The Truth

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When a young man introduced himself to the world of writing , his mind and sight can never stop feel fascinated. As the days pass, he has been reading, observing, and learning. Preparing himself when the day shall come for him to be part of a community with brilliant minds and incredible talent. 

When the calling was reaching out to him, he passed the line with no hesitation. He presented to himself to this unique world, and when his ideas showed its physical form, everyone around him went by his side. He showed what he can do, what he can bring to the table, letting people see why he is meant to be at the spot at the very best with individuals like himself. He believed that no matter what, there won't be anything bad that can happen. 

But slowly, reality had struck him in the heart. 

A writer in a digital world.

An individual that is still taking his first step in the future that he wants to create. 

He couldn't be both. 

So for most of his valuable time, his mind was placed on reality. Trying to get through the challenges in front of him that involve a pencil a paper, keeping the bond of his loved ones going, and praying that he can have a chance to make the person that he really wants to be. 

But on the other side, those that accepted him felt like he was gone. The stories that he created have stopped. Not telling them what he is up to. And making certain promises that he had to break. 

When dealing with life, personal struggles, and being in the middle of a war involving his own well being, he began to learn why he blocked himself from them. He thought that the promises he broke hurt them. He believed that he was letting them down. He thought he was mentally believing of the backlash he would receive if what he is doing here keeps going. 

So in the ultimate decision, he disconnected himself. 




Giving himself some doubt. Learning that he was been going too fast from the start. Not even seeing that being a writer...takes one step at a time. 

From pressuring himself to make it from the beginning to the end, he almost went down the edge. 

He keeps saying to himself: "Do I keep going?" "Or must I put all of this to a complete halt?" 

But when looking through his own story. Remembering what he had accomplished. Remembering the moments that told him to keep going. Remembering all the things that happened before and reminding himself that he is still breathing. He is still here. Learning that this opportunity that he gave to himself wasn't meant to be denied too soon. 

So he said: "No. This isn't the end. Not on my watch. Even though I felt like I let them down, it wasn't true. Cause I know I can push myself even further. I just had to be better." 




And as of now, he was been retracing himself. Not wanting to make the same mistake. Seeing where his mind shall be focused on his return to the community. Planning on what he can really give to the many people that just want to enjoy a good story. What he can do to speak his mind so that they can think about him on a respective note. Knowing that the bits of pressure that reality will set upon him will not bring him down. And that shall happen when he gives his focus on the one story he has planned. 

On the month of the growing season.

On the day that symbolizes himself being a role model for others




HE shall rise once again

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