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"Willow! Wake up! We gotta go." I hear my dads loud, roaring voice, bellowing in my ear. He shakes me, waking me up from my deep sleep.

I grumble sleepily and rub my eyes, scowling and whining, turning over in my bed.

He throws the duvet off of me, and shakes my shoulder roughly, laughing. 

"Wake up!" He sings joyfully. 

"Ugh, I'm up!" I yell, shooting up in my bed and glaring at him, narrowing my eyes.

"Get dressed and grab your suitcase. We got a plane to catch." He orders, walking out of the room, closing my door. 

I groan and throw my legs off the side of my bed, lazily stepping to my closet and quickly changing into the outfit I had prepared the day before. I freshen up in the bathroom and tie my hair up.

I grab my phone and my charger, and grasp the handle of the suitcase, wheeling it out of my room and down the stairs. I wheel it into the living room, and see my dad standing in the doorway on his phone.

"What time is it?" I mutter. He looks at me and puts his phone back in his pocket.

"4:15am. Our flight is 16 hours long, so you'll be able to sleep on the plane. Quick, chop chop." He says, all in one breath, clapping his hands.

I groan and nod my head, following him out the door and to the car. He takes my suitcase and places it in the trunk, and we get in the car, on our way to the airport in a rush.

Once we got to the airport, we sped through customs and security, and boarded the plane in no time. We take our seats, readying ourselves for a long flight, and I turn my phone on airplane mode, before tucking it back in my pocket and resting my head against the back of the seat. 

I slept for most of the time, on occasion my dad would wake me up for food and water, and to talk to him because he was bored. But the time went by relatively quickly, thankfully. 

Once we landed, and went through all the security checks once again, we got a cab to my aunts house, where we'll be staying for the week. She lives in the same neighborhood as my old house, so luckily I'll get to see everything I grew up with again. 

My dad and I wheel our cases to her front door, and she opens it, a weak, awkward smile forms on her face as her eyes land on us. 

"Michael, Willow... Nice to see you again." She greets us forcefully.

She stands in her doorway, her arms folded over her chest defensively. Her blonde, highlighted hair is in a tight updo, and her piercing blue eyes are magnified by her spectacles. She stares down at us, her nose in the air and her wrinkled, thin lips pursed. 

She's my moms older sister, Helen. But she's nothing like my mom. She's judgemental and self righteous, whereas my mom was open minded, loving and accepting. 

"Nice to see you, too, Helen." My dad sighs reluctantly. She smiles sarcastically and moves out of the way, allowing us to walk inside.

"Thanks for having us." I mutter as I walk past her. She doesn't respond, only continuing to stare at me. 

We walk through into the living room, and there sits the rest of the family. Kevin, my uncle, and Helen's husband, and their two children. Twins, Rory and Rachel. All of them are blonde with blue eyes, and it reminds me of Children of the Corn. They're creepy, emotionless zombies who barely smile. 

"Kevin." My dad says, resting our suitcases on the wall. Kevin is sat on he couch, his nose buried in a newspaper. He folds the page down and looks over it, his eyebrows raising at our presence.

"Ah, the Collins' family. Welcome to our humble abode." He chuckles, standing from the couch. 

I stand there awkwardly, unsure of where to look or how to act. It's incredibly uncomfortable and strange. Their entire house smells like pinewood, and their decor is old fashioned, nearly everything made of old, dark, sombre wood. 

I already hate it. I would rather spend the week in a crack den at this point. 

"Where am I sleeping?" I ask, turning to look over my shoulder at Helen.

"You'll be sleeping in Rachel's room. She's politely offered to give up her bed for the week. She will be sleeping down here." She says, clearing her throat. 

"Where is it?" I ask.

"Uh- Third door on the right, upstairs." She responds, nodding her head to the ceiling.

"Right. Thanks." I mumble, grabbing my case and dragging it up the stairs, getting far away from them as possible.

I walk down the hall and open the door to Rachel's room. As soon as I walk inside and look around, I'm immediately disturbed. Everything is bubblegum pink, the walls, the carpet, the furniture. I shiver and close the door, standing in the middle of the room with a disgusted look on my face.

Her walls are decorated with framed pictures of bunnies, unicorns and kittens. She has a work desk that's cluttered with paper, and her bed is filled to the brim with stuffed toys. 

