Simple Workouts

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COVID is really hard. For all of us. We have online school, have to wear masks, and can't go meet people in public. Some of the issues are more personal, and can't be solved. 

School can be really hard, with homework, and distance learning! Sometimes we don't get enough time to do what we want.

For example, I play softball. Most of the time the fields aren't open, so we can't practice. Even worse, I pitch. When you're a pitcher, you have to practice every day. Luckily, my backyard is literally designed for me to do this. But not everyone has this advantage and can play their sport in their backyard. 

Not everyone plays sports, but it's important we stay healthy. We don't need to be as fit as supermodels, but we should get at least 10 minutes of fitness time per day!

So how about we try some simple exercises to workout? Don't worry, I'll give everyone a simple schedule of what you should do everyday. Some of the types we will focus on are...

1. Cardio

2. Stomach/Abs

3. Legs

4. Yoga/Stretches

5. Lifting weights

6. Dances (Yep :D)

You can just chose 2 or 3 of these things to work on. The workouts are down below!

Also, pm us, but ask for Axale if you would like a personalized workout. Just tell us...

1. How hard (easy, hard)

2. Type (cardio, abs, legs, yoga, weights, ect)

3. Time (10 minutes, 30 minutes, ect)

4. Why? (why do you want this? are you trying to get stronger, more flexible, ect?)

Ok so let's go! Again, just pick 2 or 3 of the types to focus on, and just do the workout for it everyday! Maybe on Sunday, take a rest day. Don't try to drain your energy because of fitness! So here. We. Go!

Cardio Do this workout twice a day!

- Jump Rope jump 100 times

- Jumping Jacks 50 times

- Burpees WITHOUT THE PUSH UP 50 times

- Squats 50 times

- Push Ups 20, but do more if you can

- Mountain Climbers 50 times

Sooo that was the workout for cardio! If you would like to only do this workout, try doing it twice a day, two times! (If you're confused it means do this workout 4 times a day!)

Stomach/Abs Before we begin, let's talk. I put in the word abs, because you are going to workout your abdomen, a part of your body called abs. But society has defined abs as, well, a flat stomach and/or muscle. A LOT of people want abs, or even just a flat stomach. In reality, not everyone has it! (Only read this part if you came for a flat stomach or "abs") So listen to me. You are not fat. You are pretty just the way you are. Don't compare yourself with others! It will not help you. Ok! So now that we got that over with, let's begin. I also gotta warn you, this workout is really hard. I do it 3 times a week, but do 20 crunches everyday!

- Crunches 20 times

- Sit Ups 20 times

- Plank for 30 seconds 4 times

- Side Plank for 30 seconds on each side 4 times for each side

- Front Leg Lifts 20 times

Hope that wasn't too hard! If you would like a easier stomach/abs workout, just do 20 crunches and 20 sit ups a day. That's what I usually do :D

Legs Again, let's talk. If you looked at this section to get "skinnier legs", just no. Models are not what and who you should compare yourselves with. If you can do this workout, you can move your legs. You are lucky, as many people can't. This workout is great for runners! There's not going to be a lot for this one, but make sure to go on walks or runs as well! I usually do this workout 2-3 times a week, and go on 2 hour long walks, and 2 30 minute runs!

- Side Leg Lifts 50 for each side

- Squats 50 times

- Lunges 50 times

- Side Lunges 20 times for each side

- Donkey Kicks 20 times for each side

- 30 minute Walks 2 times a week

- 30 minute Runs 1 time a week

Yoga and Stretches Repeat this workout/session 3 times a week.

- Child Pose 2 times

- Cobra 2 times

- Lunge and Hold 5 times for each leg

- Side Lung and Hold 5 times for each leg

- Warrior Pose 2 times

- Bride Pose for 1 minutes (girls you got this!)  2 times

- Arm Pull Stretch once for both arm

- Leg Pull Stretch once for both legs

This one is great for doing before bed!

Weights Make sure you have 2 weights that are 2-4 IBLS! I do this workout every other day, it's pretty intense! If you ever feel faint or drained... STOP! Sit down and drink some ice water. Next time don't do as many reps, or maybe not as heavy weights! Look up these things on Google if you don't know what they are!

- Classic Arm lift 20 times

- Side Arm lift 40 times

- Classic UP Arm lift 20 times

So this one was pretty simple, but can totally drain out your energy!

Remember, please chose 1-3 of these workouts to follow! One day do one, the other day do the next!

Here are some easy and fun things you can do to stay active and healthy throughout the day!

- Take a walk!

- Stretching every hour

- Take the stairs :)

- Take a fun hike with family!

- Workout with fun and cheerful friends!

- Dance to a few songs everyday! (It can be just jumping to the beat! If you do that, I recommend Dance by Lvly! "So keep on dancing... baby!" Haha, it's a great song! OR learning to song actual dances! I love learning some easy kpop dances! It took me about 3 weeks to learn Forever Young and Kill this Love! I recommend learning some Blackpink dances!)

- Don't eat out as much, it'll save money!

- Drink 10 glasses of water a day!

- Get at least 8-9 hours of sleep!

- Sleep early, wake up early! (Workout either when you wake up, or before you go to bed!)

Soo that was it! Make sure to pm us and ask for Axale (me lol) for a personalized workout!

-GPC (Axale)

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