1: Home town

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"ʰᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒʷⁿ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵉⁱᵗʰᵉʳ ᵇᵉ ᵃ ˢᵉⁿˢᵉ ᵒᶠ ʰᵃᵖᵖⁱⁿᵉˢˢ ᵒʳ ᵐⁱˢᵉʳʸ
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☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ○ ☰ ☱ ☲ ☳

Come on Y/N.

You can do this.


Leave it.

Give up on all the fiascos without troubling them to weaken in the air and get dissolved with the particles while giving yourself a free chance to live the life you've ever wanted and the way you want it.

This could be your only chance.

Only one.

You poised yourself for the step you're going to take.

To build a new you.

A thought of stepping in an unascertained world yet a very very investigated route never crossed your mind.

You've been doing it and you can't be hopeless now.

"Enough! I can't do this." Uttering out with almost all the courage you could assemble, your placid self exclaimed your inner thoughts in the demanding closed operation theatre with the ample of newbies like you in the cell.

The words came out only as a mumble from your mouth as you didn't want the limelight upon you while doing this practical where you're supposed to rip off the body skin cells of that dead human lying in front of you.

You came back your home town Seoul, South Korea, approximately 4 months ago from the America after culminating your high school.

Your mom and dad always wanted you to do this medical course in front of their eyes so they insisted you to travel back here only to get a strenuously compelled addmission in Seoul's best medical sciences University.

Have you ever thought that you would come back this soon?


Never instead.

"What are you waiting for Y/N? Go on with the process. You can't just stand with the equipments in your hands and watch the victim's body when you'll be doing a real surgery."

Who says you're even intrested in doing a surgery?

Your mom who's herself a surgeon commanded you but you tend to ignore her for sometime. Unless you're all unruffled, until then at least.

You didn't want the exanimate body to get out like fleeces of goats.

Doesn't matter if that person was found dead without any family member crying beside him, it doesn't give you the right that you can cut his body into pieces like nuts just for your stupid medical report which won't help anyone, anyways.

Whether the cops are on with their duty, it's good enough as an excuse for you to vamoose your circumscribed body out of the room.

Or say you're extremely sensitive to work as a surgeon or espouse your brain to elect being a medical woman as your profession.

"Y/N." When your mom clasped her fist and banged slightly on the supplementary material near her, voice dispatching the veiled irritation making your thoughts go weak to stay in your mind any longer whilst catching your attention, you gazed up.

"Mom, I'm going to the University. Sorry, maybe I'll do this another time." You expeditiously packed your books and laptop inside your bag and successfully escaped the O.T. room, with your mom's rants from the room you just absconded not concerning you a bit.

Hopefully you'll be safe tonight.

Because of the liberation from your all lectures today, you decided to break into the hospital just to meet your brother, Hanuel here, but had to flounder for scramming when your mom asked you to try this practical thing once again in your life.

As always. You again only thought of running away.

You recurred into your brother's cabin, entering all huffing and a mess from your brisk running throughout the infirmary.

Your brother understood and chuckled lightly when he got a glimpse of your state from behind the large piece of square shaped screen he was working on.

Standing with your palms on your knees and fighting with your lungs to let oxygen enter and heart to pump it properly through your arteries and veins.

"Flew-flees again?" He laughed with a breath, stuffing the stilly room with a manly voice other than the sound of clicking of the keys, bestowing the reverberation of his vocals till the corners of the white cabin with slight touch of caramel pink and brown designs at some particular spots.

Eventually when the room grew silent as a hushed beach, you perceived that he was done with his work.

Hanuel got up while fetching a glass of water for you and shifted himself beside you on the couch.

"She found it from somewhere that I'm here and then dragged me emphatically to make me slit through an innocent dead body again." You complained while gulping down the glass full of water and though it placated you.

Don't know since when dead bodies became innocent to you?!

Letting it all out in one go was like, how could you be complacent so soon?

Your complaints about mom's bearings are like a never-ending fights of a couple.

But for Hanuel, it was more than anything he would like to listen in the last place but truthfully, he always had enjoyed and enjoys your childishness and bluster ever since you were kids.

Whenever you're pensive or saddened, causing you to not concentrate anywhere but having your brother by your side pledges you the assurance of safety and love and that moment spontaneously turns you into an unfazed kid.

All of your worries unguardedly lam away from your life as if they were never there. No one can ever afford you a piece of tranquility like you discern having Hanuel with you.

"Feeling good now?" You see your brother who has pinned up a small smile after you were done pouting out of verily irate.

"YES!" You exerted your brain to perk up in the moment and supposing it to not advertise your torpor whilst giving your brother a tight hug.

You really never imagined to be back here this soon. It's just been 12 years.

