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I wait anxiously in my living room, pacing up and down, checking my phone repeatedly.

"Where is she?" I mutter to myself irritably.

I'd be lying to myself if I said I wasn't feeling slightly uneasy. Nervous, if you will. My heart beats loudly in my ears as I keep checking the time. She's fifteen minutes late.

I unlock my phone and begin to write out a text, until the sound of the intercom buzzer sets my heart jumping. I rush towards it and press the button.


"It's me." I hear her say. I swallow and click the main gate open, walking towards the main door.

I see her car pulling up into the driveway through the clear glass door. I let out a sigh, and open it, standing at the entrance. She gets out the car, swinging her long hair over her shoulder, large, obnoxious sunglasses on her face, and a smirk on her lips.

She raises her hand and wriggles her fingers at me as a means to say hello. I scowl and turn away, walking inside towards the living room.

"Nice to see you!" She beams cockily, taking her sunglasses off and dropping them in her bag.

"Mhm." I hum bluntly, taking a seat on the couch.

She sits down beside me, far too close for my comfort. I clear my throat and inch away until I can't move any further. But she scoots closer.

"So, made your mind up?" She chirps. I don't answer for a few seconds, looking down at the floor, my hands clasped together, before looking up to meet her eyes.


She smiles widely.


I sigh, pursing my lips in a straight line.

"I'll do it."

She gasps, clapping her hands together happily. "You will!?" She exclaims. "Oh, Daddy! I'm so glad." She wraps her long, slender arms around my frame.

I wriggle out of her grasp, and turn to her. She looks back at me, a glint in her eye.

"On one condition." I raise one finger up to her face. She furrows her brows.

"What is it?" She asks, her tone now lower, annoyance clear in her voice.

"You leave my students alone, and you don't blackmail me. Or anyone again." I say sternly.

She huffs. "Yes, yes, whatever. Just sign it." She pulls the contract out of her bag and places a pen on the coffee table in front of us.

"No, Hwasa. I need you to be sincere."

"Ugh. I AM sincere. Just sign it." She grows impatient.

"I don't believe you. Until I believe you, I won't be signing anything." I protest, standing from the couch.

She stands up with me, her body language switching. Her hands are balled into fists at her side, her chest rising and falling heavily with her breath, an angry expression on her face.

"What do you want me to do? I said I will. Jesus Christ, want me to write it in blood?" She scoffs.

"No, I just want at least a hint of a genuine side from you." I say, crossing my arms across my chest.

I walk towards her, lowering my arms.

"Hwasa. You want me to sign a marriage contract, one that says we are obligated to have a child within the first year of marriage or you will ruin my life. For me to sign something like this..." I point to the paper. "I need you to show that you will stick to your word." I glare at her.

"Jin... Sweetie..." She approaches me, landing her index finger on my chest, trailing it down slowly to my abdomen. "You're starting to piss me off." She smiles.

I look at her, my eyes wide in bewilderment. This woman is another breed.

"Okay. Look." She begins, abruptly turning her back to me and walking back over to the contract on the table, pointing to it.

"If you don't sign this fucking contract, I will call up daddy, and tell him that you hit me. Again. Are we clear?" She spits.

"I thought you cleared that up with him." I retort defensively.

"I did." She shrugs, crossing her arms. "But they do say domestic abuse victims go back on their word to protect their abusers. I could just tell him that I lied about making it up." She chuckles.

"You're fucking insane." I scoff, turning around and walking towards the main door. I pick up her shoes and throw them in the living room. They land with a thud on the hardwood floor. She looks down at them at her feet.

"Oh, I'm not leaving until you sign it." She protests.

It's a standoff. We both stand on opposite sides of the room, staring down one another. Suddenly, a devilish smirk plays on her lips. She breaks the eye contact, and pulls her phone out of her purse, tapping on the screen, then presses it to her ear.

"Stop." I suddenly intervene.

She pulls the phone from her ear and hangs up the call, tilting her head at me cockily.

"I'll sign it." I sigh, making my way towards the couch. I sit down, the contract before me on the table. I stare at it, taunting me.

"Good." She chirps happily, sitting back down next to me.

I hesitantly pick up the pen, and flip the paper to the dotted line where I'm indicated to sign. The pen floats above it, mere centimeters from making contact. I can feel Hwasa in the corner of my eye, fidgeting in anticipation.


"Actually... You know what?" I drop the pen on the table. "I don't think I will." I say with a knowing tone. I turn my head to look at her, and her eyes search mine for an answer, confused.

I stand up from the couch, and walk towards one of the bookshelves resting along the back wall of the living room. I grab a book from the shelf, opening the front hardback cover, and pulling a small black device from inside it.

I turn to face her, holding it in my hand, and her eyes lock onto it, sudden realization hitting her.

"This..." I trail off, walking towards her. "Is a camera." I smile.

"Say hello." I tease, chuckling at her.

She doesn't say anything, only gawping at me in shock. She abruptly lunges her arm out in an attempt to grab it, but I step back, quicker than her.

"This has just recorded our entire conversation here this afternoon." I begin, looking at the little device in my hand smugly.

"It's captured you threatening me, blackmailing me, committing forced coercion, also forced sexual coercion." I walk closer and point to the paragraph in the contract highlighting the force of conceiving a child.

I back away again, sitting in the chair opposite her.

"Also fraud... Illegal deception... The list goes on really." I continue.

"Oh." I abruptly say, laughing.

"I also got into the files at the school, and I pulled up the CCTV footage of you committing damage of a public property, that'll add on a couple more charges too." I smile.

I lean back in the chair, crossing one leg over the other, my eyes burning into hers.

"You wouldn't fucking dare." She hisses.

"Wouldn't I?" I quip.

"No, Jin. You know why? Because I'll reveal your dirty little secret to everybody." She retorts with gritted teeth.

"Oh, but the difference is, Hwasa..." I begin, leaning forward in my chair, resting my elbows on my knees, intimidatingly staring into her soul.

"My relationship is legal. Sure, I'll lose my job, my reputation will be tarnished. But I'll still be a free man." I shrug.

"Willow is a legal adult. She was already eighteen years old when she moved here." I snigger.

"And what you have done, well, that's not legal. You'll go to prison...." I trail off, sucking in sue through my teeth.

"I wont." I spit.

"So, who really has the upper hand here, Hwasa?"

She stutters, unable to find an answer, unable to find a means to defend herself. She can try going to Daddy, but even the head of the NSI can't deny cold hard evidence. Hwasa's trapped. With no way out.

"So, what I suggest, is put your shoes on, take your contract..." I trail off, standing from the chair.

"And get the fuck out of my house."

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