Chapter 6⃣ : Royal Ball

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*^▁^*Prince Bas POV #^_^#

I was really shocked to hear from my brother that I have to married someone that I don't know he or she is and I can't say anything because that wedding is an a agreement that make to peace and relationship with Trailokkanat Kingdom.

"But why me...? " I cry.

"Why I have to married...? "

"I don't know him and what he is and what he look like"

After a while I am crying P'kim entered my room and sit beside me nd he pat his hands on my should again and again to chill me up from crying more... but I can't I stand up and hug him and cry on his hug again.

"P', why all of this happen to me"

"Why P'... why... " I am cry loud.

"Brother, in the this world is nothing impossible, at list you're believe your self that you can do it... what ever happen just stay strong.. we all love you here..." he said to chill me down

"What do you mean P'..."? I stop cry and look straight to his face.

"I mean is, what ever your situation don't ever forgot to wear your pants " he said and laugh.

I smile at him and laugh out together with him...

"Auh... P', don't make fun of me" and I punch his shoulder.

"Hahaha... see you're cute when you smile and don't be sad again little brother" he hug me again and say.

" OK... I have to live now, just take a rest OK.. don't think too much we have a big day tomorrow.


The Royal Ball birthday party day

Prince Bas POV #^_^#

I woke up on the morning and I feel fresh, and I'm really excited did you know why..?? hehehe... because this day is my birthday and I stand up sitting on my bed, and after a while May, my personal royal main come entered my room and she are shocked went he saw me are already wake up from my sleep.

"Good Morning your Highness, you're woke up already" May ask with binding at me.

"Yes... hehe, I am really excited to this day" I said with smile.

she is continued her work and I get showed and wear my blouse and go to dining room with my excited face. I don't know what, after I cry and P'kim chill me up for today I don't think it much... what I am thinking is today it is my birthday... and I need to be happy.

🍴At dining room 🍽

" Good morning dad, mom, P'kim " I am binding to greeted my families.

"Morning Prince Bas" said dad

"Morning honey" said mom

"Morning little brother " said P'kim and I sit down on my chair and start to eating with a smile on my face until dad rebuked me.

"Are you're happy about something.??" ask dad and P'kim say.

"Why you're looks so happy today brother..?? " said P'kim.

"Hehehe.. yes dad.." I said

"it because " before I done with my words all of my family say to me.

"Happy 19th birthday Prince Bas" all of my family say to me, that make me happy and want to cry. And I'm crying.

"Oh.. don't cry honey" mom say and hug me and kiss me on my forehead.

And dad said "Don't cry Prince Bas, eat up your meat and we have a present for you.. "

hear the world "present" that my dad said, it make me smile again. After I am done finishing my meat and I steps out from dining room with my families to the main palace, and dad say he wants give me my present.

on the way to the main palace I saw the royal maid is decorate the contents of the ball base on my birthday theme that I choose and the thema is "ROYAL CLASSIC BLACK & WHITE".

When me and my family was arrived at the main palace living room and I saw two boxes at the table one of the the box is blue and another one is black colour.

My dad, mom, P'kim and me take our place on the furniture that in front of the table that have the boxes on that table.

After we all take our place on that furniture dad start to talk.
"Prince Bas, This is our tradition to combined together and have our private hours together, basically on birthday or families celebration".

I was really excited heard my dad say that and he said again.

"Prince Bas, this is your present, from me and your Queen mother" dad say and give a black box and i open it.

"it a bracelet" I said

"Wow.., dad this is so beautiful.. " I said to my dad.

"it our tradition, it the tigers eyes it mean our kingdom is the most strongly kingdom ever have in world wide, and you're our carriers. You must carry this whare even you go and your brother also have the same..."
said dad and P'kim take out his
bracelet and shows to me.

it was the same as me, but it have a different design and shape. But I fell confuse about that and I ask dad.

"Dad, what is this and did all of you guys have this.."??

