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As the cool mist sprayed across her face, Melody sighed and stared out at the vast blue sea. The agency had quickly given her another job without a moments rest and that caused annoyance. But she digressed, as this gives her something to do.

Leaning back she glanced at the distant island. 'Maybe this'll actually prove to be a challenge. It'd be nice for a change.' She slowly sipped her piña colada as she drew near her destination.

Melody stood up and descended into the cabin of the boat and began rummaging through her bag and pulling out her transmission device.

"Maxwell, this is Agent Powers. I am requesting further details on the target."

"I'm busy, but I have time to give you a brief rundown of the mission. Your target is Brian Andrews, the next in line to lead his fathers drug operation. Your mission is to neutralize him using a completely obsolete and discrete way. He's the flashy type who likes 'peacocking'. Get him to flaunt, get him interested in you. You're a beautiful woman, there's no way he would ignore you."

"When will you learn that flattery will get you nowhere with me? I have done this countless times before, this is mere childs play. I request a three day resting period in between this mission and the next." Melody sighed into the receiver, boredom leaking through.

"Sure, I'll file it now. I'm sending the preparations that were made a head of time. Don't disappoint me."

"When have I ever?" She hung up, shoving the phone in her pocket.


The boat was fast aproaching the dock and Melody emerged from the cabin. Leaning overboard, she casually tossed the receiver into the merky depths. 'I will have to find a store when on land.'

Before tossing the phone, she had also updated her look to be a little bit more classy. Just enough to enhance her elegant vibes, with a touch of gloss to make her lips pop.

Melody sighed, she hated being the center of attention but knew that her looks were a strong point in this line of work. No one would expect this 'gorgeous' woman to slit their throat, which is ridiculous considering all of the movies and books with this bases.

Once the boat was docked she gathered her few possessions and proceeded to the resort listed in the prep notes. 'My name is Sabrina Kerinchi, I'm a simple girl with simple interests. I'm the daughter of the CEO of Kerinchi Enterprise.'

Melody was amused as she pondered the amount they had to bribe Sebastian Kerinchi to be able to use his business in this mission. It goes without saying, Mr. Kerinchi was a former head of the agency and is still largely respected.

Mr. Kerinchi must have been briefed of the situation and notified of his less 'in the public eye' daughter. Only to avoid any suspicions, 'Sabrina' has been mentioned periodically throughout Mr. Kerinchi's business meetings. Just enough people knew of her existence to abide by the relevance of this mission.

Melody looked back at the sun as it shone, adding golden freckles to the stunning blue waters. With a swift turn, she began heading up the walk way, easing her annoyance to better fall into the persona needed to become Sabrina.

Shy, slightly reserved yet bold and daring. An oyster with a mysterious black pearl inside, she scoffed at the thought. She closed her eyes as the mission crossed her mind, wondering what would best benefit her targets interest. She wanted nothing more than to sit at home and soak her feet while re-watching F•R•I•E•N•D•S for the millionth time.

As Melody contunued her walk she began to regret not wearing a simpler outfit that would have gone well with her Chuck Taylors instead of these wedges. Although they weren't very high nor hard to walk in, she scolded herself for complaining as she had no real reason to.

"It's funny that this is the first thing I complain about. Not the bloodshed nor the weird work hours, but my damn shoes? My, I really am spoiled."

Her words were but mumble and she chuckled to herself. Just then one of her rolling suit cases hit a pebble and nearly knocked over. Without moments hesitation she lifted it and decided it'd be better to push in front of her rather than pull behind.

"It seems that suitcase is giving you trouble ma'am, if you'd like I can put it out of its misery."

The voice from behind nearly startled her, she feigned surprise and fumbled with her hand held bag. As she reached for it, a strong hand picked up the bag and gently dusted it off. Melody's gaze trailed up the man's body to his face.

He had a light grey cashmere suit, seemingly tailor made from Kiton that complimented his fair skin tone. The colors seem to highlight those burning amber eyes that roamed over her with curiosity. Her brows furrowed as the pieces came together. 'It's Andrews.'

"T-Thank you, but please don't call me ma'am. I promise I'm not asking old as I seem." She gave him a timid smile as she held out her hand to receive the bag.

"Oh I do apologize, it's just that you seem far to beautiful and mature. Too refined, forgive me." Brian grinned with a crooked, boyish charm as he laid the bag in Melody's hand. His fingers brushed her palm and she lowered her hand. Never in her dreams did she imagine that he'd be pretty handsome in person, photos surely did him no justice.

'I can see why ladies flung themselves at his feet. It'll be interesting to see this be reversed.' Brian already seemed intrigued simply by her presence, he glanced her several times over before continuing the conversation.

"I forgot my manners, I'm Brian Andrews. I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you but honestly the pleasures' all mine."

He extended his hand once more with a slight bow. Melody looked up at him, realizing that he had two big men standing not to far behind. She released her hold her suitcases and gently took his hand. He held her as if she were made of glass, gently kissing her knuckles.

"Sabrina, Sabrina Kerinchi."

He glanced up at her once more, it seems her name had struck a cord with him. The grin he wore became more genuine as he straightened himself out, not letting her hand go.

"The Sabrina Kerinchi? This really is an honor. I'm a huge fan of your fathers ideals. It's a shame though, I wished we could've meet sooner but you were always said to be studying abroad. Mr. Kerinchi was right to hide you from the public, besides your name of course. If you don't mind me asking, what did you study?"

"I went to South Korea to study and work as a teacher. Its a lovely place filled with lovely people. I had so much fun, but father wanted me to return home. So I happily obliged, as I love him so much."

Melody smiled lovingly as she spoke of Mr. Kerinchi. It wasn't a lie to say she loved him, his work was very admired. He was the reason she wanted to do field work and strived to do her very best. It was platonic of course, she had no time for such ridiculous feelings.

"I love the way your eyes lit up as you talked about your passion, and even more so with your admiration for your father. But I have to say I am a bit jealous."

She tilted her head with genuine confusion. 'What on Earth could be be jealous about? He could literally have anything he dreamed of.'

He sighed as he spoke, "Your father speaks of you with the same fondness, as does your brother. It's nice really, to have a loving family. I also heard that your brother was supposed to be making his way here. I hadn't the slightest clue why but now I clearly see the reason."

Her heart stopped. Not only had Mr. Kerinchi shone genuine love for Sabrina but he also had his son do the same. She felt some heat rise to her cheeks. He was extremely dedicated, as expected from a pro.

"Oh hush, it's embarrassing honestly. They smother me every chance they get."

"Who wouldn't wanna smother you? You're smart and beautiful, any man should call himself lucky to know you. You should be happy your family cherishes you."

Brian chuckled as a soft smile rested on his lips. In that moment it felt as if he wanted to say something, so he did.

"Would you mind me walking with you the rest of the way?"

She laughed, "The rest of these twenty steps? Be my guest."

Without further words, he picked up her suitcases and walked ahead of her. Melody opened her mouth to protest but he shushed her and continued through the resort doors.

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