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I maneuvre my way through the sea of people, trying to find any sign of an alcoholic beverage. I don't know where the kitchen is, so I'm going in blind. 

After about 5 minutes of pushing, shoving and accidental groping, I find the kitchen. I let out a sigh of relief, quickly fixing up a concoction of alcohol, mixing anything I can find into one cup, and immediately pouring it into my mouth, swallowing it in one gulp.

I begin to mix another, until I feel a hand gently rest on the small of my back. I jump and turn around, met with Hoseok's wide smile.

He leans in close to my ear, and I can smell the strong fragrance of his cologne filling my nostrils.

"You made it." He yells, trying to be heard above the loud music.

I'm starting to feel a little more at ease, but I don't know if it's because I'm here with someone I know, or if the warmness of the alcohol is beginning to take effect.

"Of course I made it. I wouldn't miss it." I yell back, resting my hand on his shoulder as I lean into his ear.

He holds his hand out to me, and nods his head towards the crowd of people gathered, dancing.

I chuckle nervously and shake my head. I'm definitely not drunk enough to dance yet.

"You don't wanna dance?" He asks me, pouting his lip.

Oh, how can I resist that face? That's just not fair.

I sigh and give him a playful scowl. I hold my finger up, indicating for him to wait a second. I mix another cup of random alcoholic drinks, before wrapping my lips around the edge and tilting my head back, swallowing it all.

"Okay. Let's go." I grab his hand, and he leads me towards the centre. The music pounds in my eardrums, the vibrations pulsing through my body. 

My body begins to move on it's own. Hoseok lets go of my hand, and instead wraps his left arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. 

He begins to move his hips against mine, and I follow his lead, allowing him to take control. I hesitantly wrap my arms around his neck, resting them along the back of his shoulders. 

I can feel the heat radiating off of his body so close to mine. His hands trail down my sides, landing on my hips. He quickly spins me around, and crashes my back against his chest. 

His hands guide my hips so they're in sync with his movements, and I can feel his warm breath on my neck. My heart accelerates, heat pooling into my lower abdomen. 

I lean my head back and close my eyes, lifting my arm and wrapping it around the back of his neck. I let the music flow through me, forgetting about everything.

"You look beautiful tonight." I hear him say in my ear. I open my eyes and smile, lifting my head off his shoulder, and turning myself around in his arms. 

Our bodies continue to sway and move sensually to the rhythm. I can see the sweat glistening on his forehead and neck, a dark look in his eye. 

My eyes scan is face, and I unintentionally bite my lip. His bright blonde hair is styled in a boyish quiff, his slim, yet toned frame hidden underneath a grey puma hoodie. His jeans are skin tight, ripped at the knees and lower thighs, teasingly showing minimal skin.

My entire body is burning hot, a mixture of the alcohol, atmosphere and his body against mine. 

"You were right." He leans in my ear. I furrow my brows in confusion, pulling back to look at his face.

A dirty smirk dances it's way onto his lips, his eyes burning into my soul.

"It's always the quiet ones..." He teases, chuckling after. 

I drop my head and chuckle, before looking back up and locking my eyes with his. The song ends, and I can sense the disappointment in his expression. He lets go of my waist, and nods towards the kitchen.

I nod in agreement, I need another drink ASAP.

Hoseok and I grab a couple drinks each, and he leads me outside into the backyard. He takes my drink out of my hand and places it down on the glass table, sitting down in the lawn chair. He lets out a breath, running his hand through his hair. 

I sit down next to him, and cross one leg over the other, grabbing the cup and taking a sip this time.

"You dance really well." I say, setting the cup into my lap. 

He chuckles as a response, continuing to stare at me. 

"I took classes when I was a kid." He says, taking a sip from his drink. 

His eyes don't leave mine as he tilts the cup upwards to his mouth. He lets out a content breath, leaning across the table, and placing the cup back down on the surface.

I open my mouth, about to respond until I see someone else sit down at the table out of my peripheral vision. I turn my head and see it's Yoongi.

He sits and spreads his legs, resting his arms against the handles of the chair.

"Wow, is that you, foreign girl?" He smirks, sitting up and scanning my body head to toe. He smirks and bites his lip, humming as he leans back.

"I have a name." I retort, rolling my eyes.

He moves his chair closer to me. He swipes his tongue along his bottom lip, the same dirty smirk on his face.

I bring the cup to my lips, taking a sip, feeling a little awkward.

"Hmm, and with how you're looking tonight... I want you screaming mine." He whispers, chuckling, leaning in closer towards me.

I almost choke on my drink. I stare at him wide eyed and scoff, pushing against his chest.

He laughs obnoxiously and leans back into his own seat, taking a swig from his bottle.

"I'm only kidding. I prefer white girls, anyway." He says, his tone smug. 

"Why don't you go bother one of them, then?" I hiss, giving him a filthy look.

" I would if there was any. You're the only foreigner here, sweetcheeks." 

Hoseok suddenly sits up, and says something to Yoongi in Korean. He gives him a look I can't quite read. Yoongi sighs and stands up, giving me a wink before he walks off, disappearing into the crowd.

I turn to look at him, and he has an irritated look on his face.

"What did you say to him?" I ask.

"Nothing you need to worry about." He says, giving me a smile.

