, speaking of zombie, hey Midor-"

(Y/n) turned towards Midoriya's seat only to see it empty.
He went home already?
So fast?

"Oh yeah. He left. He didn't even notice me call out to him."
The acquaintance said with a sigh.

"... I hope he's at least letting himself rest."
(Y/n) said out in a sudden manner.

"I mean... he might be working extra harder because he's quirkless.."
They said, fumbling with their own hands.

"The way he doesn't want to give up is also.. rather charming. But.."

"I hope he doesn't over do it.."
(Y/n) sighs, while the acquaintance raises an eyebrow.

"Oh my."
He said with a hand over his mouth, all (y/n) could do was look at him weirdly.


"Figured out why you're acting weird as well."
He said while pointing straight at them, making them blink.

He leans in, giving them a shit eating smirk while (Y/n) leans away from him, still confused.

Oh. They've realised what he means.

"You're falling f-"

"I'm going home."

~~~End of chapter six~~~

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