You broke the hug, finally decisively revealing your debilitated face to your brother and words left your mouth regarding whatever was going on in your brain, "Okay Hanuel, I'll be going back to the University soon now otherwise Krystal would kill me for getting so late. I even have a seminar today so I'll rush off now. By-"

"Nope." Obstruction by him reckoned you to willingly come to a halt to listen what he wanted to say unanticipatedly like this.

Your upper body turns back and the neck instinctively locomoted down to the couch, capturing Hanuel's figure dressed up in his white doctor's coat giving a professional look to his lean body, into your eyes.

"Let me drop you off." He gave you an eccentric cheshire grin as a gift before taking out his car keys and smugly detected your way out like a sleuth, making you chuckle.

When he was sure that there wasn't any sign of your parents' in any corridor near your way and neither till the leading doorway, giving you the throughway out of the hospital that your parents' own. He grasped your wrist and you both ran speedily, heading to his car in the parking lot.

You never ran this fast in your entire life.

You were now sure of why Hanuel was always the sports champion in your school days. The way he dragged you and forced your legs to run, confirms you now that the number of trophies resting in his rack more than books at home and here in his cabin are not just like that. He deserves them. And it's worth it of all.

"Ah, thank god we're safe." You heaved a sigh when your legs felt like they were stemmed from being manhandled.

Intemperate from running another second time in the day presumed your nerves and muscles entirely go in the state to detonate.

You settled yourself inside the car and drove off before anyone could actually find out that none of you were inside and working.

Your entire ride with Hanuel was as exuberant as ever.

You both cackled on his silly jokes like a drain and hummed along with the music for a while until your humming chased the way of shouting and nearly slaying the whole song with your abrupt, dangerously ear tearing apart singing.

"You're here. Now let's stop this and you go, give your seminar expectantly and come back super fast. I'll be in the café opposite to the University."

He ended with a smile but had you confused with his words which made you question him back instantly.

"What do you mean you'll be in the café opposite? You're not staying here, are you?"

"Yes, I am. I'll tell mom that I've some work this side so I came here." And he shrugged as if it won't cost him a penny if mom got to know that he was out during working hours.

Specially when there's a whole lotta work to do with his own patients and also about the opening of the span-new health centre of your parents' of whose whole work is delivered on your brother's shoulders without any mercy.

Hanuel returned to Korea about an year ago you came here and is now a doctor, just like your parents' are.

You're chuffed that he's successful but it still kills you from inside that he had something else to do in his life when he was young, but couldn't ever do it because of the pressure mom and dad forced him into.

Sometimes you feel like your future would be the same, a forced profession but you are always pre-assured because of the promise, and so the feeling itself gets shrugged off of your shoulders everytime.

"But I'll take time. It isn't something that's going to end in seconds Hanuel. It's a hours taking event." You tried confronting and urging him to go back to the infirmary, internally hoping he would listen to you but he denied doing that instead did something beyond your expectations.

He kissed your forehead and pushed you aside away from the car so that you won't get hurt and left you there in maze.

"This boy." You smiled.

Your brain was persistent in giving you signals to now allow your body to transpose in, for what you've come here but you weren't in a mindful state to actually start working.

When someone stood abreast of you with the same height as yours, you couldn't deny the fact that you didn't get the feel of someone amicable to you.

Your head slightly rotated towards your right instinctively with a smile still striking on your face, but it has to deluge deep down somewhere when your eyes clicked the picture of that familiar person of yours.

"All together 15 minutes and 25.5 seconds along with your staring it now becomes 16 minutes and 27 seconds. You're late."

An innominate palpitating smile came across your lips just in case it could help you from being scolded in public. "Krystal- I- uhh, I mean, I just was caught by mom. Sorry."

You only let out your sorry when you have already gone far away from a furious Krystal.

Jeong Krystal. Your best friend.

■ ♡ ■


How's the chapter guys??

And I didn't really ever imagine to get such kind of feedback from you all just in the introductory chapter! I was so up on cloud 9 Yayyy!! ❤️❤️

I know and I'm apologizing in advance for Taehyung not being in the first chapter as I thought I would make your [Y/N's] life as an introduction but it was way more lengthier than expected so I had to turn it into a chapter. Hope you can forgive me as we're gonna meet our dream king in the next one, Huraayyy!!! 🥳

I was like overly excited for this fanfic to be published. I've been working on it since January this year.

I've fervently worked on this book and with all the love I could put in it so I'm superbly nervous as well.

But I'm making sure to keep it in track and not to get out of the world with the plot line hehehe.

Okayy, I'll take my leave then, won't take your more precious time!!!

Thank you so much for reading

Stay cheerful and healthy!

Next chapter update : March 22, 2021

Love, Aera 💜

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