I'm about to say something, until he cuts me off.

"I'll get you another drink. Stay here." He says, getting up from his seat. I nod and drink the last remaining liquid in my cup, placing it on the table. 

I watch as he also disappears inside the house, and I'm left alone. 

I grab my phone out of my pocket, seeing it's still only 8pm. I also see a notification on my text messages, confused as to why I didn't feel the vibration.

I tap and see it's an unread text from Mr. Kim. My heart almost jumps out of my chest, and as quickly as I can, I tap to open it, reading it.

Mr. Kim: Change of plan. I hope you're not busy, as I can squeeze in a quick session this evening at 8.30pm. My house.

I gasp as I read the message, a surge of happiness and excitement rushing through my veins. 

But, I have no way of getting there. Everyone here at the party has been drinking, and I can't ask my dad. 

I have no other choice.

Willow: I would be happy to come, but I have no way of getting to your address.

I gulp as he texts back almost immediately.

Mr. Kim: Where are you?

Willow: At a friends house. I can walk to a meetup point. There's a public park just around the corner. Fountain park?

Mr. Kim: I know where that is. I'm leaving now.

My breathing picks up, and I quickly stand up, shoving my phone back in my pocket. I walk around the back, and through the gate to the front of the house, speed walking down the street and towards the park. 

I forgot to bring a jacket, and the cold air hits my bare skin, goosebumps appearing on my arms. I hug myself, trying to keep warm as I wait for him, trying to spot his car. 

Every car that passes, I felt a little jolt of excitement, hoping it's him, but every time it's a disappointment. 

I hear the sound of a familiar car engine pulling up, and I squint my eyes, trying to make out if I can recognise the car. 

My heart jumps when I realise it's him. He stops in front of me, and I quickly open the door, hopping in the passenger seat.

I shiver, my teeth chattering as I fasten my seatbelt, rubbing my arms together.

"Thank you for picking me up." I mutter, clicking the belt into the lock. There's silence, no response.

I look up, and he's staring at me. His eyes travelling over my body. My heart beats loudly in my ears, before he tears his gaze away and grips harder on the steering wheel.

I can see his jaw clenching as he turns his attention back to the road, speeding off down the street.

He fidgets in his seat, clearing his throat. The whole journey is dead silent. Only the occasional deep breaths coming from him. He's trying to hide it, but I can sense he's uncomfortable.

After a few minutes, we pull up into his driveway. We both exit the car, and enter his house, walking immediately into his office. I'm about to take a seat, until he speaks for the first time.

"Have you been drinking?" 

"What?" I respond, turning around, He stands by the door, his fists clenched at his sides. His eyes avoid me, glued to the ground.

"You're uh- The way you're dressed... I'm assuming you were at a party." He says, clearing his throat afterwards. 

"Oh... Yes. I had a little, but I'm not drunk." I say, trying to soothe my racing heart.

His tongue darts out of his mouth, licking his lips. He looks nervously around the room, his chest rising and falling heavily.

What I said was true. I'm not drunk, but I definitely have liquid courage. I bite the inside of my cheek and walk closer to him. I can see his body jolt, he's stiff as a board.

"Sir, are you okay?" I ask, now standing directly in front of him.

His eyes meet mine for the first time tonight. His lips are parted, his brows furrowed in concentration. I watch his Adams apple move as he swallows, his jaw clenching repeatedly.

"I should have taken you home." He mutters under his breath, closing his eyes.

"What?" I ask, my voice low.

The tension between us is thick, there's no denying it. My heart is beating at a million a second.

"You've been testing me for weeks, Willow." He mutters again, letting out a breath.

"I don't know what you mean..." I say, my voice barely above a whisper. 

But I know exactly what he means.

I inch closer to him, and he suddenly grabs my wrist, spinning me around and slamming my back into the wall. He places his hands beside my head, his face close to mine.

"You know exactly what I mean. Do you think I haven't noticed?" He says, his breath hitting my cheek.

I swallow hard as my eyes lock onto his, my heart now threatening to jump out of my chest. 

"I-" He cuts me off.

"Why are you doing it? Why are you making it so hard for me?" He whispers, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. 

"Do you feel it too? Mr. Kim?" I ask him, my tone teasing. My eyes travel down to his lips, and they're tempting me. I find every ounce of strength in me not to kiss him right here and now.

He drops his head and sighs, before lifting it and looking back at me. His expression has changed, he's staring at me in a way I've never seen before, something I can't quite explain. 

 There's dead silence for a few seconds, both of us just staring at each other. The sexual chemistry is thick, undeniable... 

Suddenly, he grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me forwards, crashing his lips against mine.

I'm taken aback in shock. His kiss is rough, yet desperate. As if he's been holding himself back all this time.

I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back with as much force as him. His hands glide up and down my sides, lifting my shirt up along with it, his cold hands making contact with the skin on my lower back.

We pant breathlessly in each others mouths, and he pats me on my upper thighs, signalling for me to jump. I do so and wrap my legs around his waist. He clumsily walks over to his desk, swiping everything off with one hand, and lowers me down onto my back against the cold, hard wood. 

He pulls back, his nose still touching mine.

"You've been playing games with me, Miss Collins..." He trails off, and I feel his fingers slowly undoing the button on my jeans.

"This is my game now."

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