Chapter 1⃣ : The true

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Author POV..

The sun shines brightly behind the windows curtain in the bedroom palace of a cute prince. looks a cute prince is still sleeping quietly in his royal bed, Than a groups of royal ladies maid entered the room and open the curtains and windows on that room like usual day

The prince woke up and said to middle-aged woman that his personal royal maid assistance May

Prince : May can you closed that curtain again ? coz I am still want to sleep.

May : forgive me your Highness, I did not mean to wake you up from your beauty sleep. But this is my work to woke you up and according to the commandments of king.

Heard that answer given by May prince Bas working out from his royal bed, than May say something again

May : Your Highness, the king, Queen and Prince Kim are waiting for you to have a breakfast together in the Royal Dining hall.

Prince : Ohh.... OK I will be there soon.

After watering, dressed in school uniform prince bas rushed to the palace's dining hall with following by May his personal royal maid and others maid that May subordinates.



Prince bas POV...

The day of the lazy day in my life, I woke up after my personal royal maid assistance, May come entered my royal bedroom and doing all of their work, open the currents and windows.


May my personal royal maid assistance maid helped me to get watering and wear my school uniforms. After done I am rushed to the palace's dining hall following by May and his subordinates.

When I arrived at dining hall of the palace, l was greeted by some of royal guards and he open the door to the palace's dining room by bending for greeted me to entered the room as usual.


At Royal Dining room...

Me : "Good morning mom, dad, p'kim

I am bending to greeted all of my royal families at palace dining room.

And all of the royal maid and all of royal worked at dining room are bending to greeted me.

king @ dad : "Morning my younger son prince bas"

followed by Queen @ mom and my older brother prince Kim

The Queen @ mom :"Morning my son"

p'kim : "good morning my cute prince brother"

Than I sit in the chair that I always occupy as the day go by.

The dining hall began to silence, only the sounds of spoon and fork touched each other are sounded. And dad speak up to start a conversation.

king @ dad : "My dear son, Prince bas, started from today only 2 months you will reach 19 years old, Me and your queen mother agreed to make you "crown prince" in this kingdom to replace my position as a king".

All the contents of the palace began to silence to the words that experience by my father the king

Me : "But.. dad why me? Why I must heir the throne? Why I have to be "crown prince" ? While there are still have p'Kim that can be "crown prince" and can replace your position as a king".

king @ dad : "No, if I said no that mean no. And I never agreed".

Me: "But Why dad" ?.

king @ dad : because Prince Kim was never serious in anything he did, what he knows that things is just plying. But not like you".

Me : "But dad"...

king @ dad : "Prince bas, no more but. If I said that, that's it no more excluded".

Me : "No dad, I don't want to be a "crown prince".

Once again the palace dining room silence, ceased with my words and saw the face of king who is started to being anger.

king @ dad : "If I said that, it just that Prince bas".

with the angry on his face he hit the dining table and passed out of the dining hall with his angry face

to be continue....

hey guys 🤗🤗🤗
sawadikhap 🙏🙏
I hope you guys like my story and vote for this story to still alive hehehe
OK guys see you guys next chapter

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