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So the new kid has no friends? Or you are getting bullied because of your hair or your clothes?

Well does it really matter what people say about you? You are you. I personally used to care about what people thought, but now I don't. I mean, its good to be unique, if someone looks at you will they think, "Oh that girl is so cool, she has such a unique style." Or will they say, "She is just like every girl in this school."

Try to be different, be friends with who you want to be friends with.

Because in 30 years, it won't matter who was friend with who, or what your shoes looked like.

Besides, when people insult you, its for one of the following reasons.....

1. They are jealous of you
2. They are bored with their own lives
3. They are being mean because it makes them feel better about themselves

So DONT listen! It doesn't matter!

My suggestion is to be friends with mostly boys because they aren't toxic and it will also make other girls want to be friends with you because your friends with all the cool boys.

I mean, my best friend who is so popular and is friends with all the popular girls said she even wished to be me, only because I am friends with all of the boys.

So basically all in all, be friends with whoever you want, and wear whatever you want because what others say shouldn't affect you.

My teacher once said, "Girl, I am so happy that you told him off because he deserved to have someone tell him the truth. Besides, one day when you are in high school and all of the older boys want to date you, they will wish they treated you better now, when they don't have anyone to date."

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