Did I mention Rachel is 24 years old? 

Both the twins still live at home, and this is the first time I've been to their house since I was about 6 years old. I remember it was like this then, so it's never changed.

I pick up a stuffed animal from the bed and look at it, my eyebrow raised and my lips curled up in a disgusted pout. Suddenly, the door bursts open and I jump, dropping it back on the bed.

Rachel marches in the room, an angry, and hateful expression on her face, staring at me as she walks to her desk. She sighs and grabs her laptop, and turns back around to walk out of the room.

She stops in her tracks and turns slowly on her heels to face me.

"Don't touch anything in here. You're ONLY allowed to sleep in the bed. That's it. Got it?" She hisses, looking me up and down.

I roll my eyes and turn back around, grabbing a stuffed toy from the bed and tossing it on the couch in the corner of the room. I hear her gasp, followed by the sound of the door slamming shut, and her retreating footsteps.

I chuckle and grab my suitcase, throwing it on top of the bed and unzipping it. I unpack some of my essentials, toothbrush, hair products and makeup etc, and keep my clothes in the case, not wanting to unpack everything and have it tainted by this sickly room.

I grab my phone, forgetting to take it off airplane mode. I sit down on the bed, and go through my texts, noticing I have a few unread from multiple contacts.

Josie: Update! We didn't have sex :( He was flirty but he didn't even touch me. He took me to this Korean BBQ restaurant in the city, then to some grungy bar. I liked it, it was an awesome night but there wasn't even a kiss at the end. I felt chemistry but maybe he didn't?

Oh no... I drop my shoulders and exhale a sigh through my nose at her text. She's really disappointed, and now she's worried if he even likes her as more than a friend.

Willow: Did he ask for a second date?

Josie: Yeah, he asked me to go out with him again next weekend. He said he really enjoyed the night, but I still don't know if it's a friend thing or more.

Willow: Maybe he's taking it slow? See how it goes with the second date :)

Josie: Yeah... I really want him to fuck me tho :(

Willow: Lmao, chill. I'm sure he will.

I laugh and tap out of her texts, and onto the next.

Hoseok: I miss you alreadyyyyy. This week is gonna drag without you here to keep me company T.T

I smile at his cuteness. I giggle and cross my legs on the bed, getting comfortable.

Willow: I'm sorry!!! :( I'll be home before you know it. 

Hoseok: Promise you'll come to mine and watch movies with me as soon as you're back? T.T

Willow: Lol. I promise ♥

Hoseok: Can't wait ♥♥

I chuckle and move onto the last texts, this time from Jin.

Asshole: How was your flight?

Oh, I forgot I changed his name. He apologised, even if he was an asshole.

Willow: I just got to my aunts. It was long, but it was okay.

He texts back almost immediately, per usual.

Sexy asshole: Did you read my previous texts ?

I snigger and let out a smug sigh.

Willow: Yes.

I'm being really petty, and I'm probably going to get punished for it when I get back, but a whole week of pushing his buttons, and there's nothing he can do about it? Sign me up.

Sexy asshole: And? Is that it? 

Willow: What about it?

I laugh a little louder, enjoying this way too much.

Sexy asshole: Oh, I see what you're doing.

I tilt my head, my laughter dying down and the smile dropping from my face.

Willow: What am I doing? 

Sexy asshole: You know I can't do anything, so you're taking advantage of that. That's fine, but you'll regret your actions when you get back, Miss Collins. 

My smirk returns, creeping on my lips. 

Willow: I don't know what you're talking about.

Sexy asshole: You can keep it up all you like, and I'll take great pleasure in watching you choke on my cock, your ass in the air, red and swollen from my hand. 

I gulp, and exhale, a quiet moan escaping my lips. I quickly slap my hand over my mouth, my heartbeat thumping in my ears.

Willow: You're all talk.

Oh fuck, what am I doing? I'm going to regret this.

Sexy asshole: You want to test me? 

Willow: Go ahead. But you can't do anything when I'm over here :)

Why am I still going??

Sexy asshole: ...We'll see about that.

My breathing is ragged, and I can feel the growing dampness between my legs at the thought. I've managed to turn myself on, sitting on a bed with unicorns printed on the duvet under my ass.

I've definitely gotten myself in trouble. And I'm a fucking idiot for it. 

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