7: Chubby cheek coco

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"Does it feel like ice miss?"

"No," you shriek in your dreams that you thought was in your dream but it comes out loud in reality that brings you to consciousness with an abounding head and attention of 3 makes simultaneously who ran to you.

"Y/N-iee are you okay?" A shrilling worried voice queries while caressing your hair lightly as you struggled to sit back up.

"Oh god this bed is too hard..." Were your first words after you woke up only to earn two sighs and 1 chuckle which perhaps came from the shrilling voice speaker himself.

Gradually your vision became clearer as your tears faded after adjusting to the brightness of the room and you keep a hand on your heart with an 'omo' of surprise.

Who would accept this as a reality that there are 3 breath-taking handsome men around you as soon as you woke up.

"Aye, you're shocked as if you don't remember us-" when the shrilling voice speaker spoke he was shut down with a hand covering his mouth in an instant.

"Of course I know you guys which is more of a reason for me to be shocked as to what am I doing here instead of being at home? Did you guys kidnap me?" You question with a furrowed brow which lead you to gain a little smack on your head from the person on your right who was your coffee guy to be exact.

"We kidnapped you or you did?" He says with a dramatically shocked but cute face that makes his cheeks chubbier than they already are.

"Kim Taehyung, do I look like in a position to kidnap someone? And specially three bulky men?" You stated with a proud face yet gained a counter attack.

"Ms. Ahn Y/N, then why do you think we'd kidnap a mere medical student huh? And specially a nutcase like you?" Taehyung retrieved back his pride with his backfire at you that initiated a heated argument amongst you both.

"Did you just- you are a damn nutcase you chubby cheek Coco," you shouted back.

"Chubby cheek Coco? Coco? Is that where your vocabulary ends? Coco?" He cackled at your loss of humor but the shrilling voice man who was Jimin barges in your conversation to stop you both.

Jimin is an artist, a designer who can literally fabricate whatever type of dresses you cannot even assume may exist.

Jungkook and Taehyung whereas are exceptionally exceptional in the marketing field at such a decent young age. They're barely 25 and 26 with such high occupational balance in their careers along with their looks that added up in their quick success.

However, there are 4 more peeps around. Hoseok and Yoongi, the tattoo artists. Jin, doctor and Namjoon who they treat as their leader is an author famous worldwide.

All of these do belong to different fields but have together since their teenage as they all met each other in different circumstances as told by then in interviews. That is all the news you have about their lives but you didn't know they were too close to live together?

"Y/N is gonna stay with us... Oh, hey Y/N, I'm Hoseok,"

Proves they live together cause he here enters Hoseok in his pajamas, covered with apron and a spoon in his hand with a cherry smile when he informed about you living here-

"Wait what- I'm staying...where?" To confirm that you didn't miscalculate what he just said, he repeats himself entering the room slowly.

"Oh yes, Hanuel called me tell you this but since you were in coma and I had no idea you had woken up-"

"I was in what?" You roared again before Hoseok completed his sentence that caught Jungkook protecting his ears by covering them with his hands and Taehyung rubbed his ear by inserting his pinky finger inside.

"Sorry but- Hanuel? Oppa told you? You guys are friends? Why the heck he never told me my crush was his frie-"

"Who's your crush?" The whirl that Taehyung took with those surprised expressions towards you as soon as he heard crush was laughable at a point if the situation wasn't serious.

"Definitely not you," you scowled at him and gyrate to Hoseok who stood right in front of you. "Can I please talk to my brother? This place and you guys are really a bother to stay with, for more than a day,"

You say directing it towards Taehyung scowling again with a monkey face when Hoseok denies.

"Nu-uh, Haneul strictly told that none of us should contact him. He's the one to contact us by himself and he's just gone back from here and hour ago before you woke up perhaps so don't worry, he knows you're here safe and sound," Hoseok comforts you.

But still, why would your brother not tell you that he's friends with such hot men? Why?

"How many days exactly?" You query.

"Honestly, no idea but he said that it's your family matter so you should stay grounded."

Makes sense and you understand when Hanuel says it's family matter so he's trying to protect you from something but why? Why must he handle everything on his own? And what is this place even? Such a royal house it seems but where you exactly are? How did you get here? Where does this place reside you've no idea.

"Oh right, where am I though? And how did I get here? All I remember is that man last night-"

"Not last night. You've been in coma for 4 days." Jimin corrects you with a nod.

"Oh alright, so 4 days ago-"

"Wow, aren't you so casual about being in coma? Do you like... go their once in a week or so?" Taehyung intervenes again fuming you up but you choose to ignore him this time.

"That man hit me on the head and I just fell and he knelt down when he said 'does it feel like ice miss' and since my vision was blurry but I could still see he looked somewhat familiar, too familiar and then I passed out."

You explained your side to know what happened next which was narrated by Jimin afterwards.

"Right so, Taehyung got a call saying that the man got his business card from his coat that you had so he called Taehyung from there to inform that you're in that lonely park lying unconscious that made Taehyung and Jungkook run to you and so did they summon us too here. And Jin hyung treated you. I hope that answers it all?" He concluded looking for confirmation when Hoseok rejected.

"One more thing. This place is our secret home in the outer city at a deserted place so there's no noise or disturbance from anything at all. You can wander around the house as soon as you feel okay. Jungkook would help you. Tae and Jimin, come with me in the kitchen and let them talk for a while,"

And the place vacated in seconds till you could have deciphered that Jungkook and you are left alone in a room, overly awkward.


"Make yourself comfortable, if you need anything I'm in the next room just call for me," he says and tries to skip the room but you called with an uncalled sentence that stuns him stuck at his place in front of you with his back facing you.

"Jungkook-ssi, the way Jimin said that you both ran out to find me, why were you concerned for a girl you merely saw for a few minutes?"

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Hey everyone. Hope you all are liking the story so far!

I'm here for a special mention today though which is for VeloAnna my sweetest supporter of all time who so lovingly has presented me this beautiful fanart for Be With Me which is so courteous of her to do so. Thank you so much missy! My appreciation for this beautiful beautiful gift is till infinity! 💜

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