Chapter 1⃣5⃣: Jane vs Prince Bas

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Hey dear my beloved reader's.. how was your days? i hope you have a great day.. Well I'm back, for making this chapter more fun.. let play a game.. so we have two teams here.. team number one is JANE TEAM and team number two is PRINCE BASS TEAM.. and the game is, Who is the person that really can win PRINCE GOD heart.. so you must vote which team that you are in and do support them.. the result will be appear soon.. so make sure you choose your team and i wish the team that you choose win 🏆🏅

IN 3... 2.. 1. FIGHT

Team 1⃣: TEAM JANE



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Prince Bass POV..

It been two day, that i didn't talk to him it all of his falls, why did he not chatting me or calling me when he is out of the kingdom.. it really make me upset with him. I leave the trailokanak palace early today, just because I'm still upset with him. btw it not just that reason why i leave the palace earlier, well i need my private moment as well. But grh.. I'm really upset, upset.. upset.. ups..e..t.. It because last of two weeks ago, he have an kingdom visiting to the Genovia kingdom palace as a guests of Genovian Queen, Queen Amelia Meonet Termaphelof Renaldif. On that duration, he haven't texted me or calling me.. that why I'm upset with him.

"Excuse me your Royal Highness, we're arrive at the school" said the car driver to me, he opened the door and bowing down his head. I steps out from the car and straight to the classroom.

my legs keep continued walking, until I stopped at something. I saw a picture of Prince God with the women that he kissed on Prince Forth Party. On that pictures that said about that women.

"PRINCE GOD DATING A GIRL BEFORE MARRIED A PRINCE" the main title on the board said. Suddenly my tears dripping down without i realize it. I covered my mouth and run to the back park of school, i really.. can say anything right now, i do believed that he is my husband but, why i have to be the one who broke another person relationship.. why God.. why me..

Suddenly someone patting my shoulder, i wipe out my tears and turn around to facing the person that patting on my shoulder.

"You're crying again huh..? " he said to me, i looking at him and burning my face on his chest, I'm crying again.. "Crying as more as you want, i will be here for you"

"Bass the class will start soon, come let go.. your Friend might be looking for you" he said again. and helping me to stand up and get in to the class.


Mystery guy POV...

It Been 8 year scene my mother and i move to France, i believe a lot have change at Trailokanak kingdom. my father died 9 years ago and my mother decide to move out from the kingdom that i was born. The kingdom that have a beautiful culture, believes and have a peaceful citizen. After 8 year are past, my mother said that we're moving back to Trailokanak. I agree with my mother because i really miss my father, scene we're moving to France I'd never visiting my father grave at Trailokanak, and now i really miss him.

the day that i really waiting for is coming, after 14 hours on flight. now I'm back to my beloved kingdom.. Trailokanak, I take a deep breath and steps down from the plane. huh... i love the fresh air here, it so refreshing. it almost spring now and it really lovely weather. After a few hours later we're arrive at my new home. it not the big as our house in here before but I'm really that we're safely arrived at Trailokanak.

I will started to schooling at Prince charm high school tomorrow, it not a big deal to me, i hope i get some friend tomorrow. I woke up early today, I'm really excited to go to the school, after breakfast have done i get in the car and my driver drove the car to the Prince Charm high school. the school of Prince's, Princess's and elite family students. when i was arrive at the school it really amazing, the school was so big and beautiful.

I continued walking inside the school and walking to the principal office. After done with the registration and i got my class and my time table, i walk into the class. I'm really glad that today I'm really lucky to found my old friends, Prince Forth and Prince Kim. They just the same as i know them. After class have done, Forth give me an invitation card to his slumber parties. he said that we can celebrate my home coming as well but i said it ok my mother will making that at my house.

After I'm arrive at Forth party, we're talking about our child moment, it really fun and full of happy moment. I love the moment with my cousin, but now i don't why, after all this 8 years we're ignored each other. I make an excuses to take a fresh air outside, because it to loud in here. Always my cousin is arrive with his husband. I didn't know who his husband is, what i know his husband is a prince. well whatever, i just don't want to know it. After a moment i take a walk outside, i decided wanted get inside because the weather getting cooler and cooler.

