Chapter 2⃣ : the sadness hearts

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After done taking a breakfast with the queen and prince Kim, with a emptiness due to his behavior of his father the king at royal dining room. his lags continued to step out into the main palaces for rush to school...


Royal charms high school is not a foreign name for royalty and for elite family, a very famous school with prince and princess. Besides, royal charms high school has been recognized as a first-class school with a highest achievement.


prince Bas walk out into a palace grounds with followed by May and his subordinates that bringing his necessities to school

Royal charms high school

looks like a royal car with flag and the emblems of the Ayutthayas kingdom entered the school compound, with followed by car from another kingdom,

A group of PC fans are waiting for their idols in the school compound.

Prince Bas, Prince Copter, Prince Beam, Princess Jenny and princess Wanida out of the cars simultaneously, and all of fans are screaming loudly like they're saw a ghost, when they saw all of PC members are walking straight on golden carpet, and are controlled by some of royal guards.

*-*-* at another places *-*-*
At palaces Parliament hall

"The Parliament of Ayutthiays is in session".

"Prime minister Motez presiding".

"Viscount Mabrey, you have the floors ".
said Prime minister.

Viscount Mabrey : " As we all know, the 21 st birthday of an heir to Ayutthiayans bloodline is indeed a matter of a great public significance ".

on another side, one of Parliament members are snoring.

Viscount Mabrey : "it signifies that this young person is eligible to assume the crown".

"Indeed, we are well aware of this, Viscount".

"the king has already indicated Prince bas intends to learn more at his side before assuming the throne".

Viscount Mabrey : "it was not Prince Bas to whom I was referring".

All of Parliament members are shocked with Viscount Mabrey words, and he speak up again.

Viscount Mabrey : king narongkat was the great - great -great- grandfather of...

with his pat the Parliament table.

Tap.. Tapp... Taapp...

"Hello? uh... oh.. ".

one of Parliament members that sleep out suddenly woke up, and said.


Viscount Mabrey : "So, As of the 20th of October last year on the occasion of his 18 st birthday, another Ayutthiayan of the royal bloodline become eligible to assume the throne, because he is under age".

The King : "I beg your pardon"?

Viscount Mabrey : "Therefore, Your Majesty I am pleaced to say that Prince Kim is ready to take his places, as Ayutthays grightful King.

All of members on that Parliament are murmuring. and one members on Parliament speak out.

"But isn't Prince Kim first in line to accessed the throne" ?

"Not yet " said another one

"Ayutthayan's law states that a prince must be marry before he can take the throne".

King Panithiasawad : "We have never enforced that law, A women doesn't have to marry to be queen. I mean, this is the 21 st century, for heaven's sake. and Prince bas should be given the same rights as any women.

one of Parliament members speak out.

"Ayutthiays shall have no king lest he be bound in matrimony".

"Lord Phawooud" ? said king.

Lord Phawooud : "That is the law of Ayutthiays for the last 300 years, Prince Bas is not qualified to rules because he is under age and unmarried".

one of another members speak out.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty".

"Not all of us are sure that the prince is the most suitable choice to govern our great nation".

All : "Ooh.... yaa.. yes ..yess.."

Prime minister : "Now, Gentleman-gentleman, please... count down "

"I suggest this honered body allow Prince bas two years, during which time he must marry, or he forfeits the throne of Ayutthiays to Prince Kim".

one of Parliament members stand up and said.

"I am object, I object most strongly".

"One years" ?

"One in-haft years" ?

"One years six months, he will be marry or the throne that gived to Prince kim

To be continue

hye guy 🤗🤗
sawadikhap 🙏🙏🙏
so, how is previous chapter do you like it... hehehe and thanks guys if you're like it.. 😉😉
he he that all guys hope you guys like this one too
OK guys see you next chapter
love you 😘😘😘

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