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I lunge forward and grab her arm, yanking the phone out of her hand and hanging up the call, throwing it on the couch. I look back at her with pure anger, my grip still tight on her wrist. She winces and rips out of my grasp and runs to her phone.

"What are you doing?! Why are you doing this?!" I yell. She grabs her phone and glares at me, tucking it into her pocket.

"You left me." She mumbles quietly under her breath.

"What?" I scoff.

"You left me!" She repeats, yelling loudly.

"You ended things over a text, when we spent over a year together, you fucking asshole! You made me promises, told me you loved me and that we'd be together forever. You're a fucking lying scumbag and you're getting what you deserve!" She erupts, and I finally see the real side to her.

She's hurt.


"And then you continued to string me along for months after that! You knew I loved you but you didn't care. You still slept with me and whispered false promises in my ear!" She interrupts me, screaming in anger.


"And you never even apologized..." She says lowly.

She slumps down on the couch and lowers her head, sighing heavily.

"Do you know how hurt I was when I saw you had someone else? I saw you with her exiting the school and getting into your car together." She admits. 

I'm trying not to roll my eyes and sigh. I feel no sympathy after the stunts she's pulled since then.

"But do you think the way you handled it was right?" I finally manage to speak.

"No, but I don't care." She looks back up at me with dark eyes, her brows knit and her lips pursed.

I should be the bigger person and try to clear this situation. She's volatile and unhinged. The best way around it is to suck up.

"I'm sorry for the hurt I caused you." I force myself to say as sincerely as possible.

She scoffs, looking back down.

"At least try and mean it, dick." She mutters.

"I do mean it." 

She sighs, and it's quiet for a few moments, before she looks back up, a small grin on her face.

"Then, prove it." 

I narrow my eyes and look at her confused, crossing my arms.


"Prove to me that you're sorry. Make it up to me." She smirks.

"And how exactly do you want me to do that? Because it's quite evident you have an idea." I tilt my head.

"... Make love to me." 

I flinch and widen my eyes, almost choking. 

"What?!" I exclaim, uncrossing my arms and frowning.

"Please... Just one more time." She whines, standing from the couch and approaching me.

"No." I say sternly, backing up.

"Please. Then I'll leave you alone. I promise." She smiles, now only centimetres in front of me.


"Come on... It's not like you're dating her. She's just a little piece of fun, I can tell." She whispers, running her hand down my chest.


"God..." She sighs, huffing out a dramatic breath. "Is that the only word you know?"


"What can I do to get you to say yes?" She giggles.

"Nothing. It's not happening." I say, avoiding her eye contact, looking over her head at the wall.

"Then... How about a kiss?" She smiles, looking up at me. I look down and glare at her, clenching my hands into fists at my side.

To be completely honest, I contemplate it. Wondering if I do, she may stick to her promise and leave me, and Willow alone. But she's manipulative and snide. 

I sigh deeply through my nose, biting my lip in deep thought.

"You'll leave Willow alone too?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Yes. I promise." She breathes, her fingers trailing up my chest and to my neck, her fingers tangling in my hair on the back of my head.

She lifts her head and moves closer, but I back away, holding a finger up. She looks at my lips and knits her brows, rolling her eyes.

"And you'll clear up what you just told your father, that I never laid a hand on you." I demand, staring at her.

She sighs and nods her head, her grin returning.

"I promise..." She whispers, her breath hitting my skin as she inches closer. I prepare myself and close my eyes, my body tense and uncomfortable.

She kisses me softly, and hums in satisfaction as soon as our lips are connected. Her fingers sensually glide along my neck, and her lips move against mine gradually. She sucks my bottom lip into her mouth and forces her tongue inside, and I scrunch my face up, waiting for it to end.

Her hand runs down my arm and chest, and she ghosts it over my crotch. I jolt and tear away from the kiss, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand aggressively as I glare at her.

"I said no." I scold. 

"Sorry. Couldn't resist." She giggles, biting the tip of her index finger innocently.

"You can go now." I sigh, grabbing her bag and shoving it at her.

She chuckles and grabs her bag, throwing it over her shoulder. I look at her in confusion, and she notices, a smirk creeping it's way back onto her lips.

"Well..." She trails off, turning to face me.

"Since I'm in a good mood now, I'll give you two weeks." She says. 

"What?" I ask, gawping at her.

"Two weeks of freedom. Then you'll sign the contract." She smiles.

"Wha- No. You-" I stutter.

"What is it, daddy?" She giggles.

"You told me if I kissed you, you'd leave me- and Willow alone?!" I exclaim, rushing forwards towards her angrily.

"I believe I told you that if you made love to me for the last time, that I'd leave you alone. I just wanted a free kiss." She shrugs. 

"Oh. I will tell my dad that you didn't hit me, though. That's for the kiss." She laughs.

"Get the fuck out." I suddenly say, my voice low and intimidating.

"Oh, don't be like that. You're the one who turned down a perfectly good deal." She sighs.

I stare at her, my blood boiling, my body beginning to shake with anger. I clench my jaw and breathe deeply through my nose, my eyes dark.

"Get out. Now." I repeat quietly, trying to remain calm.

"So sc-" She rolls her eyes and scoffs, but I cut her off. I lunge forward and she jumps, but I walk past her and open the front door. I walk back to her in the living room and stand only inches from her, staring down at her.

She looks back up at me, fear in her eyes, and I see her visibly gulp. I don't say a word, but she moves towards the front door, and my eyes follow her. She smooths her hair down and stands in the doorway, spinning on her heels, showing that smirk has returned.

"I'll be back in two weeks. See you soon." She winks, biting her lip. She walks out and closes the door behind her, and I let my shoulders drop, my eyes fluttering closed and my fists unclenching. 

I've never felt such anger coursing through me before. I was afraid of myself. I wanted to hurt her, physically.

She's torturous, conniving and evil, and she'll stop at nothing to get what she wants. I knew her 'promise' was too good to be true, and I'm merely a simple idiot for half believing it. 

I don't want Willow to get hurt. She doesn't deserve to be caught in the middle of it. She never asked for this, she didn't expect this psycho extra baggage, and she doesn't even know it's happening right under her nose.

It's not fair on her.

What's worse, is I can feel my feelings developing. I'm scared. 

I've never reached this point with someone before, where I genuinely think about not just their body, but their mind also. I want to have conversations, talk about our day. I like the feeling I get when she wakes up in my bed, and I love seeing her sleeping beside me.

I'm not just scared. I'm terrified. This is new to me, and I don't know how to act.

The absence has been hard. She's only been gone for three days, but I miss her like fucking crazy. 

I'm not willing to lose her. For anything. 

If Hwasa wants to fight, then I will fight.

A/N: I'm sorry for the sporadic updates recently. I went from updating one/multiple chapters daily to updating around every three days. Just been feeling a little unmotivated. I'm sorry! I don't want to force out chapters, because they won't be good. 

Thank you for continuing to support ♥

By the way, I absolutely LOVE Hwasa, she's my Queen and my girl crush. I know I've portrayed her as this absolute embodiment of evil, but I do love her haha. 

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