When i walking inside i was infringe on someone, he wanted to fall into a floor but i catch him before he fall down.

Wow.. he is beautiful, his eyes, his face, his nose and his lips ah... what I'm doing, ohh God what did i do my heart is beating so fast, please tell me that I'm not liking this guy. I realized that I'm holding him, i helping him to stand up. I can't see a few of his tears fell down. He said thank you to me and fun away with hurry. I run to find him back because he dropped his handkerchief.

I found him crying alone on the chair at the dark place. I walk near to him and asked him if he is ok, "Hey.. are you ok?.. why are you crying? " i asking him. he wipe out his tears and said "Ohh I'm ok just not in a good mood " he said back, without asking him i sit next besides him and give his handkerchief back.

"You know what, not all human wanted to wasting his tears for the things that not important to them, what they always wanted is a happiness, live in happiness, leaving in happiness, or even death in happiness" I looked him and give him a nice smile.

"live is for a happiness, not for sadness, but sometimes the sadness will come anytime. Believe me there is a happiness after a sadness is gone" i said again and he started to smile.

"Thanks for chilling me" he said

"Ohh.. it ok, you have a nice smile btw"


Prince Bass POV...

My group and i walking out from the Royal dining room and about to talk a walk at the school park, suddenly one guy came near to me and bowing down his head, "Your Highness, this is from Prince God, and he said that don't forget to meet him at the Royal Private room" said the guy and he give me a cake after he walk away.

Ahh.. it a strawberry cake, my favorite. But how did he knows that my favorite is the strawberry cake. I take out the card that on the box with the cake and read


"Hey Sweetheart, i hope you like his cake. i know it your favorite cake, i know it from Beam. Please don't mad at him, I'm the one who asked him to tell me about your favorite dessert. Sweetie, I'm really apologize with what i done to you, surely i didn't know what did i do to you, but please nah.. forgive me.. na.. na.. na.. i hope you forgive me Sweetheart

love Prince God


I can't stop smiling reading what he is giving me, he is being so sweet now, maybe i should forgive him. And thanks to him i really wanted to eat a strawberry cake right now. Suddenly Copter speak, Wow.. you're so luck Bass, you get a present from your husband" Said Copter. "Ahh... it so sweet.. " said Jenny and Wanida together. "Haha it enough you guys.. I got to meet Prince God.. see you around later" i said and walk away.


On the Private room, there is one reporters who wants to interview us about our Married. As a royalty and a prince we can't avoid this things. the citizens always talk and the issue and controversy is all over,

"Prince Bas, have you heard about female model name Jane? "

the questions stopped me from eating my cake, "i things it enough with the questions" said Prince God,

"You know, that he is Prince God girlfriend? " said the reporters again.

"i said it enough.. " said Prince God with his face started to become mad.

"if that the reason your braking with her.. or anything else?.. asked the reporters again. Prince God become more mad and give a sign to the royal bodyguard to take the reporters out but he still wanted to ask..

"Prince Bass, is that true you're the person who broke the relationship between Prince God and the famous model Jane " asked the reporter again, prince God stand up from his chair and punch the reporter face.. I was really shocked with the panicked situation.. I stopped Prince God to Chill down but he keep punching the reporter face.

The King face become mad after he watching the videos of prince God that punched the reporter face with the caption latter of the videos "Trailokanak Crown Prince Punch the reporters Face" With the mad voice The king started to speak

"Prince God.., what you think you're doing.."

To be continued  🔔🔔🔔

A/N : Hey gys..  what do you think about this chapter?  i hope you like it and don't forget to vote and comments on your team.
see you next chapter
i love you

MarcPanichiyasawad tulikachakraborty2 DarelNarag karinberry babykimwoo12 charoliajessica ana_hime anne261979 venushades98 hey guys the reason i tagging you guys because i wanted to make sure you don't lose my new updates chapter
keep chilling guys

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