"that is 'Ayutthays hearts of courage' it is old Ayutthays royal families symbol and only Ayutthays royal family knows it. And you must keep it save with full of your heart" said dad i smile and hug my dad.

"And your Mother Queen also have one of it" dad said again. And I release my hug.

and Mom take out her bracelet and show to me.

"Wow.., Mom that was so Pretty" I said to my mom.

"Thanks honey" my mom said to me.

And P'kim start to talk after silence for a while.

"OK. Now ,Little brothers this is my present for you" his said.

"Auh.. P', did you already give your present to me.."?? I ask him

" I do but, that just a small things and I do have more to impressed of you" he said again.

"Auh.. what was that.."?? I ask.

he take the blue box In a table and give it to me and I slowly opened it

"Wow P'kim, this is too much... this is yours and you love this bracelet... " I said.

"it ok, it doesn't make any matters, it yours now and you're the most important things compare to this bracelet".

"P'..., thank you so much na... " I am crying.

"Ohh.. it ok little brother don't cry" he said and hug me.

My Mom and dad are smiling looked me and my brother and both of them stand up and hug me together.



Prince Bas POV #^_^#

It all really 6:30 pm and I still sit at my table and holding the bracelet that my dad and P'kim gives to me this morning, and I am smile alone. After a second May entered my room with my dress that I have to wear for my royal ball birthday party tonight.

"Excuse me your Highness, your dress suit is already here, and the king said to get ready as soon as possible..." May said.

"Ohh... ok May just a seconds" I said to may.

After freshing up and May help me to dressed up my suit, after done I walk out from my room and looked at a clock at my hand and it already 7:15 pm. I looked at windows mirrors and I saw all of royal families and members are arrive and I can see a lot of cars with a flag from all over the kingdoms of the world and I was shock with P'kim voice.

"Little brother, what are you doing..?? you're done?? dad and mom are waiting for us.." said P'kim.

"Oh.. P',Nothing.. " I said to P'kim

"I'm done already" I said again.

"Ok... let go, dad and mom are waiting of us... " said P'kim.

"OK P', let go... " I said to my brother.

After me and my brother arrive at the royal ball gate, mom and dad already there waiting for us.

"Prince Bas, are you ready..?? " dad ask me.

"I am dad.. " I said to my dad.

"Ok..., let go" dad said again.


"Presenting his Majesty, King Panisiasawad Adulyadej, her Majesty, Queen Amirandra, his Royal Highness, Prince Kim Panisiasawat Adulyadej, and his Royal Highness, Prince Bas Panisiasawat Adulyadej have arrive" said one of royal guard.

me and my family down to the steps and my dad give a speech.

"Good evening to all of my royal families and members you guys still remember my younger son Prince Bas, today is his birthday and I want to make some a nouns ment that start from today Prince Kim is Ayuttihays Crown Prince and he done have to marriage to be a king.. all of my beloved families and members ceme together we say long live to Prince Kim and happy birthday to Prince Bas... "

All of the attends are saying with holding up they drinks.

"Long life to Prince Kim and happy Birthday to Prince Bas.. "

I have to dance with 12 people on that royal ball, that our tradition. i started to dance with some girl and I was really boring... after I finished my dance I step out to find my friends and suddenly Copter calling my name.

"Bas.. bas.. bas.. Over here.. "

Copter calling me with waving his hands to me and I get near of them and, Prince Forth, Beam also there with my brother P'kim

"Wo... you guys wear the same like me" I said to them

sddenly all of the attached are silence and look at the royal ball gate

Presenting his Royal Highness, Prince God Kongthanin itthipat. Crown Prince of Trailokkanat Kingdom" said the royal ball gate guard.

And I saw a handsome guy are step down.

And I was shock.

"Is he, is the guy that I am going to married with... "

To be continued 🔔🔔🔔

bye guys 🤗🤗🤗
huhu I am really tired na khap... I will update another one chapter on tomorrow ok... see you soon bye
I love you 😘😘😘

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